Broadcom BACS command line interface utility
for Windows
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Broadcom Corporation
All rights reserved.
June 17, 2011
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Scope
4. Limitation
5. Installation
6. Command Usage
7. HowTo and Examples
8. Exit Codes
9. Third Party Software License
1. Introduction:
This utility is a console application. Users could run it from a Windows
command prompt. The application will use the console and can be run both
in the command line interface (CLI) mode as well as interactive mode.
In the non-interactive (CLI) mode, the utility can take a command
as an input argument and run the command producing appropriate effect/output
and return meaningful exit codes.
This module requires the appropriate BMAPI module and device driver in
order to work correctly.
This utility can also be used to manage NetXtreme I and NetXtreme II devices
on both local as well as remote computer systems.
2. Requirements:
1. CIM provider is installed properly on the system that is to
be managed by this utility.
2. appropriate device driver for the NIC is installed on the
system that is to be managed by this utility.
3. For managing iscsi on Linux hosts, open-iscsi and sg utilities
are required to be installed on the Linux host.
3. Scope:
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 7
4. Limitation:
1. All WindowsPE systems are not supported.
5. Installation:
1. On the system with NetXtreme I and NetXtreme II of NICs, install
the appropriate driver package using the driver installer.
2. On the system with NetXtreme I and NetXtreme II of NICs, install
the CIM provider and its dependent components.
3. BACScli and all the required files can be installed automatically
by the BACS installer.
6. Command Usage:
6.1 POSIX-compliant commands:
BACScli [-t <target type>] [-f <target ID format>] [-i <target ID>]
[-r <IP address>] [-n <port>] [-a digest | basic] [-u <username>] [-p <password>]
[-protocol <wmi | cimxml | wsman | all>][-scheme <http | https>] [-persist]
<command string>
- The -t option is used to select the type of the target, it must be
followed by the <target type> that can be VBD, NDIS, iSCSI, iSCSI Portal, iSCSITargets,
TEAM, VNIC, FCOE, FCoE Target, PhyAdapters, PhyPorts, TruMgmt, Hosts or system.
- The -f option is used to select the format of the <target ID> used
in the -i option. The <target ID format> can be MAC, BDF, or NAME.
The MAC and BDF are used to select a device of a <target type>.
The NAME is used to select either a Team or a Virtual adapter.
- The -i option is used to select the target identified by the <target ID>.
The <target ID> can be the Ethernet MAC address (using the NDIS device�s MAC address
for Ethernet and using the iSCSI device�s MAC address for iSCSI Hardware Offload and
using the teaming MAC address for VDB), the PCI Bus/Device/Function number, iSCSI target
name or the name of a Team/Virtual adapter or host name.
- The -r option is used to specify an IP address of a host to be accessed.
If no -r option CLi tried to read persist host file and connects to all hosts in this file.
when -r option exists, only specified host is connected and <command string> only apply to
the specified host.
- The -n option is used to select a port on a host to be accessed.
- The -a option is used to select either digest or basic authentication mode.
The default authentication mode is basic. Currently only basic mode is supported.
- The -u option is used to specify a user name.
- The -p option is used to specify password.
- The -protocol option is used to specify connection protocol.
- The -persist option indicates the host information will be saved to the persistent hosts
file when bacscli exits.
- The -scheme option is used to specify http or https scheme.
- The <command string> includes the command, its options,
parameters, and values for the command. <command string> have to be
specified within the double quotes, but if the <command string>
contains only one command without any option or command argument,
the double quotes is optional.
- If any name or parameter contains special character such as '^', '&'
and so on, it needs to be specified in double quotes, "^" for example.
Following is the list of available commands:
add : add team configuration from a file
adddiscoveryportal : add a discovery portal to the host
addhost : add a remote host for management
addisnsserver : add the IP address or DNS name of an iSNS server to the list of iSNS servers
addtarget : manually configure a target and optionally persist that target
bootcfg : use this command to do MBA/FCoE/iSCSI boot configuration
cablediag : run cable diagnostic tests on the selected PhyPort device
cfg : configure parameter of the selected device
createnpivport : create an NPIV port
diag : configure and conduct a diagnostic test
discoverhost : search and add remote hosts from a range of IP addresses
fallback : fallback to primary adapters from standby
help : list available commands
info : display adapter information of the selected NIC
list : list target items in different views
listisnsservers : display the list of iSNS server addresses that are persisted by the iSCSI Initiator service.
listdiscoveryportals : display the list of persisted target portals
log : log all input and output into a file
login : log in to an iSCSI target
logout : log out of an iSCSI target
networkdiag : run network diagnostic test on the selected NDIS device
pingtest : run iSCSI ping test
q : exit the program
refresh : scan the system for hardware/configuration changes
refreshall : scan all systems for hardware/configuration changes
refreshdiscoveryportal : perform a SendTargets operation to the target portal
refreshisnsserver : refresh the list of targets discovered from the specified iSNS server
remove : remove a team
removediscoveryportal : remove discovery portal from the host
removeallhosts : remove all hosts from the host management list
removealltmhosts : remove all TruManage hosts from the host management list
removehost : remove a host from the host management list
removeisnsserver : remove the IP address or DNS name of the iSNS server from the persisted list of iSNS servers
removenpivport : remove an NPIV port
removepersistenttarget : remove a target from the list of persistent targets
removetarget : remove a target from the list of persisted targets
resetsessionstats : dis