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Deep Image Retrieval:Learning global representations for image s...
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Deep Image Retrieval:Learning global representations for image search Deep Image Retrieval:Learning global representations for image search Deep Image Retrieval:Learning global representations for image search
Deep Image Retrieval:
Learning global representations for image search
Albert Gordo, Jon Almaz´an, Jerome Revaud, and Diane Larlus
Computer Vision Group, Xerox Research Center Europe
Abstract. We propose a novel approach for instance-level image re-
trieval. It produces a global and compact fixed-length representation for
each image by aggregating many region-wise descriptors. In contrast to
previous works employing pre-trained deep networks as a black box to
produce features, our method leverages a deep architecture trained for
the specific task of image retrieval. Our contribution is twofold: (i) we
leverage a ranking framework to learn convolution and projection weights
that are used to build the region features; and (ii) we employ a region
proposal network to learn which regions should be pooled to form the fi-
nal global descriptor. We show that using clean training data is key to the
success of our approach. To that aim, we use a large scale but noisy land-
mark dataset and develop an automatic cleaning approach. The proposed
architecture produces a global image representation in a single forward
pass. Our approach significantly outperforms previous approaches based
on global descriptors on standard datasets. It even surpasses most prior
works based on costly local descriptor indexing and spatial verification
Keywords: deep learning, instance-level retrieval
1 Introduction
Since their ground-breaking results on image classification in recent ImageNet
challenges [1,2], deep learning based methods have shined in many other com-
puter vision tasks, including object detection [3] and semantic segmentation [4].
Recently, they also rekindled highly semantic tasks such as image captioning [5,6]
and visual question answering [7]. However, for some problems such as instance-
level image retrieval, deep learning methods have led to rather underwhelming
results. In fact, for most image retrieval benchmarks, the state of the art is cur-
rently held by conventional methods relying on local descriptor matching and
re-ranking with elaborate spatial verification [8,9,10,11].
Recent works leveraging deep architectures for image retrieval are mostly
limited to using a pre-trained network as local feature extractor. Most efforts
have been devoted towards designing image representations suitable for image
retrieval on top of those features. This is challenging because representations for
Additional material available at www.xrce.xerox.com/Deep-Image-Retrieval
arXiv:1604.01325v2 [cs.CV] 28 Jul 2016
2 A. Gordo, J. Almaz´an, J. Revaud, D. Larlus
retrieval need to be compact while retaining most of the fine details of the images.
Contributions have been made to allow deep architectures to accurately represent
input images of different sizes and aspect ratios [12,13,14] or to address the lack
of geometric invariance of convolutional neural network (CNN) features [15,16].
In this paper, we focus on learning these representations. We argue that one
of the main reasons for the deep methods lagging behind the state of the art is
the lack of supervised learning for the specific task of instance-level image re-
trieval. At the core of their architecture, CNN-based retrieval methods often use
local features extracted using networks pre-trained on ImageNet for a classifica-
tion task. These features are learned to distinguish between different semantic
categories, but, as a side effect, are quite robust to intra-class variability. This is
an undesirable property for instance retrieval, where we are interested in distin-
guishing between particular objects – even if they belong to the same semantic
category. Therefore, learning features for the specific task of instance-level re-
trieval seems of paramount importance to achieve competitive results.
To this end, we build upon a recent deep representation for retrieval, the re-
gional maximum activations of convolutions (R-MAC) [14]. It aggregates several
image regions into a compact feature vector of fixed length and is thus robust to
scale and translation. This representation can deal with high resolution images of
different aspect ratios and obtains a competitive accuracy. We note that all the
steps involved to build the R-MAC representation are differentiable, and so its
weights can be learned in an end-to-end manner. Our first contribution is thus
to use a three-stream Siamese network that explicitly optimizes the weights of
the R-MAC representation for the image retrieval task by using a triplet ranking
loss (Fig. 1).
To train this network, we leverage the public Landmarks dataset [17]. This
dataset was constructed by querying image search engines with names of different
landmarks and, as such, exhibits a very large amount of mislabeled and false
positive images. This prevents the network from learning a good representation.
We propose an automatic cleaning process, and show that on the cleaned data
learning significantly improves.
Our second contribution consists in learning the pooling mechanism of the
R-MAC descriptor. In the original architecture of [14], a rigid grid determines
the location of regions that are pooled together. Here we propose to predict the
location of these regions given the image content. We train a region proposal
network with bounding boxes that are estimated for the Landmarks images
as a by-product of the cleaning process. We show quantitative and qualitative
evidence that region proposals significantly outperform the rigid grid.
