Reset the default BMC username/password
This document describes the steps on how to reset the username/password of the BMC default user.
It applies to the following platforms:
Contents of the package
Readme.txt - this file.
KCS.exe - DOS application used to reset username/password.
Name.bat - batch file used to reset username of the BMC default user as lenovo1
Pass.bat - batch file used to reset password of the BMC default user as Lenovo123
1. Create a bootable DOS USB disk.
2. Copy all the files in this folder to the USB disk.
3. Plug the USB disk to the platform that needs resetting BMC username/password.
4. Boot the system to DOS, and:
4.1 run Name.bat to reset username of the BMC default user as lenovo1
4.2 run Pass.bat to reset password of the BMC default user as Lenovo123
5. The modification would take effect immediately, and can be used to login the Web TMM.
Deep information
1. Name.bat: KCS 18 45 02 6C 65 6E 6F 76 6F 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The HEX data 02 above indicates the user id of Lenovo default user account.
The HEX data 6C 65 6E 6F 76 6F 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 above are the user name String in ASCII, 16 characters maximum. String that is less than 16 characters is terminated with a NULL (00H) character and padded with NULL (00H) to 16 bytes. In the Name.bat, the user name for User ID 02 will be reset as lenovo1.
2. Pass.bat: KCS 18 47 82 02 4C 65 6E 6F 76 6F 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The HEX data 2 of 82 above indicates the user id of Lenovo default user account. The HEX data 4C 65 6E 6F 76 6F 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 above are the password string in ASCII, 20 characters maximum. String that is less than 20 characters is terminated with a NULL (00H) character and padded with NULL (00H) to 20 bytes. In the Pass.bat, the user password for User ID 02 will be reset as Lenovo123.
3. In the case of password policy check is enabled, if you wants to change the password to something else instead of Lenovo123, the rules below should be followed:
The password must be at least eight and no more than twenty characters in length and contains at least three of the following four types of characters:
1. Lower case letters (a-z)
2. Upper case letter (A-Z)
3. Numbers (0-9)
4. Special characters such as one of the following:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
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