import random
import time
yy = [
"If you know from experience that you are the over-anxious type, it is critical that you ____ a fixed ration of time every day for relaxation.",
"We will stand up for our rights,even if we have to ____ to secure them.",
"Good heath is a combination of many factors,most of which ____ within the individual.",
"When the specialists finally announced that her son was deaf and that there was nothing they could do,the woman ____.",
"In his first email the man who called himself Johnson Michael ____ where he was from,nor did he disclose his contact number and address.",
"The Vice-Minister of Environmental Protection stressed at the meeting that China will not ____ environment to foster economic growth.",
"Amid a massive,multi-year mess I ____ this old brooch when I was cleaning out attic.",
"To understand what sets the beat of your heart, and why that ____ is so important, it`s helpful to understand what exactly heartbeat is.",
"This set of Dickens is definitely something to value. The paper is fine quality, covers are solid and each ____ includes the original illustrations selected by Dickens himself to accompany his words.",
"They see you as ____ worrier, seeing problems which don`t exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.",
"They may ____ documents relating to their early life when they cleared out their dead parents` papers.",
"I explained that this piece of news ____ during my long interview with Inspector Drew the night before.",
"It`s funny, but when the lights ____ ,it suddenly seems darker in the park.",
"I ____ feminist politics while I was at college in London in the mid-seventies.",
"Ultimately, much of the debate ____ the question of choice.",
"All I could remember when I ____ was my mother`s anxious face.",
"When it ____ clothes,I think the standard has dropped radically in the last five years.",
"Frank ____ four prisoner-of-war camps with an optimistic mentality.",
"They ____ a far better deal than I could have got on my own .",
"I can not wait until Christmas ____ and we have fun .",
"Loss of ____ can be a result of minor infections or health conditions such as coughs,fever ,or indigestion.",
"In societies where family lives are decisively centered upon the wage system ,it is not surprising that unemployment can have a ____ effect upon families .",
"An advertising ____ is a service business dedicated to creating planning and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion for it’s clients .",
"Many ____ foods are made with saturated fats ,large amounts of sodium and sugar .These types of foods should be avoided ,or at least eaten sparingly.",
"My suede shoes were ____ with water during a storm .Now that they’ve dried ,the suede has lost it’s softness .",
"Blogging is ,to my mind ,a complete and ____ waster of time .our time could be better spent on writing well-reflected articles in subjects areas where we have more knowledge .",
"Yesterday villagers watched in excitement as a 100-tonne crane ____ their new community hall into place .",
"I find it disturbing that the media keeps ____ my marriage ,since I got divorced ten years ago .",
"Experiments confirm an observation experienced by most people ,One can forget some information at one point in time and yet be able to ____ it at a later point .",
"Jimmy Carter asked large businesses to hold down prices and labor unions to avoid new wage demands.____ ,his words had little effect.",
"It took them a very long time to ____ the shock of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center .",
"I ____ thinking about his childhood and how different it must have been to mine .",
"There was an abrupt drop in the temperature .we found it hard to ____ the remaining days in the out-of-the-way village .",
"They had to ____ one or two technical problems before filming could start.",
"We can ____ on our income at the moment ,but we`ll need more money when the baby arrives.",
"Mason always felt horribly embarrassed when people started to cry, and tried to think of an excuse to ____ .",
"We would have come straight here ,except our flight ____ to late .",
"We have really got to ____ this book ____ by the end of the year.",
"My brother and I used to argue a lot but we ____ fine now that we have got married and have our own children .",
"Yesterday I managed to ____ parking in a ”no parking ” zone .",
"Mary invited us to her birthday party last week ,and we received the written ____ yesterday .",
"It is known to all that facts are ____, speaking louder than words.",
"The presidential candidate refused to ____ defeat in election and planned to demand a recount in some districts.",
"It is often vital for a leader to listen to different views on an issue, even if these views are ____.",
"Who, after all, has not worn a mask on occasion but suggests happiness and contentment but ____ pain and frustration?",
"A survey shows that fewer wealthy people feel ____ about making luxury-goods purchases and more of them are proud to be recognized as rich.",
"It is difficult to ____ about students who are gifted because their characteristics and needs are so personal and unique .",
"We often ____ heavy traffic during the rush hour ,when it takes a long time to move forward even an inch.",
"Unfortunately, the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets,so my dog has to stay with my parents ____.",
"Speaking at an international conference ,Dr.Young pointed out that police offices should use force only ____ and that the amount of force must be in proportion to the threat they encounter.",
"In some remote and underdeveloped areas of the country ,children have to attend a school where there are no textbooks, or too few to ____ .",
"The future is promised to no one .____ it now.",
"The little girl was scared when all the lights suddenly ____ and the house was plunged into darkness.",
"A dose of problem can do its work but once .A bad book can ____ poisoning minds for generations.",
"She is always on the go,and how she finds time to write and keep us informed of what is ____ is beyond me .",
"Setting a goal is not the main thing ,it is deciding how you will ____ achieving it and staying with that plan.",
"He knows she is not yet convinced, but is telling her to trust him and ____ with what he says.",
"Some people ____ life trying to find out what the world holds for them, but very often they only find out too late that it’s what they bring to the world that they really counts .",
"I like to sit on the bank watching the river ____ .",
"Once your data are collected, you will need to ____ statistics and make sure you are doing the analysis correctly. ",
"I have asked all my friends whether I should marry William or not,but in the end,I must decide ____ .",
"Studies have ____ that climate warming is the main cause of the glacier retreat of Yulong Snow Mountain.",
"Albert Einstein said,”Only two things are ____: the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the former.”",
"One of the major causes of jet lag is the non-alignment(不一致)of a person ‘s ____ body clock with clocks in the external world.",
"The blizzards (暴风雪)have brought ____ to travelers on motorways,but railroads and airports are working as usual.",
"Reliable on-time performance is a key factor when passengers select a ____ of travel.",
"-Should I ask my boss for a promotion? -Nothing ____ ,nothing gained.",
"What is dangerous about heart disease is its lack o
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