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A querystring parsing and stringifying library with some added security.
Lead Maintainer: [Jordan Harband](https://github.com/ljharb)
The **qs** module was originally created and maintained by [TJ Holowaychuk](https://github.com/visionmedia/node-querystring).
## Usage
var qs = require('qs');
var assert = require('assert');
var obj = qs.parse('a=c');
assert.deepEqual(obj, { a: 'c' });
var str = qs.stringify(obj);
assert.equal(str, 'a=c');
### Parsing Objects
qs.parse(string, [options]);
**qs** allows you to create nested objects within your query strings, by surrounding the name of sub-keys with square brackets `[]`.
For example, the string `'foo[bar]=baz'` converts to:
assert.deepEqual(qs.parse('foo[bar]=baz'), {
foo: {
bar: 'baz'
When using the `plainObjects` option the parsed value is returned as a null object, created via `Object.create(null)` and as such you should be aware that prototype methods will not exist on it and a user may set those names to whatever value they like:
var nullObject = qs.parse('a[hasOwnProperty]=b', { plainObjects: true });
assert.deepEqual(nullObject, { a: { hasOwnProperty: 'b' } });
By default parameters that would overwrite properties on the object prototype are ignored, if you wish to keep the data from those fields either use `plainObjects` as mentioned above, or set `allowPrototypes` to `true` which will allow user input to overwrite those properties. *WARNING* It is generally a bad idea to enable this option as it can cause problems when attempting to use the properties that have been overwritten. Always be careful with this option.
var protoObject = qs.parse('a[hasOwnProperty]=b', { allowPrototypes: true });
assert.deepEqual(protoObject, { a: { hasOwnProperty: 'b' } });
URI encoded strings work too:
assert.deepEqual(qs.parse('a%5Bb%5D=c'), {
a: { b: 'c' }
You can also nest your objects, like `'foo[bar][baz]=foobarbaz'`:
assert.deepEqual(qs.parse('foo[bar][baz]=foobarbaz'), {
foo: {
bar: {
baz: 'foobarbaz'
By default, when nesting objects **qs** will only parse up to 5 children deep. This means if you attempt to parse a string like
`'a[b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i]=j'` your resulting object will be:
var expected = {
a: {
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: {
f: {
'[g][h][i]': 'j'
var string = 'a[b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i]=j';
assert.deepEqual(qs.parse(string), expected);
This depth can be overridden by passing a `depth` option to `qs.parse(string, [options])`:
var deep = qs.parse('a[b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i]=j', { depth: 1 });
assert.deepEqual(deep, { a: { b: { '[c][d][e][f][g][h][i]': 'j' } } });
The depth limit helps mitigate abuse when **qs** is used to parse user input, and it is recommended to keep it a reasonably small number.
For similar reasons, by default **qs** will only parse up to 1000 parameters. This can be overridden by passing a `parameterLimit` option:
var limited = qs.parse('a=b&c=d', { parameterLimit: 1 });
assert.deepEqual(limited, { a: 'b' });
To bypass the leading question mark, use `ignoreQueryPrefix`:
var prefixed = qs.parse('?a=b&c=d', { ignoreQueryPrefix: true });
assert.deepEqual(prefixed, { a: 'b', c: 'd' });
An optional delimiter can also be passed:
var delimited = qs.parse('a=b;c=d', { delimiter: ';' });
assert.deepEqual(delimited, { a: 'b', c: 'd' });
Delimiters can be a regular expression too:
var regexed = qs.parse('a=b;c=d,e=f', { delimiter: /[;,]/ });
assert.deepEqual(regexed, { a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' });
Option `allowDots` can be used to enable dot notation:
var withDots = qs.parse('a.b=c', { allowDots: true });
assert.deepEqual(withDots, { a: { b: 'c' } });
If you have to deal with legacy browsers or services, there's
also support for decoding percent-encoded octets as iso-8859-1:
var oldCharset = qs.parse('a=%A7', { charset: 'iso-8859-1' });
assert.deepEqual(oldCharset, { a: '§' });
Some services add an initial `utf8=✓` value to forms so that old
Internet Explorer versions are more likely to submit the form as
utf-8. Additionally, the server can check the value against wrong
encodings of the checkmark character and detect that a query string
or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` body was *not* sent as
utf-8, eg. if the form had an `accept-charset` parameter or the
containing page had a different character set.
**qs** supports this mechanism via the `charsetSentinel` option.
If specified, the `utf8` parameter will be omitted from the
returned object. It will be used to switch to `iso-8859-1`/`utf-8`
mode depending on how the checkmark is encoded.
**Important**: When you specify both the `charset` option and the
`charsetSentinel` option, the `charset` will be overridden when
the request contains a `utf8` parameter from which the actual
charset can be deduced. In that sense the `charset` will behave
as the default charset rather than the authoritative charset.
