# Name: image2svg.py
# Description:
# Convert an image file to a 6-shades svg "line art" file to
# be printed on an XY Plotter
# An aliased & upscaled bitmap (~1600x1000) is preferable
# for optimal results.
# To be drawn on a XY plotter with no optimization, vectors
# coords start from left to right, then right to left
# every other line.
# Version 3 - Use PIL Image instead of the now depreciated
# scipy imread + major cleanup
# Todo: investigate why PIL antialias/degrade jpg (open? convert?)
# automate upscaling
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import codecs, sys
# Set visible to True to display the vector lines on screen (for testing)
# False to prevent G-Code generator from double-stroking each line (but produce invisible output on SVG viewers)
visible = True
# Shades thresholds. May require tweaking for better results on darker/lighter images
# Pixels values are reduced (darkened) to the nearest
# C64 palette vals: 0, 87, 96, 111, 114, 132, 158, 164, 173, 174, 212, 213, 230, 238, 255
shade1 = 0 # Black
shade2 = 50
shade3 = 100
shade4 = 158
shade5 = 212
shade6 = 240
#------ Functions definition ------#
def needLineX(val, rowIndex): # Determine if a segment must be drawn depending on its shade & row number
if rowIndex % 2 == 0 and val <= shade1:
return True
elif rowIndex % 4 == 0 and val <= shade3:
return True
elif rowIndex % 8 == 0 and val <= shade5:
return True
return False
def needLineY(val, rowIndex):
if rowIndex % 2 == 0 and val <= shade1:
return False # Only draw horizontal lines
elif rowIndex % 4 == 0 and val <= shade2:
return True
elif rowIndex % 4 == 0 and val <= shade3:
return False # Only draw horizontal lines
elif rowIndex % 8 == 0 and val <= shade4:
return True
return False
def svgPrint(start, stop, rowNum, invert, axes, axisDimension):
svgFile.write('<line '+ axes[0] + '1="'
+ str(axisDimension-start if invert == True else start)
+ '" ' + axes[1] + '1="' + str(rowNum)
+ '" ' + axes[0] + '2="'
+ str(axisDimension-stop if invert == True else stop)
+ '" ' + axes[1] + '2="' + str(rowNum) + '"/>\n')
def generateVectors(img, needLine, axes, axisDimension):
invert = False
for rowIndex, row in enumerate(img): # Go through each row
rowDrawn = False
firstEndpoint = 0
if invert == True: # Invert every other line where something is drawn on a row
row = np.flipud(row)
for index, pixel in enumerate(row): # Go through each column
if index > 0 and pixel != row[index-1]: # If the pixel color is different from the last
if needLine(row[index-1], rowIndex): # Check if this last segment must be "printed"
svgPrint(firstEndpoint, index, rowIndex, invert, axes, axisDimension)
rowDrawn = True
firstEndpoint = index # Store the first endpoint of the next line segment
if needLine(row[index], rowIndex): # Test/Print last segment at the end of each line
svgPrint(firstEndpoint, index, rowIndex, invert, axes, axisDimension)
rowDrawn = True
if rowDrawn == True:
invert = not invert
def main(inputFile):
image = Image.open(inputFile).convert('L', dither=False)
width, height = image.size
# Reduce color to 6 shades
image = Image.eval(image, lambda px: shade1 if px < shade2 else
(shade2 if px < shade3 else
(shade3 if px < shade4 else
(shade4 if px < shade5 else
(shade5 if px < shade6 else 255)))))
# Convert image to array
image = np.asarray(image)
# Create SVG file + header
global svgFile
svgFile = codecs.open("output.svg", "w+")
svgFile.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n')
svgFile.write('<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n')
svgFile.write('<svg width="'+ str(width)+ 'pt" height="'+str(height)+'pt" viewBox="0 0 '
+ str(width)+ " " +str(height)+'" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n')
# Stroke lines if option is set
if visible == True:
svgFile.write('<g stroke="black" stroke-width="1">\n')
# Create X axis segments
generateVectors(image, needLineX, ['x', 'y'], width)
# Create Y axis segments
image = np.swapaxes(image, 0, 1)
generateVectors(image, needLineY, ['y', 'x'], height)
# Close SVG file
if visible == True:
# End Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
except IndexError:
print("No input file specified.")
wait = input("Press enter to continue...")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Input file not found.")
wait = input("Press enter to continue...")
except OSError:
print("Image file not recognized.")
wait = input("Press enter to continue...")