<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Set Tcp Listen in
Set Udp Listen in
Internal Error!Please close the service and make sure the ip and port is correct.
Unknown access request,reject it.
internal error happened on accessing,reject it.
username doesn't exist or is overtime.
username is null,reject this access.
username failed in matching password.
username has existed,reject this access.
Client access is terminaled.
<UdpAccessFailed>Client's udp access happened error.</UdpAccessFailed>
<GGASentFailed>Client accessed in udp was denied without gga data transmiting to caster. </GGASentFailed>
<Macth>Server password is error,and reject this access.</Macth>
<Repeat>Server has exsisted,and reject this access.</Repeat>
Server failed to transmit data under specific time,so the access will be closed.
Server is closed exceptionally.
The access to server is forced to close.
No data on the buf of socket,so the access will be closed.
The Access between caster and server is closed on unknown reason.
The file's format is error.
Failing to export file.
Server succeed in accessing.
server closed Access by itself.
succeed in getting sourcetable.
client succeed in accessing.
client closed access by itself.
As the access to server is closed,the access to the client would be closed.
A batch of userdata is writing into database,please try again later.
Please Close Service at first.
Please select one item each time.
Failed to Start Service.
<NoDif>Not Differential Positioning</NoDif>
<Dif>Differential Positioning</Dif>
<InvalidPPS>Invalid PPS</InvalidPPS>
<Fixed>Fixed solution</Fixed>
<Float>Float solution</Float>
<Unknown>Unknown data format</Unknown>
please select one user each time.
Please Select Users.
Please select users to delete.
Please Select one item.
Can't be null.
Format is error.
Username has existed.
*IP Format is error.
Port is out of range,which should between 1024 and 65535.
Please ensure port is right.
Overtime of server is error.
The page-index shoule be between 0 and totalpages!
Page-index format is error.