# Snoop
Snoop is an open source WPF spying utility originally created by [Pete Blois](https://github.com/peteblois) and is currently maintained by [Bastian Schmidt](https://github.com/batzen).
It allows you to spy/browse the visual, logical and automation tree of any running WPF application (without the need for a debugger).
You can change property values, view triggers, set breakpoints on property changes and many more things.
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## Contact
- [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/snoopwpf/Lobby](https://img.shields.io/badge/GITTER-join%20chat-green.svg?style=flat-square)](https://gitter.im/snoopwpf/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
- [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-%40batzendev-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](https://twitter.com/batzendev)
## Where can i download Snoop?/How can i install Snoop?
- [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/packages/snoop) for stable and some preview versions
- [GitHub releases](https://github.com/snoopwpf/snoopwpf/releases) for stable versions
- [AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/batzen/snoopwpf/build/artifacts) for the latest preview versions (built on every code change)
- You need at least .NET Framework 4.6.2 to run Snoop
## Supported .NET versions
- .NET Framework >= 4.6.2
- .NET >= 6
- Tested with 6, 7 and 8. Future versions might just work.
- **Restrictions:** Self-Contained single file applications are not supported as there is no reliable way to get a handle to the .NET runtime
## Versions
You can read the [changelog](Changelog.md) for details on what changed in which version.
### [6.0.0](../../releases/tag/v6.0.0)
- Dropped support for all .NET Framework versions prior to .NET 4.6.2
- Dropped support for .NET 3.1 and NET 5
### [5.0.0](../../releases/tag/v5.0.0)
- Improved settings system that does not rely on `System.Configuration`
The new system allows sharing of settings between different snooped applications.
It also allows to define settings for whole directory trees.
- It's now possible to hide properties from Snoop in it's default view.
Just annotate your properties with `[System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)]`.
- Added the ability to show browser dev tools on browser controls.
`WebView2` and `CefSharp` are currently supported.
- Added dark theme
- Dropped support for all .NET Framework versions prior to .NET 4.5.2
- Dropped support for .NET 3.0
- Added support for .NET versions >= 6.0 (by not explicitly blocking versions greater than 6.0)
### [4.0.0](../../releases/tag/v4.0.0)
- Support for .NET 6.0
- Support for ARM/ARM64
- New "Diagnostics" view
- Settings for highlighting
- Artifacts are digitally signed thanks to SignPath.io (MSI, Chocolatey NUPKG and zip)
- Dropped support for all .NET versions prior to .NET 4.5.1
### [3.0.0](../../releases/tag/v3.0.0)
- Support for .NET Core (3.0, 3.1 and 5.0) (including self contained and single file applications)
- Rewritten injector code
- You no longer have to have installed any Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable(s)
- Snooping disabled controls when holding `CTRL + SHIFT` works now
- Snoop now filters uncommon properties by default
- Snoop is now able to show `MergedDictionaries` from `ResourceDictionary`
- Snoop now has two tracking modes.
- Holding `CTRL` tries to skip template parts => this is changed to `CTRL + ALT` in newer versions
- Holding `CTRL + SHIFT` does not skip template parts
- Drastically improved performance of `AppChooser.Refresh()` (thanks @mikel785)
- Usability improvements for process dropdown (thanks @mikel785)
- Support for displaying the logical tree and the tree of WPF automation peers
- Ability to inspect `Popup` without opening it
- `Snoop.exe` and the injector launcher now support commandline args
- Global hotkey support (just start snoop, focus a WPF application and hit `CTRL + WIN + ALT + F12`)
Known issues:
- Trying to snoop a trimmed single file application might not work as trimming might have removed things Snoop relies on
### [2.11.0](../../releases/tag/2.11.0)
- Support for multiple app domains
- Auto elevation to enable spying of elevated processes without running Snoop as administrator
- Persistent settings for various settings
- Improved error dialog and issue reporting
- Rewritten window finder
### [2.10.0](../../releases/tag/2.10.0)
Was released on September 19th, 2018.
In this version we finally got rid of support for snooping WPF 3.5 applications.
This allowed us to move the Snoop projects forward to Visual Studio 2017 which should make it much easier to work with Snoop's source code.
### [2.9.0](../../releases/tag/2.9.0)
Was released on July 27th, 2018.
The big addition in this version was the inclusion of the triggers tab which was a useful feature of another WPF spying utility called WPF Inspector (written by [Christan Moser](https://github.com/ChristianMoser)).
It was ported to Snoop by Bastian Schmidt.
## Documentation on how to use Snoop
Unfortunately there isn't any exhaustive documentation on how to use Snoop and there are plenty of hidden features. If someone is willing to work on this, please let me know. On the bright side, it is a pretty easy utility to use and learn. I have made three videos which should get most people quick started.
Here are the links to the current Snoop Tips & Tricks:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8EdRR0Tc1k
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98UEVCQHmVA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frXAgGzZnrU
## Why can't I snoop my application?
Well, you can! You will just need to use an earlier version of Snoop, in order to do so.
The minimum versions are:
| Snoop | .NET Framework | .NET |
| 3.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 |
| 4.0 | 4.5.1 | 3.0 |
| 5.0 | 4.5.2 | 3.1 |
| 6.0 | 4.6.2 | 6.0 |
## How do i build Snoop?
Just open `Snoop.sln` with Visual Studio and build it.
