XueTr anti-rootkit is a free and handy toolkit for Windows with various powerful features for kernel structure viewing and manipulation.It offers you the ability with the highest privileges to detect, analyze and restore various kernel modifications and gives you a wide scope of the kernel.With its assistance, you can easily spot and neutralize malwares hidden from normal detectors.
XueTr currently supports the following Windows 32-bit versions:
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows XP (no SP,SP1, SP2, SP3)
Windows Server 2003 (no SP,SP1,SP2,R2)
Windows Vista (no SP,SP1,SP2)
Windows Server 2008 (no SP,SP1)
Windows 7 (no SP,SP1)
Currently,the following features are available:
*Process Manager
View system process and thread basic information.
Detect hidden processes,threads,process modules.
Terminate, suspend and resume processes and threads.
View and manipulate process handles,windows and memory regions.
*Kernel Module Viewer
Display kernel module information including ImageBase,Size,Driver Object,ImagePath,ServiceName and Load Order.
Detect hidden kernel modules.
Unload kernel module(dangerous,never try it on Windows 7).
Dump kernel image memory.
Display and delete system driver service information.
*Hook Detector
View and restore SSDT,Shadow SSDT,sysenter and int2e hooks.
View and restore FSD and keyboard disptach hooks.
View and restore kernel code hooks including kernel inline hooks,patches,IAT and EAT hooks.
View and restore usermode process hooks incluing inline hooks,patches,IAT and EAT hooks.
View and restore message hooks(both global and local).
View and restore kernel ObjectType hooks.
Display Interrupt Descriptor Table(IDT).
*System Callback Viewer
Display and remove Kernel Notifications(Process/Thread/Image/Registry/Lego/Shutdown/Bugcheck/FileSystem/Logon).
*Network Viewer
Display current network connections, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections.
View and delete IE plugins and context menu.
View and restore tcpip dispatch hooks.
Display winsock providers(SPI).
View and edit hosts file.
*Filter Viewer
View and remove filters for common devices including disk,volume,keyboard and network devices.
*Registry Viewer
View and edit system registry.
Detect hidden registry entries using live registry hive analysis.
*File Explorer
Detect hidden files using both disk analysis and driver methods.
View and delete locked files and folders.
View file basic information including NTFS Alternate Data Streams.
*Autorun Manager
Display and delete common autorun entries.
*Service Manager
Display Win32 service information (for Ring0 modules,it is included in Kernel Module Viewer).
Change service status and configuration.
*DPC Timer
Enumerate and delete DPC Timer objects.
View and repair common filetype assosications.
View and repair image hijacks.
Option to defense from process creation,thread creation,module load and message hook installation.
Option to defense from file creation,registry key creation.
Option to prevent system suspend,log-off,shutdown and reboot.
Option to prevent locking workstation and switching destop.
option to prevent setting system time.
Warning:Use it at your own risk.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
2011-12-03 V0.45:
*Fixed several bugs.
2011-11-09 V0.44:
*Added computer examination feature
*Fixed several bugs.
2011-09-12 V0.43:
*Fixed several bugs.
2011-08-30 V0.42:
*Fixed several bugs.
2011-06-25 V0.41:
*Added WinIO enumeration feature
*Fixed several bugs.
2011-06-06 V0.40:
*Improved NTFS ADS scan
*Fixed several bugs.
2011-03-02 V0.39:
*Improved kernel hook scan
*Improved object hook scan
*Fixed several bugs.
2010-11-30 Special version for www.52pojie.cn:
*Added worker thread enumeration feature
*Fixed several bugs.
2010-10-01 V0.37:
*Added mouse driver irp hook scan
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评论 1
收藏 57.45MB ZIP 举报
恶意代码分析用基本工具 (1939个子文件)
masm_plugin.asm 2KB
PEiD_Plugin.bas 2KB
compile.bat 152B
vcl70.bpl 1.32MB
rtl70.bpl 760KB
null.c 668B
null.c 668B
ITReport.cff 4KB
DotNETTablesReport.cff 3KB
4GBPatch.cff 2KB
XueTr使用手册.chm 2.83MB
ADInsight.chm 392KB
procexp.chm 70KB
Dbgview.chm 67KB
Pstools.chm 65KB
procmon.chm 62KB
Vmmap.chm 51KB
autoruns.chm 49KB
AdExplorer.chm 49KB
tcpview.chm 40KB
Disk2vhd.chm 40KB
XueTr.config 2KB
WDosDel.dat 619KB
unins000.dat 5KB
ResourceHacker.def 15KB
masm_plugin.def 46B
gdiplus.dll 1.56MB
mfc70.dll 952KB
Autoruns64a.dll 760KB
Autoruns64.dll 734KB
XNResourceEditor_Plugin.DLL 503KB
msvcr70.dll 300KB
About.dll 128KB
kanal.dll 122KB
kanal.dll 122KB
UPX Utility.dll 78KB
lbsu.dll 64KB
ImpREC.dll 50KB
ImpREC.dll 50KB
LaRtl.dll 40KB
EPScan.dll 31KB
Morphine.dll 30KB
SecTool.dll 21KB
PE2HTML.dll 21KB
pluzina4.dll 21KB
pluzina3.dll 20KB
StringViewer.dll 19KB
pluzina2.dll 16KB
pluzina1.dll 16KB
FileInfo.dll 13KB
FixCRC.dll 13KB
unfsg_v133.dll 11KB
GUID.dll 11KB
ExtOverlay.dll 11KB
advanced_scan.dll 7KB
UnUPXShit.dll 7KB
GenOEP.dll 6KB
undef.dll 5KB
RebuildPE.dll 5KB
ZDRx.dll 5KB
ZDRx.dll 5KB
GenOEP.dll 5KB
NULL.dll 2KB
Sample.dpr 567B
disk2vhd.exe 6.8MB
apimonitor-x64.exe 5.59MB
apimonitor-x86.exe 4.73MB
Bginfo64.exe 4.39MB
ResourceHacker.exe 4.1MB
Sysmon.exe 4.08MB
procexp.exe 3.36MB
Bginfo.exe 3.2MB
Procmon.exe 2.87MB
CFF Explorer.exe 2.67MB
procexp.exe 2.67MB
CFF Explorer_8.0_hh.exe 2.66MB
ADInsight.exe 2.31MB
Sysmon64.exe 2.2MB
RgS64.exe 2.19MB
Procmon.exe 2.08MB
XueTr.exe 2.08MB
procexp64.exe 1.42MB
vmmap.exe 1.25MB
Procmon64.exe 1.12MB
sigcheck64.exe 1.09MB
handle.exe 1.02MB
ZoomIt.exe 1.01MB
livekd.exe 1016KB
Coreinfo.exe 967KB
Dbgview.exe 894KB
Autoruns64.exe 849KB
sigcheck.exe 811KB
RegSnap.exe 808KB
共 1939 条
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