Competence Center for Case-based reasoning,
DFKI, Kaiserslautern
Centre for model-based software engineering
and explanation-aware computing,
University of West London, UK
SDK for building and integrating CBR systems
Table of Contents
What is CBR
Knowledge formalisation in CBR
The CBR cycle (the four ‘R’)
CBR areas of application
What's myCBR
Architecture diagram
myCBR sources and documentation
Prerequisites for development
Information's for developers
How to install myCBR (getting started)
How to install within Eclipse (for Developers)
What and How to start
myCBR Application design
myCBR SDK integration
myCBR the workbench GUI explained
myCBR getting started: modelling your domain knowledge
myCBR getting started: refining your knowledge model
What is CBR
What is CBR
The assumption of CBR: Similar problems have similar solutions
The general approach: Experiences are stored as cases with a problem description part and a solution part
To solve a new problem: The formal problem description is presented to the CBR system. Then similar cases with
similar problem descriptions are retrieved by the system. The experiences (solution part) of the most similar case is
then reused to solve the new problem presented to the system.
What is CBR
The knowledge formalisation for CBR: Knowledge Containers
Similarity Measures
The retrieval of similar cases is based upon the use of similarity functions
(or measures) to compute the distance or similarity of two cases.
Case base
The systems experience is stored as cases within the case base which can
be seen as a special form of a data base.
The cases themselves, the similarity measures and the adaptation
knowledge are composed upon a vocabulary that contains the objects of
interests (terms, attributes, concepts).
Adaptation knowledge
Adaptation knowledge is used whenever a retrieved case’s solution has to
be adapted to be suitable to solve the presented problem. An example for
this kind of knowledge is given by adaptation rules like “If X is not
available use Y instead.”