- Visual Studio 2022
- C++ payloads (x86/x64 and optionally ARM/ARM64)
- You can import the [.vsconfig](.vsconfig) file in the Visual Studio installer to let it install all required components
- .NET SDK 8.0.100 or later
## Contributors
Over time contributions have been added by several people, most notably:
- [Bastian Schmidt](https://github.com/batzen), [batzen.dev](https://batzen.dev) (current maintainer)
- [Cory Plotts](https://github.com/cplotts)
- [Dan Hanan](http://blogs.interknowlogy.com/author/danhanan/)
- [Andrei Kashcha](http://blog.yasiv.com/)
- [Maciek Rakowski](https://github.com/MaciekRakowski)
- [Bailey Ling](https://github.com/bling)
## Code Signing
Snoop uses free code signing provided by [SignPath.io](https://signpath.io?utm_source=foundation&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=snoopwpf) and a free code signing certificate by the [SignPath Foundation](https://signpath.org?utm_source=foundation&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=snoopwpf)
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需积分: 1 0 下载量 127 浏览量
收藏 686KB ZIP 举报
用于获取WPF界面元素 (496个子文件)
Dialog.bmp 464KB
Banner.bmp 32KB
build.cmd 207B
NuGet.Config 423B
app.config 394B
app.config 156B
app.config 156B
win32clock.cpp 5KB
Executor.cpp 2KB
NetExecutor.cpp 2KB
NetFrameworkExecutor.cpp 2KB
dllmain.cpp 431B
stdafx.cpp 287B
pch.cpp 186B
LogHelper.cpp 56B
PropertyInformation.cs 34KB
SnoopUI.xaml.cs 33KB
NativeMethods.cs 28KB
PropertyInspector.xaml.cs 25KB
ListBoxChrome.cs 22KB
SystemDropShadowChrome.cs 19KB
SnoopManager.cs 18KB
EmbeddedShellView.xaml.cs 13KB
Injector.cs 13KB
Build.cs 12KB
Zoomer.xaml.cs 12KB
MethodsControl.xaml.cs 12KB
AppChooser.xaml.cs 11KB
PropertyGrid2.xaml.cs 11KB
WindowFinder.xaml.cs 10KB
DiagnosticsView.xaml.cs 9KB
TreeItem.cs 9KB
BindingLeakDiagnosticProvider.cs 9KB
ConditionItem.cs 8KB
VisualTreeProvider.cs 8KB
KeyGestureEx.cs 8KB
PropertyFilter.cs 8KB
EventsView.xaml.cs 7KB
TreeService.cs 7KB
VisualTree3DView.cs 7KB
MouseWheelValueEditor.xaml.cs 7KB
DependencyObjectTreeItem.cs 7KB
SnoopWindowUtils.cs 7KB
VisualCaptureUtil.cs 7KB
WindowInfo.cs 6KB
CorRuntimeHostClass.cs 6KB
ProperTreeView.cs 6KB
ErrorDialog.xaml.cs 6KB
TriggersView.xaml.cs 6KB
FiltersViewModel.cs 6KB
EventTracker.cs 6KB
DiagnosticContext.cs 6KB
TrackballBehavior.cs 6KB
ResourceDictionaryKeyHelpers.cs 6KB
BindingDiagnosticHelper.WPFBindingDiagnostic.cs 5KB
Program.cs 5KB
DebugListenerControl.xaml.cs 5KB
EditUserFilters.xaml.cs 5KB
TriggerItemBase.cs 5KB
ValueEditor.cs 5KB
SetFiltersWindow.xaml.cs 5KB
BehaviorsView.xaml.cs 5KB
ThemeManager.cs 5KB
ResourceDictionaryTreeItem.cs 4KB
LowLevelKeyboardHook.cs 4KB
ZoomerControl.xaml.cs 4KB
ShellConstants.cs 4KB
SystemResourcesTreeItem.cs 4KB
Previewer.xaml.cs 4KB
Settings.cs 4KB
StringValueConverter.cs 4KB
Settings.cs 4KB
ProcessWrapper.cs 4KB
SnoopParameterInfoConverter.cs 4KB
SetterItem.cs 4KB
XamlWriterHelper.cs 4KB
SettingsHelper.cs 4KB
ComboBoxSettings.cs 4KB
SnoopParameterInformation.cs 4KB
InjectorLauncherManager.cs 4KB
TreeExporter.cs 3KB
PertinentPropertyFilter.cs 3KB
DefaultStyleKeyHelper.cs 3KB
AutomationDriver.cs 3KB
MouseDeviceExtensions.cs 3KB
NoSelectionComboBox.cs 3KB
SnoopPartsRegistry.cs 3KB
ZoomerUtilities.cs 3KB
LocalResourceDefinitionsDiagnosticProvider.cs 3KB
SnoopPSHostUserInterface.cs 3KB
PropertyFilterSet.cs 3KB
DoubleHelper.cs 3KB
ICorRuntimeHost.cs 3KB
SystemResourcesCache.cs 3KB
VisualTreeHelper2.cs 3KB
WebBrowserTreeItem.cs 3KB
Program.cs 3KB
UnresolvedDynamicResourceDiagnosticProvider.cs 3KB
BindingDiagnosticHelper.cs 3KB
AutomationPeerTreeItem.cs 3KB
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