A novel metaheuristic method for solving constrained engineering
optimization problems: Crow search algorithm
Alireza Askarzadeh
Department of Energy Management and Optimization, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology,
Kerman, Iran
article info
Article history:
Received 27 September 2015
Accepted 3 March 2016
Metaheuristic optimization
Crow search algorithm
Constrained engineering optimization
This paper proposes a novel metaheuristic optimizer, named crow search algorithm (CSA), based on the
intelligent behavior of crows. CSA is a population-based technique which works based on this idea that
crows store their excess food in hiding places and retrieve it when the food is needed. CSA is applied to
optimize six constrained engineering design problems which have different natures of objective func-
tions, constraints and decision variables. The results obtained by CSA are compared with the results of
various algorithms. Simulation results reveal that using CSA may lead to finding promising results com-
pared to the other algorithms.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Engineering design is defined as a decision making process to
build products that satisfy specified needs. Most often, engineer-
ing design problems include complicated objective functions with
a large number of decision variables. The feasible solutions are
the set of all designs characterized by all possible values of the
design parameters (decision variables). An optimization technique
tries to find the optimal solution from all available feasible
Conventional search methods have long been applied to solve
engineering design problems. Although these methods find
promising results in many real problems, they may fail in more
complex design problems. In real design problems, the number
of decision variables can be very large and their effect on the objec-
tive function can be very complicated. The objective function may
have many local optima, whereas the designer is interested in the
global optimum. Such problems cannot be handled by conven-
tional methods that only find local optima. In these cases, efficient
optimization methods are needed.
Metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising performance
for solving most real-world optimization problems that are extre-
mely nonlinear and multimodal. All metaheuristic algorithms use a
certain tradeoff of randomization and local search [1]. These algo-
rithms can find good solutions for difficult optimization problems,
but there is no guarantee that optimal solutions can be reached. It
is hoped that these algorithms work most of the time, but not all
the time. Metaheuristic algorithms could be suitable for global
optimization [2]. Based on Glover’s convention, all the modern
nature-inspired methods are called metaheuristics [3].
Current trend is to utilize nature-inspired metaheuristic algo-
rithms to tackle difficult problems and it has been shown that
metaheuristics are surprisingly very efficient [1,2]. For this reason,
the literature of metaheuristics has expanded tremendously in the
last two decades [4,5]. Some of the well-known metaheuristic algo-
rithms are as follows: genetic algorithm (GA) based on natural
selection [6], particle swarm optimization (PSO) based on social
behavior of bird flocking and fish schooling [7], harmony search
(HS) based on music improvisation process [8], cuckoo search algo-
rithm based on the brood parasitism of some cuckoo species [9],
bat algorithm (BA) based on echolocation behavior of microbats
[10], group search optimizer (GSO) based on animal searching
behavior [11], firefly algorithm (FA) based on the flashing light pat-
terns of tropic fireflies [12], etc. To date, researchers have only used
a very limited characteristics inspired by nature and there is room
for development of more algorithms. One of the main motivations
of this paper is to develop a user-friendly (simple concept and easy
implementation) metaheuristic technique by which we may obtain
promising results when solving optimization problems.
Crows are widely distributed genus of birds which are now con-
sidered to be among the world’s most intelligent animals [13,14].
As a group, crows show remarkable examples of intelligence and
often score very highly on intelligence tests. They can memorize
faces, use tools, communicate in sophisticated ways and hide and
retrieve food across seasons [13,15].
0045-7949/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tel./fax: +98 342 6233176.
E-mail addresses: a.askarzadeh@kgut.ac.ir, askarzadeh_a@yahoo.com
Computers and Structures 169 (2016) 1–12
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