Atmel AVR Infrared Downloader. Part 1.
This project makes firmware upgrades easy: The target has an Infrared receiver and the data is
sent via IR. The IR transmitter is based on V-USB.
The host-side consist of host-program for Win32 PC using Libusb-Win32, device based on
ATmega8 using firmware-only USB driver by Objective Development and infrared hardware
Host program was compiled using Lazarus Freepascal. Device firmware was compiled using
The implementation uses custom device class, required simple inf file and libusb driver on PC.
Infrared data transmission uses USART facility and Timer2 for 38 kHz modulation signal
generator. Baudrate 2400bps is based on the IRM-8510N data reception ability which is 400us
for the shortest length logic signal.