/* Copyright 2007-2008, Analytical Graphics, Inc. */
The following is a step by step procedure for registering the MATLAB fmincon optimizer search profile plugin. This plugin
requires STK 9.0 or later.
1. Place the 4 *.m files into a MATLAB path directory. You may
(a) copy these files into an existing MATLAB path directory, such as <MATLAB install>\toolbox\local, or
(b) copy these files into any other directory and add it to your MATLAB path, using the 'setpath' command in MATLAB
2. Close STK if it is open.
3. Register each of the *.wsc files by right-clicking on them in Windows Explorer and selecting the "Register" option.
4. Place the *.xml file into your <STK Install>\Plugins directory.
5. Restart STK.
To verify this process was successful, create a Target Sequence in Astrogator and add a New profile. There should now be an
option for "MATLAB fmincon Optimizer".
Any AgSearch plugin actually consists of three separate plugins: one for the controls, one for the results, and one for the
search algorithm itself. Any plugin built using a scripting language like VBScript or JavaScript (this one uses VBScript)
actually requires two files: one Windows Scripting Component file to register the plugin with Windows and one scripting
language file to actually implement the interface. Additionally, since this scripting language plugin utilizes Matlab, there
are Matlab *.m files that are required as well. The number and format of those files is determined by the requirements of the
fmincon function.
For more details on the AgSearch plugin interface or script-based plugins, consult the STK Integration help.
File listing and description:
- MatlabSearchControlReal.vbs: conforms to IAgSearchControlReal interface and declares custom controls properties
- MatlabSearchControlReal.wsc: registers this plugin and its properties and methods with Windows
- MatlabSearchResult.vbs: conforms to IAgSearchResult interface and declares custom results properties
- MatlabSearchResult.wsc: registers this plugin and its properties and methods with Windows
- MatlabSearch.vbs: conforms to the IAgSearch interface and declares custom search profile properties. Also evaluates
controls and results and implements the search algorithm by putting variables into the Matlab workspace and calling
- MatlabSearch.wsc: registers this plugin and its properties and methods with Windows
- Optimize.m: Collects inputs and passes them to Matlab's fmincon
- MatlabSearch.m: The function fmincon evaluates which sends new values to STK, evaluates the Astrogator MCS, and gets
new results from STK
- MatlabSearchNONLCON.m: If the optimization has non-linear (e.g. inequality) constraints, fmincon evaluates this function
to check against them.
- UpdateIter.m: The function evaluated at the end of each iteration of fmincon, updates the plugin StatusGrid with
iteration data
Controls plugin custom properties (defined in MatlabSearchControlReal.vbs)
- Name: Human readable plugin name or alias
- Active: True if control should be used in optimization
- HasUpperBound: True if control has an upper bound inequality constraint
- HasLowerBound: True if control has an lower bound inequality constraint
- UpperBound: Value for upper bound, only available if HasUpperBound is True
- LowerBound: Value for lower bound, only available if HasLowerBound is True
- ScalingMultiplier: Multiplicative scale factor applied to inputs before being sent to fmincon
Results plugin custom properties (defined in MatlabSearchResult.vbs)
- Name: Human readable plugin name or alias
- Active: True if result should be used in optimization
- HasUpperBound: True if result has an upper bound inequality constraint
- HasLowerBound: True if result has an lower bound inequality constraint
- HasEqualityConstraint: True if result has an equality constraint
- UpperBound: Value for upper bound, only available if HasUpperBound is True
- LowerBound: Value for lower bound, only available if HasLowerBound is True
- EqualityConstraint: Value for equality constraint, only available if HasEqualityConstraint is True
- IsMinimized: True if result is to be minimized
- Weight: Weight of result. Used as a multiplicative scale factor to indicate relative importance of multiple goals.
