# Cinemachine
## What is Cinemachine?
Cinemachine is a suite of ‘smart’ procedural modules which allow you to define the shot and
they’ll dynamically follow your direction. Set up shots which track and compose motion in
realtime, like AI camera operators. The procedural nature makes them bug-resistant as they
always work to make the shot based on your direction. They’re great for gameplay, but they’re
also amazingly fast for cutscenes. Change an animation, a vehicle speed, ground terrain -
whatever - and Cinemachine will dynamically make the shot. You can use really telephoto
lenses and not have to update the cutscene if things change.
## Setup
Cinemachine works out of the box with no dependencies other than Unity itself.
Just install it and you're ready to go. It's pure c-sharp, fully open-source,
and the public API has complete XML documentation built right in.
## History
Cinemachine has been in development over a number of years across multiple projects. We’ve
been designing camera systems for almost 20 years and have shipped millions of AAA titles
across numerous genres. The Cinemachine team has an award winning cinematographer and
a senior engineer with heavy math skills. Also, we love this stuff to bits.
## Mission
Our mission with Cinemachine is to build an entirely unifed camera system bridging
gameplay, cutscenes, from fully procedural cameras to entirely canned sequences and
everything in between.
## Example Scenes
Please have a look at our example scenes. They are shipped with the package and can be imported
via the Cinemachine menu.
## Forums
We have a busy discussion area on the forums.
- 粉丝: 46
- 资源: 10
- 核密度估计及ks检验确定最优核密度估计 使用Normal、box、triangle、Epanechnikov四种方法,默认是Normal 矩形框颜色可以自定义设置 可以对实际数据进行更精确的概率分布拟
- foc风机方案 高压 支持顺风启动 使用弦波 svpwm驱动方式 使用龙贝格观测器 无感FOC方案 包括原理图,源代码
- PSO优化极限学习机ELM matlab代码,备注详细,易于使用
- 细说数据分析模型之RFM模型以及代码实现
- 汽车EPB仿真模型,Carsim和Simulink联合仿真 1.其中包括 制动钳系统 的动力学建模 2.电机的转角三环pid控制,可以在模型中通过与制动钳模型的结合,实现电机的堵转效果,真实还
- COMSOL 激光烧蚀3D体热源引力场温度场仿真
- COMSOL 3D脉冲激光刻槽
- Simulink仿真:级联光伏发电MPPT追踪并网 关键词: 参考文献:具备同步电机特性的级联型光伏发电系统+视频讲解 仿真平台:MATLAB Simulink 主要内容:3个单独光伏发电MPPT级联
- FOC电流环模块进行,包含Park,Clark变,id、iq PI控制,限幅输出,角度查表,斜率步长,配合SVPWM模块可以实现电流模式的运行,包含说明书,物有所值,非普通代码,注释超级详细
- critic法计算指标权重 根据指标数据(每行是一个样本,每列是不同变量)计算各个指标的权重值并画图展示 MATLAB代码,备注清晰,易于使用
- 高斯回归拟合x与y,带置信区间 置信区间可自定义 根据案例数据准备自己的自变量x与因变量y数据 按照相应格式替为自己数据即可 MATLAB代码,备注清晰,易于使用
- 加权拟合2个正态分布参数与比例 一组数据可能由2个正态组合形成,可以进行拟合计算得到每组正态分布的参数与比例 matlab代码,根据自己需要修改案例数据即可
- LLC,变频与移相混合控制,有参考文献 变频控制与移相控制组成的混合式控制全桥LLC谐振变器仿真(PFM+PSM混合控制) 输出电压闭环控制,软开关,宽范围,可实现调频和移相的自动切,调频和移相控制
- matlab交通标志识别系统(含gui可视化界面,完整源码,代码配详细注释,程序实现识别交通标志图片并以文字形式输出结果) 附赠报告,代码结构清晰,有注释
- IMU与GPS融合定位,扩展卡尔曼滤波,cpp实现,机器人状态估计,有注释和运行说明
- 双峰高斯分布蒙特卡洛模并画pdf和cdf图 可设置双峰组合分布中不同正态参数的分布比例,也可以对多个组合进行计算 matlab代码,备注清楚,更改为自己需要的分布比例与参数即可