The combination of our two contributions produces a novel architecture that
is able to encode one image into a compact fixed-length vector in a single forward
pass. Representations of different images can be then compared using the dot-
product. Our method significantly outperforms previous approaches based on
global descriptors. It even outperforms more complex approaches that involve
keypoint matching and spatial verification at test time.
Learning global representations for image search 3
Fig. 1. Summary of the proposed CNN-based representation tailored for
retrieval. At training time, image triplets are sampled and simultaneously considered
by a triplet-loss that is well-suited for the task (top). A region proposal network (RPN)
learns which image regions should be pooled (bottom left). At test time (bottom right),
the query image is fed to the learned architecture to efficiently produce a compact global
image representation that can be compared with the dataset image representations with
a simple dot-product.
Finally, we would like to refer the reader to the recent work of Radenovic
et al. [18], concurrent to ours and published in these same proceedings, that
also proposes to learn representations for retrieval using a Siamese network on
a geometrically-verified landmark dataset.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses related
works. Sections 3 and 4 present our contributions. Section 5 validates them on
five different datasets. Finally Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Related Work
We now describe previous works most related to our approach.
Conventional image retrieval. Early techniques for instance-level retrieval
are based on bag-of-features representations with large vocabularies and inverted
files [19,20]. Numerous methods to better approximate the matching of the de-
scriptors have been proposed, see e.g. [21,22]. An advantage of these techniques is
that spatial verification can be employed to re-rank a short-list of results [20,23],
yielding a significant improvement despite a significant cost. Concurrently, meth-
ods that aggregate the local image patches have been considered. Encoding tech-
niques, such as the Fisher Vector [24], or VLAD [25], combined with compression
[26,27,28] produce global descriptors that scale to larger databases at the cost of
reduced accuracy. All these methods can be combined with other post-processing
techniques such as query expansion [29,30,31].
4 A. Gordo, J. Almaz´an, J. Revaud, D. Larlus
CNN-based retrieval. After their success in classification [1], CNN features
were used as off-the-shelf features for image retrieval [16,17]. Although they
outperform other standard global descriptors, their performance is significantly
below the state of the art. Several improvements were proposed to overcome their
lack of robustness to scaling, cropping and image clutter. [16] performs region
cross-matching and accumulates the maximum similarity per query region. [12]
applies sum-pooling to whitened region descriptors. [13] extends [12] by allowing
cross-dimensional weighting and aggregation of neural codes. Other approaches
proposed hybrid models involving an encoding technique such as FV [32] or
VLAD [15,33], potentially learnt as well [34] as one of their components.
Tolias et al. [14] propose R-MAC, an approach that produces a global image
representation by aggregating the activation features of a CNN in a fixed layout
of spatial regions. The result is a fixed-length vector representation that, when
combined with re-ranking and query expansion, achieves results close to the state
of the art. Our work extends this architecture by discriminatively learning the
representation parameters and by improving the region pooling mechanism.
Fine-tuning for retrieval. Babenko et al. [17] showed that models pre-trained
on ImageNet for object classification could be improved by fine-tuning them on
an external set of Landmarks images. In this paper we confirm that fine-tuning
the pre-trained models for the retrieval task is indeed crucial, but argue that one
should use a good image representation (R-MAC) and a ranking loss instead of
a classification loss as used in [17].
Localization/Region pooling. Retrieval methods that ground their descrip-
tors in regions typically consider random regions [16] or a rigid grid of re-
gions [14]. Some works exploit the center bias that benchmarks usually exhibit
to weight their regions accordingly [12]. The spatial transformer network of [35]
can be inserted in CNN architectures to transform input images appropriately,
including by selecting the most relevant region for the task. In this paper, we
would like to bias our descriptor towards interesting regions without paying an
extra-cost or relying on a central bias. We achieve this by using a proposal
network similar in essence to the Faster R-CNN detection method [36].
Siamese networks and metric learning. Siamese networks have commonly
been used for metric learning [37], dimensionality reduction [38], learning image
descriptors [39], and performing face identification [40,41,42]. Recently triplet
networks (i.e. three stream Siamese networks) have been considered for metric
learning [43,44] and face identification [45]. However, these Siamese networks
usually rely on simpler network architectures than the one we use here, which
involves pooling and aggregation of several regions.
3 Method
This section introduces our method for retrieving images in large collections.
We first revisit the R-MAC representation (Section 3.1) showing that, despite
its handcrafted nature, all of its components consist of differentiable operations.
From this it follows that one can learn the weights of the R-MAC representa-
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