# influx-cli
CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
## Motivation
This repository decouples the `influx` CLI from the OSS `influxdb` codebase. Our goals are to:
1. Make it easier to keep the CLI up-to-date with InfluxDB Cloud API changes
2. Enable faster turn-around on fixes/features that only affect the CLI
3. Allow the CLI to be built & released for a wider range of platforms than the server can support
## Building
Run `make` or `make influx` to build the CLI. The output binary will be written to `bin/$(GOOS)/influx`.
### Regenerating OpenAPI client
We use [`OpenAPITools/openapi-generator`](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) to generate
the underlying HTTP client used by the CLI. Run `make openapi` to re-generate the code. You'll need Docker
running locally for the script to work.
## Running
After building, use `influx -h` to see the list of available commands.
### Enabling Completions
The CLI supports generating completions for `bash`, `zsh`, and `powershell`. To enable completions for a
single shell session, run one of these commands:
# For bash:
source <(influx completion bash)
# For zsh:
source <(influx completion zsh)
# For pwsh:
Invoke-Expression ((influx completion powershell) -join "`n`")
To enable completions across sessions, add the appropriate line to your shell's login profile (i.e. `~/.bash_profile`).
## Testing
Run `make test` to run unit tests.
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