- ScalingMultiplier: Multiplicative scale factor applied to inputs before being sent to fmincon
Search plugin custom properties (define in MatlabSearch.vbs)
- Name: Human readable plugin name or alias
** Note that the following properties are settings used by fmincon. Consult the Matlab documentation for further help. **
- MaxIterations: Maximum Iterations (MaxIter)
- MaxFunctionEvals: Maximum Function Evaluations (MaxFunEvals)
- CostTolerance: Termination Tolerance for the cost function (TolFun)
- Constraint Tolerance: Termination Tolerance for the constraint (TolCon)
- InputTolerance: Termination Tolerance for the independant variables (TolX)
- DiffMaxChange: Maximum change in variables for finite differencing (DiffMaxChange)
- DiffMinChange: Minimum change in variables for finite differencing (DiffMinChange)
- Diagnostics: True to display diagnostic information about the function to be minimized
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STK仿真实例(与VC、v#连接实例) (2443个子文件)
TH1_STG3.a 217KB
TH1_RV1.a 195KB
TH1_RV2.a 190KB
TH1_RV3.a 184KB
TH1_SRD1.a 75KB
TH1_STG2.a 75KB
TH1_STG1.a 36KB
TH1_PBV3.a 19KB
TH1_MSL2.a 7KB
TH1_MSL1.a 7KB
TH1_MSL3.a 7KB
Globalhawk.ac 151KB
RC-135.ac 53KB
AWACS_ghost.ac 46KB
Guardrail.ac 44KB
Ikonos_Target_2.ac 30KB
Ikonos_Target_1.ac 22KB
U-2.ac 19KB
Ikonos_Target_1A.ac 19KB
Globalhawk.ac3 12KB
RC-135.ac3 11KB
AWACS.ac3 11KB
U-2.ac3 11KB
Guardrail.ac3 11KB
Ikonos_Target_2.ac3 11KB
Ikonos_Target_1.ac3 11KB
Ikonos_Target_1A.ac3 11KB
AWACS_ghost.ac3 6KB
AWACS.acma 379B
threat_3.aem 253KB
Wonsan.aem 201KB
threat_1.aem 188KB
Osan.aem 134KB
threat_2.aem 32KB
sa10mob.aem 16KB
IntegratedDeltaVx.AsStateCalc 789B
IntegratedDeltaVy.AsStateCalc 789B
IntegratedDeltaVz.AsStateCalc 789B
EffectiveImpulse.AsStateCalc 773B
ObjectModel.asv 6KB
ObjectModel.asv 4KB
North_Korea.at 54KB
South_Korea_2.at 51KB
saudi_arabia.at 6KB
South_Korea_1.at 5KB
saudi_arabia.at3 1KB
North_Korea.at3 1KB
South_Korea_1.at3 1KB
South_Korea_2.at3 1KB
stkx_alt.bmp 262KB
editCancel.bmp 1KB
editStart.bmp 1KB
editApply.bmp 1KB
NewScenario.bmp 1KB
OpenScenario.bmp 1KB
editCancel.bmp 1KB
editStart.bmp 1KB
editApply.bmp 1KB
ISR.btip 16KB
SensorsToMissile.c 25KB
Globalhawk_to_GPS.c 9KB
Guardrail_to_Threats.c 4KB
RC-135_to_Threats.c 3KB
JSTARS_to_Threats.c 3KB
U-2_to_Threats.c 2KB
Globalhawk_to_Threats.c 2KB
AWACS_to_all_AC.c 2KB
FylingdalesToRV1.c 2KB
Osan_to_AWACS.c 1KB
RC-135_to_AWACS.c 1KB
display_time.c 1KB
VGTTutorial_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 2KB
Sisp_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1KB
GISDemoProject_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1KB
3DObjectEditing_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 969B
Agi.Ui.Plugins.CSharp.GfxAnalysis_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 929B
HohmannTransfer_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 900B
HohmannTransferUsingTargeter_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 900B
MarsProbe_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 900B
Agi.Ui.Plugins.CSharp.Basic_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 862B
MoonMissionWithBPlaneTargeting_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 842B
OptimizerAndScriptingTool_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 842B
STKProTutorial_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 842B
MyPlugin_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 831B
DataProviders_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 831B
Agi.As.Gator.EngMdl.Plugin.CSharp.Examples_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 824B
GISDemoProject_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 795B
MoonMissionWithBPlaneTargeting_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 791B
OptimizerAndScriptingTool_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 791B
HohmannTransfer_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 791B
HohmannTransferUsingTargeter_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 791B
MarsProbe_VS2005.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache 791B
ObscurationTool_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 779B
SolarPanelTool_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 778B
AzElMaskTool_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 776B
AreaTool_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 772B
OMDemo_VS2005.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 769B
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