Volume 10 • Issue 4 • October-December 2019
medical image obtainment have nonlinear contrast and brightness changes. Therefore, there are
very dark and very bright areas in one image, which demands for special correction techniques.
In (Xia, Chen, & Peters, 2018) it was attempted to solve this problem by splitting the image
into the base and detailed layer, as well as using different methods of processing for fragments
with good illumination, low illumination and extremely low illumination. This algorithm is
parallelizable; however, it is computationally costly, which makes it difficult to utilize in real-
time systems in conjunction with other algorithms. The other problem of modern contrast
enhancement techniques is noise stressing, especially in the part of image with low amount of
detail. Therefore, it is required to design nonlinear local brightness and contrast enhancement
algorithms, as well as algorithms for medicine image adaptation.
It is required to place particular emphasis on color correction of endoscopic images, and especially
on custom color correction. The monitor and video processor can be adjusted to match the user’s
own color preferences. The important point for endoscopic color imaging is to provide the user with
the specific image that he or she desires to see. The problem of color correction is well-studied
(Chen, et al., 2012), however the approach of conducting custom color correction with regard to the
modern trend of observer-dependent color imaging workflow is rarely taken (Sarkar, 2011). In order
to complete the abovementioned task, a special algorithm based on recalculating color space of the
sensor according to customer preferences given in the form of customer color space by using a linear
transformation matrix was implemented.
The main problem of endoscopic information is the narrow field of view (Nassimizadeh, et
al., 2015). In order to overcome the problem, it was proposed to utilize the panoramic mosaics
representation of organs with wide cavity. The main advantage of the proposed algorithm in comparison
with the existing approaches (detailed review of methods and algorithms for endoscopic images
stitching is given in (Reeff, 2011; Bergen, Wittenberg, 2014)) is connected with taking into account
the main feature of endoscopic image, which is the low quantity of detail. The reliability degree for
key points matched pairs is introduced which enables one to eliminate threshold for matched pairs
filtering and using the maximum quantity of key points pairs.
Modern algorithms of noise reduction can be divided into two groups. The algorithms of the
first group work directly with the image signal. These algorithms include smoothing filters,
morphological filters, median and rank filters, adaptive median filter, k - nearest neighbors filter
(KNN), and non-local mean filter (NLM). The algorithms of the second group are based on the
decomposition of the image signal into a basis, followed by the processing of the decomposition
transformants, e.g. a 3D block matching algorithm.
For the purposes of this research, the most effective algorithms of the first group, namely KNN,
NLM and a rather simple median filter were utilized.
NLM is the modern algorithm for image denoising. Unlike “local mean” filters, which take the
mean value of a group of pixels surrounding a target pixel to smooth the image, non-local means
filtering takes a mean of all pixels in the image, weighted by how similar these pixels are to the target
pixel. This results in much greater post-filtering clarity, and less loss of detail in the image compared
with local mean algorithms (Buades, Coll, & Morel, 2005).
The NLM (Buades, Coll, & Morel, 2005) has the following background. The main idea is to
define the filtered pixel value by averaging the pixels with the similar neighborhoods. The basic idea
of KNN (Wenchao, & Qi, 2012) is similar to NLM, but instead of all the pixels of the image, only
k-nearest neighbors is taken into consideration for each pixel.