# Owl Carousel 2
Touch enabled [jQuery](https://jquery.com/) plugin that lets you create a beautiful, responsive carousel slider. **To get started, check out https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/.**
## Quick start
### Install
This package can be installed with:
- [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/owl.carousel): `npm install --save owl.carousel` or `yarn add owl.carousel jquery`
- [bower](http://bower.io/search/?q=owl.carousel): `bower install --save owl.carousel`
Or download the [latest release](https://github.com/OwlCarousel2/OwlCarousel2/releases).
### Load
#### Webpack
Add jQuery via the "webpack.ProvidePlugin" to your webpack configuration:
const webpack = require('webpack');
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery',
'window.jQuery': 'jquery'
Load the required stylesheet and JS:
import 'owl.carousel/dist/assets/owl.carousel.css';
import 'owl.carousel';
#### Static HTML
Put the required stylesheet at the [top](https://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#css_top) of your markup:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/owl.carousel/dist/assets/owl.carousel.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bower_components/owl.carousel/dist/assets/owl.carousel.min.css" />
**NOTE:** If you want to use the default navigation styles, you will also need to include `owl.theme.default.css`.
Put the script at the [bottom](https://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#js_bottom) of your markup right after jQuery:
<script src="/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/owl.carousel/dist/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/owl.carousel/dist/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
### Usage
Wrap your items (`div`, `a`, `img`, `span`, `li` etc.) with a container element (`div`, `ul` etc.). Only the class `owl-carousel` is mandatory to apply proper styles:
<div class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
**NOTE:** The `owl-theme` class is optional, but without it, you will need to style navigation features on your own.
Call the [plugin](https://learn.jquery.com/plugins/) function and your carousel is ready.
## Documentation
The documentation, included in this repo in the root directory, is built with [Assemble](http://assemble.io/) and publicly available at https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/. The documentation may also be run locally.
## Building
This package comes with [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) and [Bower](http://bower.io/). The following tasks are available:
* `default` compiles the CSS and JS into `/dist` and builds the doc.
* `dist` compiles the CSS and JS into `/dist` only.
* `watch` watches source files and builds them automatically whenever you save.
* `test` runs [JSHint](http://www.jshint.com/) and [QUnit](http://qunitjs.com/) tests headlessly in [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org/).
To define which plugins are build into the distribution just edit `/_config.json` to fit your needs.
## Contributing
## Roadmap
Please make sure to check out our [Roadmap Discussion](https://github.com/OwlCarousel2/OwlCarousel2/issues/1756).
## License
The code and the documentation are released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
#-ssm-049-mysql-在线租房系统-.zip (817个子文件)
alipay_md5.asp 11KB
alipay_function.asp 6KB
alipay_notify.asp 5KB
alipay_service.asp 2KB
Info.class 18KB
db.class 13KB
YonghuzhuceController.class 9KB
VeDate.class 9KB
AllusersController.class 7KB
ShoucangjiluController.class 7KB
LiuyanbanController.class 7KB
XinwentongzhiController.class 6KB
YouqinglianjieController.class 6KB
PinglunController.class 6KB
Yonghuzhuce.class 4KB
StrUtil.class 4KB
LiuyanbanServerImpi.class 3KB
YouqinglianjieServerImpi.class 3KB
YonghuzhuceServerImpi.class 3KB
XinwentongzhiServerImpi.class 3KB
AllusersServerImpi.class 3KB
Liuyanban.class 2KB
ShoucangjiluServerImpi.class 2KB
Xinwentongzhi.class 2KB
PinglunServerImpi.class 2KB
hsgloginController.class 2KB
Pinglun.class 2KB
Shoucangjilu.class 2KB
Md5.class 2KB
SetChar.class 2KB
Youqinglianjie.class 2KB
Allusers.class 2KB
PageBean.class 1KB
PageInfo.class 1KB
testFilter.class 1KB
YouqinglianjieMapper.class 1KB
XinwentongzhiMapper.class 1020B
LiuyanbanMapper.class 1016B
YonghuzhuceMapper.class 998B
CheckCode.class 922B
ShoucangjiluMapper.class 898B
AllusersMapper.class 898B
YouqinglianjieServer.class 896B
YonghuzhuceServer.class 863B
LiuyanbanServer.class 860B
PinglunMapper.class 858B
XinwentongzhiServer.class 796B
ShoucangjiluServer.class 763B
AllusersServer.class 763B
PinglunServer.class 723B
Constant.class 674B
.classpath 1KB
org.eclipse.wst.common.component 592B
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container 49B
jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.cs 30KB
bootstrap.css 174KB
bootstrap.min.css 141KB
common.css 136KB
common.css 136KB
common.css 118KB
ionicons.css 56KB
ionicons.min.css 50KB
font-awesome.css 37KB
font-awesome.min.css 30KB
animate.css 25KB
style.css 21KB
default.css 21KB
animate.min.css 17KB
layout.css 15KB
magnific-popup.css 7KB
main.css 6KB
style.css 5KB
owl.carousel.css 4KB
datepicker.css 4KB
div.css 4KB
div.css 4KB
div.css 4KB
datepicker.css 4KB
divqt.css 4KB
owl.carousel.min.css 3KB
qq.css 3KB
divqt.css 3KB
commonqt.css 2KB
commonqt.css 2KB
simple.css 2KB
custom.css 2KB
owl.theme.default.css 1KB
owl.theme.green.css 1KB
common.css 1KB
owl.theme.green.min.css 1013B
owl.theme.default.min.css 1013B
prettify.css 973B
index.css 282B
WdatePicker.css 158B
基于SSM的租房管理系统.doc 3.26MB
成洁—基于SSM 的租房系统的设计与实现.docx 16KB
fontawesome-webfont.eot 162KB
ionicons.eot 118KB
2.gif 108KB
4.gif 38KB
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