CHILE. An explosion from a single stick of dynamite went off on the patio of the Santiago Binational Center, causing $21,000 in damages.
ISRAEL. Palestinian terrorists fired five mortar shells into the collective settlement at Masada, causing slight damage but no injuries.
GUATEMALA. A bomb was thrown over the wall surrounding the U.S. Marines guards house in Guatemala City, causing damage but no injuries.
FRANCE. Five French students bombed the Paris offices of Chase Manhattan Bank before dawn. Trans-World Airways and the Bank of America were also bombed. They claimed to be protesting the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war.
UNITED STATES - Unidentified anti-Castro Cubans attempted to bomb the Miami branch of the Spanish National Tourist Office.
UNITED STATES. The Mexican mission to the United States was bombed by El Poder Cubano.
URUGUAY. An unexploded Molotov cocktail was found on the steps of the Binational Center building in Montevideo.
UNITED STATES. The Mexican consul general's residence in Miami was damaged by a bomb placed by El Poder Cubano.
BAHAMAS. Haitian Consul Joseph Antoine Dorce was assassinated by four Haitian exiles, members of the Haitian Coalition, a New York-based anti-Duvalier organization.
UNITED STATES. The Australian National Tourist Office in New York City was bombed by El Poder Cubano.
UNITED STATES. El Poder Cubano terrorists bombed the Mexican National Tourist Office in Chicago.
UNITED STATES. Police dismantled a bomb placed by El Poder Cubano at the offices of Aeronaves de Mexico, the Mexican national airline. Another bomb in the Mexican Consulate was also defused.
UNITED STATES. An Air France ticket office in Los Angeles was damaged by a bomb placed by El Poder Cubano.
ITALY. An El Al Israel Airlines plane flying from Rome to Tel Aviv with 10 crew members and 38 passengers was hijacked and diverted to Algeria. Three armed members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) calling themselves the PFLP General Command were the perpetrators. The plane landed in Algiers. The Algerian government released 19 non-Israeli passengers, who were flown to Paris the next day. Ten Israelis were released and flown to Geneva before going on to Tel Aviv. The Algerian government continued to hold the plane with seven crew members and five Israeli male passengers. The PFLP officials said that they had asked the International Red Cross to supervise the exchange of the Israeli crew and passengers in Algiers for captured Palestinian guerrillas in prison in Israel. The Israeli government denounced the hijacking as airborne piracy, and asked the Algerian authorities to release the plane and the Israeli passengers and crew.
ISRAEL. Palestinian terrorists fired three bazooka shells into the town of Ein Yahav, shattering an empty infirmary but injuring no one.
ISRAEL. Al Fatah exploded three grenades in Jerusalem's Jewish section, injuring eight Israelis and two Americans.
UNITED STATES. Croatian terrorists planted a bomb aboard the Kupres, a Yugoslav ship. The bomb was located and disarmed after a tip from the FBI.
UNITED STATES. El Poder Cubano terrorists fired upon the Polish vessel Polancia in a Miami harbor.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. An explosive device was dismantled in front of the USIS building.
BOLIVIA. A bomb went off on the ground floor of the entrance to the USIS building in La Paz.
ARGENTINA. A bomb exploded inside the USIS library in Buenos Aires, blowing out plate glass windows and damaging the interior.
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. Three prominent anti-Communist Croatian emigre leaders were found murdered in a Munich apartment.
FRANCE. Two Italians hijacked an Olympic Airways jet en route from Paris to Athens to publicize opposition to the military junta in Greece. The two brandished a pistol and a grenade. They gave the 130 passengers handbills telling them that you have just been punished for going to Greece. Athens headquarters of Olympic Airways promised to prosecute ruthlessly the hijackers.
GREECE. An Israeli passenger was killed and a stewardess was wounded in a gunfire attack on an El Al Israel Airlines plane at the Athens airport. In retaliation, Israeli commandos attacked Beirut Airport on December 28, 1968, destroying or damaging 13 airplanes. Two Palestinians who were sentenced to 17 and 14 years imprisonment for the Athens incident were freed after the hijacking of a Greek airliner to Cairo on July 22, 1970.
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. Arsonists set fire to the Amerika Haus Library in Frankfurt. Damage estimated at $5,000.
ISRAEL. A bomb killed two and wounded eight in a central Jerusalem supermarket.
AUSTRALIA. A Molotov cocktail was thrown from a passing car at the U.S. consulate general building in Melbourne.
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. A Molotov cocktail was thrown through a ground floor window of the Munich Amerika Haus, causing little damage.
JORDAN. The Trans-Arabian Pipeline in Jordan was sabotaged. An explosive device caused a fire which blocked the flow of oil. A spokesman of the PFLP claimed that his group had intended to pollute water supplied to Israeli settlements and fisheries in Hutch Valley. Oil was reported to be seeping into the northern part of the Sea of Galilee, and oil slicks were seen on the Jordan River. The Israelis managed to contain the blaze after 14 hours.
GREECE. A bomb wrecked the ticket booth of a theater outside the entrance to the Tameion building which houses USIS facilities in Athens.
PAKISTAN. Three armed members of the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) attacked an Ethiopian airliner at the Karachi airport. Part of the Boeing 707 burned. No casualties were reported. The terrorists, all of whom were captured, told authorities that they carried out the attack to dramatize their opposition to Ethiopian rule in Eritrea. The three were convicted and sentenced to one year of hard labor.On July 31, the ELF issued a communique warning travelers that they would risk their lives if they flew on Ethiopian Airlines. The communique said that the ELF would resort to attacks on Ethiopian airliners in retaliation for Ethiopian Air Force attacks on Eritrean villages.
ISRAEL. A fire caused by a PFLP bomb burned four hours at an oil pipeline in Haifa.
UNITED KINGDOM. Terrorists fire-bombed a London department store known to have links with Israel. The PFLP later claimed responsibility and warned that there would be more bomb attacks on Jewish-owned establishments in London and in the United States. PFLP leader George Habbash said, We shall expand our operations everywhere, in all parts of the world. The enemy camp includes not only Israel but also the Zionist movement, world imperialism led by the United States, and reactionary powers bound to imperialism.
YUGOSLAVIA. Arson occurred in the Belgrade office of the U.S. Binational Commission Cultural Exchange during the night.
INDIA. An explosion at the Calcutta Post Office was directed at the USIS library.
EGYPT. An Egyptian Misrair Anatov-24 flying from Cairo to Aswan was hijacked to an airstrip north of Jidda, Saudi Arabia by six hijackers.
BRAZIL. Members of theRevolutionary Movement of the 8th (MR-8) and ALN (Action for National Liberation) kidnapped Charles Burke Elbrick, U.S. ambassador to Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro. The kidnappers took Elbrick from his car and left a ransom note demanding the release of 15 prisoners who were to be flown to Algeria, Chile, or Mexico, and the publication of an antigovernment manifesto. The kidnappers negotiated with the government by notes.On September 5, the government agreed to release the prisoners and authorized Brazilian newspapers to publish the manifesto. The deal was almost upset at the final moment when paratroopers in Rio de Janeiro attempted to prevent the plane carrying the prisoners from taking off. The paratroopers were ordered back to their barracks, however, and the plane left for Mexico on September 6. Ambassador E
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