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# usb-serial-for-android
This is a driver library for communication with Arduinos and other USB serial hardware on
Android, using the
[Android USB Host Mode (OTG)](http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/usb/host.html)
available since Android 3.1 and working reliably since Android 4.2.
No root access, ADK, or special kernel drivers are required; all drivers are implemented in
Java. You get a raw serial port with `read()`, `write()`, and [other functions](https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android/wiki/FAQ#Feature_Matrix) for use with your own protocols.
## Quick Start
**1.** Add library to your project:
Add jitpack.io repository to your root build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Starting with gradle 6.8 you can alternatively add jitpack.io repository to your settings.gradle:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
If using gradle kotlin use line
maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")
Add library to dependencies
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.mik3y:usb-serial-for-android:3.8.0'
**2.** If the app should be notified when a device is attached, add
to your project's `res/xml/` directory and configure in your `AndroidManifest.xml`.
<action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED" />
android:resource="@xml/device_filter" />
**3.** Use it! Example code snippet:
open device:
// Find all available drivers from attached devices.
UsbManager manager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
List<UsbSerialDriver> availableDrivers = UsbSerialProber.getDefaultProber().findAllDrivers(manager);
if (availableDrivers.isEmpty()) {
// Open a connection to the first available driver.
UsbSerialDriver driver = availableDrivers.get(0);
UsbDeviceConnection connection = manager.openDevice(driver.getDevice());
if (connection == null) {
// add UsbManager.requestPermission(driver.getDevice(), ..) handling here
UsbSerialPort port = driver.getPorts().get(0); // Most devices have just one port (port 0)
port.setParameters(115200, 8, UsbSerialPort.STOPBITS_1, UsbSerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
then use direct read/write
port.write(request, WRITE_WAIT_MILLIS);
len = port.read(response, READ_WAIT_MILLIS);
or direct write + event driven read:
usbIoManager = new SerialInputOutputManager(usbSerialPort, this);
port.write("hello".getBytes(), WRITE_WAIT_MILLIS);
public void onNewData(byte[] data) {
runOnUiThread(() -> { textView.append(new String(data)); });
and finally:
For a simple example, see
folder in this project.
See separate github project [SimpleUsbTerminal](https://github.com/kai-morich/SimpleUsbTerminal)
for a more complete example with:
* Background service to stay connected while the app is not visible or rotating
* Flow control
## Probing for Unrecognized Devices
Sometimes you may need to do a little extra work to support devices which
usb-serial-for-android doesn't (yet) know about -- but which you know to be
compatible with one of the built-in drivers. This may be the case for a brand
new device or for one using a custom VID/PID pair.
UsbSerialProber is a class to help you find and instantiate compatible
UsbSerialDrivers from the tree of connected UsbDevices. Normally, you will use
the default prober returned by ``UsbSerialProber.getDefaultProber()``, which
uses USB interface types and the built-in list of well-known VIDs and PIDs that
are supported by our drivers.
To use your own set of rules, create and use a custom prober:
// Probe for our custom FTDI device, which use VID 0x1234 and PID 0x0001 and 0x0002.
ProbeTable customTable = new ProbeTable();
customTable.addProduct(0x1234, 0x0001, FtdiSerialDriver.class);
customTable.addProduct(0x1234, 0x0002, FtdiSerialDriver.class);
UsbSerialProber prober = new UsbSerialProber(customTable);
List<UsbSerialDriver> drivers = prober.findAllDrivers(usbManager);
// ...
*Note*: as of v3.5.0 this library detects CDC devices by USB interface types instead of fixed VID+PID,
so custom probers are typically not required any more for CDC devices.
Of course, nothing requires you to use UsbSerialProber at all: you can
instantiate driver classes directly if you know what you're doing; just supply
a compatible UsbDevice.
## Compatible Devices
This library supports USB to serial converter chips:
* FTDI FT232R, FT232H, FT2232H, FT4232H, FT230X, FT231X, FT234XD
* Prolific PL2303
* Silabs CP2102, CP210*
* Qinheng CH340, CH341A, CH9102
devices implementing the CDC/ACM protocol like
* Arduino using ATmega32U4
* Digispark using V-USB software USB
* BBC micro:bit using ARM mbed DAPLink firmware
* ...
and some device specific drivers:
* GsmModem devices, e.g. for Unisoc based Fibocom GSM modems
* Chrome OS CCD (Closed Case Debugging)
## Help & Discussion
For common problems, see the [FAQ](https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android/wiki/FAQ) wiki page.
Are you using the library? Add your project to
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