# OneLogin's SAML PHP Toolkit Compatible with PHP 5.X & 7.X
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Add SAML support to your PHP software using this library.
Forget those complicated libraries and use this open source library provided
and supported by OneLogin Inc.
Version 3.4.0 introduces the 'rejectUnsolicitedResponsesWithInResponseTo' setting parameter, by default disabled, that will allow invalidate unsolicited SAMLResponse. This version as well will reject SAMLResponse if requestId was provided to the validator but the SAMLResponse does not contain a InResponseTo attribute. And an additional setting parameter 'destinationStrictlyMatches', by default disabled, that will force that the Destination URL should strictly match to the address that process the SAMLResponse.
Version 3.3.1 updates xmlseclibs to 3.0.4 (CVE-2019-3465), but php-saml was not directly affected since it implements additional checks that prevent to exploit that vulnerability.
Version 3.3.0 sets strict mode active by default
Update php-saml to 3.1.0, this version includes a security patch related to XEE attacks.
This version is compatible with PHP 7.X and does not include xmlseclibs (you will need to install it via composer, dependency described in composer.json)
Security Guidelines
If you believe you have discovered a security vulnerability in this toolkit, please report it at https://www.onelogin.com/security with a description. We follow responsible disclosure guidelines, and will work with you to quickly find a resolution.
Why add SAML support to my software?
SAML is an XML-based standard for web browser single sign-on and is defined by
the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee. The standard has been around
since 2002, but lately it is becoming popular due its advantages:
* **Usability** - One-click access from portals or intranets, deep linking,
password elimination and automatically renewing sessions make life
easier for the user.
* **Security** - Based on strong digital signatures for authentication and
integrity, SAML is a secure single sign-on protocol that the largest
and most security conscious enterprises in the world rely on.
* **Speed** - SAML is fast. One browser redirect is all it takes to securely
sign a user into an application.
* **Phishing Prevention** - If you don’t have a password for an app, you
can’t be tricked into entering it on a fake login page.
* **IT Friendly** - SAML simplifies life for IT because it centralizes
authentication, provides greater visibility and makes directory
integration easier.
* **Opportunity** - B2B cloud vendor should support SAML to facilitate the
integration of their product.
General description
OneLogin's SAML PHP toolkit let you build a SP (Service Provider) over
your PHP application and connect it to any IdP (Identity Provider).
* SSO and SLO (SP-Initiated and IdP-Initiated).
* Assertion and nameId encryption.
* Assertion signature.
* Message signature: AuthNRequest, LogoutRequest, LogoutResponses.
* Enable an Assertion Consumer Service endpoint.
* Enable a Single Logout Service endpoint.
* Publish the SP metadata (which can be signed).
Key features:
* **saml2int** - Implements the SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile.
* **Session-less** - Forget those common conflicts between the SP and
the final app, the toolkit delegate session in the final app.
* **Easy to use** - Programmer will be allowed to code high-level and
low-level programming, 2 easy to use APIs are available.
* **Tested** - Thoroughly tested.
* **Popular** - OneLogin's customers use it. Many PHP SAML plugins uses it.
Integrate your PHP toolkit at OneLogin using this guide: [https://developers.onelogin.com/page/saml-toolkit-for-php](https://developers.onelogin.com/page/saml-toolkit-for-php)
### Dependencies ###
* `php >= 5.4` and some core extensions like `php-xml`, `php-date`, `php-zlib`.
* `openssl`. Install the openssl library. It handles x509 certificates.
* `gettext`. Install that library and its php driver. It handles translations.
* `curl`. Install that library and its php driver if you plan to use the IdP Metadata parser.
### Code ###
#### Option 1. clone the repository from github ####
git clone git@github.com:onelogin/php-saml.git
Then pull the 3.X.X branch/tag
#### Option 2. Download from github ####
The toolkit is hosted on github. You can download it from:
* https://github.com/onelogin/php-saml/releases
Search for 3.X.X releases
Copy the core of the library inside the php application. (each application has its
structure so take your time to locate the PHP SAML toolkit in the best place).
See the "Guide to add SAML support to my app" to know how.
Take in mind that the compressed file only contains the main files.
If you plan to play with the demos, use the Option 1.
#### Option 3. Composer ####
The toolkit supports [composer](https://getcomposer.org/). You can find the `onelogin/php-saml` package at https://packagist.org/packages/onelogin/php-saml
In order to import the saml toolkit to your current php project, execute
composer require onelogin/php-saml
Remember to select the 3.X.X branch
After installation has completed you will find at the `vendor/` folder a new folder named `onelogin` and inside the `php-saml`. Make sure you are including the autoloader provided by composer. It can be found at `vendor/autoload.php`.
**Important** In this option, the x509 certs must be stored at `vendor/onelogin/php-saml/certs`
and settings file stored at `vendor/onelogin/php-saml`.
Your settings are at risk of being deleted when updating packages using `composer update` or similar commands. So it is **highly** recommended that instead of using settings files, you pass the settings as an array directly to the constructor (explained later in this document). If you do not use this approach your settings are at risk of being deleted when updating packages using `composer update` or similar commands.
This 3.X.X supports PHP 7.X. but can be used with PHP >=5.4 as well (5.6.24+ recommended for security reasons).
If you are using the library with a framework like Symfony that contains
namespaces, remember that calls to the class must be done by adding a backslash (`\`) to the
start, for example to use the static method getSelfURLNoQuery use:
Security warning
In production, the `strict` parameter **MUST** be set as `"true"` and the
`signatureAlgorithm` and `digestAlgorithm` under `security` must be set to
something other than SHA1 (see https://shattered.io/ ). Otherwise your
environment is not secure and will be exposed to attacks.
In production also we highly recommended to register on the settings the IdP certificate instead of using the fingerprint method. The fingerprint, is a hash, so at the end is open to a collision attack that can end on a signature validation bypass. Other SAML toolkits deprecated that mechanism, we maintain it for compatibility and also to be used on test environment.
Getting started
### Knowing the toolkit ###
The new OneLogin SAML Toolkit contains different folders (`certs`, `endpoints`,
`lib`, `demo`, etc.) and some files.
Let's start describing the folders:
#### `certs/` ####
SAML requires a x509 cert to sign and encrypt elements like `NameID`, `Message`,
`Assertion`, `Metadata`.
If our environment requires sign or encrypt support, this folder may