var detectedAsUtf8 = qs.parse('utf8=%E2%9C%93&a=%C3%B8', {
charset: 'iso-8859-1',
charsetSentinel: true
assert.deepEqual(detectedAsUtf8, { a: 'ø' });
// Browsers encode the checkmark as ✓ when submitting as iso-8859-1:
var detectedAsIso8859_1 = qs.parse('utf8=%26%2310003%3B&a=%F8', {
charset: 'utf-8',
charsetSentinel: true
assert.deepEqual(detectedAsIso8859_1, { a: 'ø' });
If you want to decode the `&#...;` syntax to the actual character,
you can specify the `interpretNumericEntities` option as well:
var detectedAsIso8859_1 = qs.parse('a=%26%239786%3B', {
charset: 'iso-8859-1',
interpretNumericEntities: true
assert.deepEqual(detectedAsIso8859_1, { a: '☺' });
It also works when the charset has been detected in `charsetSentinel`
### Parsing Arrays
**qs** can also parse arrays using a similar `[]` notation:
var withArray = qs.parse('a[]=b&a[]=c');
assert.deepEqual(withArray, { a: ['b', 'c'] });
You may specify an index as well:
var withIndexes = qs.parse('a[1]=c&a[0]=b');
assert.deepEqual(withIndexes, { a: ['b', 'c'] });
Note that the only difference between an index in an array and a key in an object is that the value between the brackets must be a number
to create an array. When creating arrays with specific indices, **qs** will compact a sparse array to only the existing values preserving
their order:
var noSparse = qs.parse('a[1]=b&a[15]=c');
assert.deepEqual(noSparse, { a: ['b', 'c'] });
You may also use `allowSparse` option to parse sparse arrays:
var sparseArray = qs.parse('a[1]=2&a[3]=5', { allowSparse: true });
assert.deepEqual(sparseArray, { a: [, '2', , '5'] });
Note that an empty string is also a value, and will be preserved:
var withEmptyString = qs.parse('a[]=&a[]=b');
assert.deepEqual(withEmptyString, { a: ['', 'b'] });
var withIndexedEmptyString = qs.parse('a[0]=b&a[1]=&a[2]=c');
assert.deepEqual(withIndexedEmptyString, { a: ['b', '', 'c'] });
**qs** will also limit specifying indices in an array to a maximum index of `20`. Any array members with an index of greater than `20` will
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【资源说明】 基于Springboot + Vue 开发的前后端分离博客(PC端自适应+移动端微信小程序+移动端App).zip 【备注】 1、该项目是个人高分项目源码,已获导师指导认可通过,答辩评审分达到95分 2、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 3、本项目适合计算机相关专业(人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息、物联网等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载使用,也可作为毕业设计、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等,当然也适合小白学习进阶。 4、如果基础还行,可以在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可直接用于毕设、课设、作业等。 欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!
基于Springboot + Vue 开发的前后端分离博客(PC端自适应+移动端微信小程序+移动端App).zip (1382个子文件)
markdown.css 16KB
player.css 11KB
index.css 9KB
client.css 4KB
iconfont.css 2KB
iconfont.css 2KB
index.css 1KB
playermobile.css 0B
.env.development 233B
.env.development 233B
.editorconfig 540B
.editorconfig 78B
iconfont.eot 12KB
iconfont.eot 10KB
iconfont.eot 9KB
.eslintrc 1022B
local.html 2KB
index.html 1KB
index.html 672B
index.html 550B
favicon.ico 18KB
favicon.ico 18KB
solarBlog-server.iml 17KB
ArticleServiceImpl.java 15KB
RedisService.java 10KB
UserAuthServiceImpl.java 10KB
CommentServiceImpl.java 9KB
RedisServiceImpl.java 9KB
BlogInfoServiceImpl.java 9KB
MenuServiceImpl.java 8KB
ResourceServiceImpl.java 8KB
WebSocketServiceImpl.java 8KB
AbstractSocialLoginStrategyImpl.java 6KB
ArticleController.java 6KB
UserInfoServiceImpl.java 6KB
PhotoServiceImpl.java 6KB
BlogInfoController.java 6KB
SensitiveUtils.java 6KB
RoleServiceImpl.java 5KB
WebSecurityConfig.java 5KB
WeiboLoginStrategyImpl.java 5KB
SiteNavServiceImpl.java 5KB
QQLoginStrategyImpl.java 5KB
PhotoAlbumServiceImpl.java 5KB
WebsiteConfigVO.java 4KB
EsSearchStrategyImpl.java 4KB
PhotoAlbumController.java 4KB
UserAuthController.java 4KB
UserDetailsServiceImpl.java 4KB
PhotoController.java 4KB
MessageServiceImpl.java 4KB
OptLogAspect.java 4KB
CategoryServiceImpl.java 4KB
CommentController.java 4KB
UserInfoController.java 4KB
TagServiceImpl.java 3KB
SiteNavController.java 3KB
IpUtils.java 3KB
CategoryController.java 3KB
MySqlSearchStrategyImpl.java 3KB
FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSourceImpl.java 3KB
FileUtils.java 3KB
MessageController.java 3KB
TagController.java 3KB
UserDetailDTO.java 3KB
FriendLinkController.java 2KB
AuthenticationFailHandlerImpl.java 2KB
MenuController.java 2KB
Result.java 2KB
LogController.java 2KB
ResourceController.java 2KB
ConditionVO.java 2KB
AuthenticationSuccessHandlerImpl.java 2KB
FriendLinkServiceImpl.java 2KB
UniqueViewServiceImpl.java 2KB
RoleController.java 2KB
OssUploadStrategyImpl.java 2KB
LocalUploadStrategyImpl.java 2KB
ArticleService.java 2KB
CommentMapper.java 2KB
wxLoginStrategyImpl.java 2KB
AbstractUploadStrategyImpl.java 2KB
ArticleVO.java 2KB
ArticleMapper.java 2KB
PageServiceImpl.java 2KB
VoiceVO.java 2KB
RedisConfig.java 2KB
PageController.java 2KB
EmailConsumer.java 2KB
MenuVO.java 2KB
UserAuthService.java 2KB
LoginLogServiceImpl.java 2KB
OperationLogServiceImpl.java 2KB
SiteNavVO.java 2KB
SwaggerConfig.java 2KB
LoginLog.java 2KB
ArticleDTO.java 2KB
MaxWellConsumer.java 2KB
RedisPrefixConst.java 2KB
LoginLogDTO.java 2KB
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