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<h3>reNgine 1.1<br>More than just recon!</h3>
<h4>The only web application recon tool you will ever need!</h4>
<p>Quickly discover the attack surface, and identify vulnerabilities using highly customizable and powerful scan engines.
Enjoy peace of mind with reNgine's continuous monitoring, deeper reconnaissance, and open-source powered Vulnerability Scanner.</p>
<h4>What is reNgine?</h4>
<p align="left">reNgine is a web application reconnaissance suite with focus on a highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines, recon data correlation, continuous monitoring, recon data backed by a database, and a simple yet intuitive User Interface. With features such as sub-scan, deeper co-relation, report generation, etc. reNgine aims to fix the gap in the traditional recon tools and probably a better alternative for existing commercial tools.
reNgine makes it easy for penetration testers and security auditors to gather reconnaissance data with bare minimal configuration.
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⭐<a href="https://rengine.wiki">reNgine Documentation</a>
<a href="https://rengine.wiki/changelog/">What's new</a>
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<a href="https://github.com/yogeshojha/rengine/issues">Request Feature</a>⭐
## Table of Contents
* [About reNgine](#about-rengine)
* [Features](#features)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Quick Installation](#quick-installation)
* [What's new in reNgine](#changelog)
* [reNgine Bug Bounty Program](#rengine-bug-bounty-program)
* [Screenshots](#screenshots)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [reNgine Support](#rengine-support)
* [Related Projects](#related-projects)
* [Support and Sponsoring](#support-and-sponsoring)
* [License](#license)
### reNgine 2.0 codenamed Jasper
I am currently working on reNgine 2.0 likely to be announced sometime between May and August 2023. This version will be codenamed for Jasper. reNgine 2.0 will be the most advanced reNgine ever, tons of work will be done in how scans are performed, things such as Pause and Resume Scan, Axiom Integration, more deeper correlation, Project Options, Multiple Tenants, etc.
Please submit your feature requests via GitHub issues.
## About reNgine
You can watch [reNgine 1.1 release trailer here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy_6F7Vq8Lo) (Recommended)
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17223002/164993688-50eb95f2-3653-4ef7-bd3b-ef7a096824ea.jpeg">
reNgine is a web application reconnaissance suite with a focus on a highly configurable streamlined recon process. reNgine is backed by a database, with data correlation and organization, the custom query “like” language for recon data filtering, reNgine aims to address the shortcomings of traditional recon workflow.
Developers behind reNgine understand that recon data can be huge, and manually looking up for entries to attack could be cumbersome, with features like identifying Interesting Subdomains, helping penetration testers focus on attack rather than recon.
reNgine is also focused on continuous monitoring. Penetration testers can choose to schedule the scan at periodic intervals and get notified on notification channels like Discord, Slack, and Telegram for any new subdomains or vulnerabilities identified, or any recon data changes.
Interoperability is something every recon tool needs, and reNgine is no different. Beginning reNgine 1.0, we additionally developed features such as import and export subdomains, endpoints, GF pattern matched endpoints, etc. This will allow you to use your favorite recon workflow in conjunction with reNgine.
PDF reports are something every individual or team needs. Beginning reNgine 1.1, reNgine also comes with an option to download PDF reports. One can also choose the type of report, Full Scan Report or just a reconnaissance report. Also, we understand that PDF reports need to be customizable. Choose the color of the report you like, customize the executive summary, etc. You choose the way your pdf report looks!
reNgine features Highly configurable scan engines based on YAML, that allow penetration testers to create as many recon engines as they want of their choice, configure as they wish, and use them against any targets for the scan. These eng
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