#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#define INIT_TYPE 10
#define ALLTOONE_TYPE 100
#define ONETOALL_TYPE 200
#define MULTI_TYPE 300
#define RESULT_TYPE 400
#define RESULT_LEN 500
#define MULTI_LEN 600
int Spt; //< Separator, it is NumOfProcesses - 1
long DataSize; //< the number of elements in total
int *arr, //< this array stores the elements to be sorted, size [DataSize*2]
*arr1; //< the 50% position of 'arr', which stores the data gathered from other process
int mylength; //< the number of elements distributed to one process
int *index; //< index[2*i] and [2*i-1] is the index of element in 'arr' which >= temp1[i]
int *temp1; /*< this array firstly stores the sample elements picked up in one process, size [SumID*Spt].
after step 6, it stores the number of elements of each segment in one process */
main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
long BaseNum = 1;
int PlusNum;
int MyID;
// initialize the MPI environment
// get the rank of this process
PlusNum = 60;
// count the total number of elements to be sort
DataSize = BaseNum*PlusNum;
if (MyID==0)
printf("The DataSize is : %lu\n",PlusNum);
// the main process
if (MyID==0)
// ready to finish the MPI process
Psrs_Main( ) {
int i,j;
int MyID, //< the ID of current process
SumID; //< the number of all the process
int n, //< there n segments in each process
k, //< the pointer of arr1, which stores the data gather from other process
FILE *fp;
int ready;
MPI_Status status[32*32*2]; // array for receive the status
MPI_Request request[32*32*2];
// get the rank of current process
// get the number of processes
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &SumID);
// count the separator
Spt = SumID-1;
// Initialize the argument
// allocate memory for arr
arr = (int *)malloc(2*DataSize*sizeof(int));
if (arr==0) merror("malloc memory for arr error!");
// arr & arr1 are two array with same size, they are used alternately in Mergesort
arr1 = &arr[DataSize];
// allocate memory for temp1 and index
if (SumID>1) {
temp1 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*SumID*Spt);
if (temp1==0) merror("malloc memory for temp1 error!");
index = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*SumID);
if (index==0) merror("malloc memory for index error!");
// barrier until all the process finish allocating memory
/* modified begin */
// we now start to calculate the length for each process
// please notice that the last process should add the Datasize mod SumID
if(MyID == SumID - 1)
mylength = DataSize / SumID + DataSize % SumID;
mylength = DataSize / SumID;
/* modified end */
// produce the random seed
// we use srand to produce random seed, then use rand() to generate random number
// and we output them as the input number
printf("This is node %d \n",MyID);
printf("On node %d the input data is:\n",MyID);
for (i=0; i<mylength; i++) {
arr[i] = (int)rand();
printf("%d : ",arr[i]);
// Step 1:
// every processor sort their own data(n/P in total), using serial Quicksort, to get a sorted array
// we use two barrier for synchronizing
quicksort(arr,0,mylength - 1);
// Step 2:
// Every processor pick up No.w, No.2w, No.3w, ... ,No.(P-1)w element, P-1 in total, from sorted array, as representatives.
// w=n/P*P
if (SumID>1) {
// barrier for synchronizing
// n is the interval of representatives
n = (int)(mylength/(Spt+1));
// now we use temp1 to store the representatives from each process
for (i=0; i<Spt; i++)
temp1[i] = arr[(i+1)*n-1];
// barrier for synchronizing
// Step 3:
// every process send selected representatives to process P0
if (MyID==0) {
// Process P0 receive the representatives from other processes
j = 0;
// representatives are placed into temp1, for further sorting and picking
for (i=1; i<SumID; i++)
MPI_Irecv(&temp1[i*Spt], sizeof(int)*Spt, MPI_CHAR, i,ALLTOONE_TYPE+i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[j++]);
MPI_Waitall(SumID-1, request, status);
// Process P0 do Quicksort to received representatives
// (from P processes, have been sorted separately in each process)
// there are two barrier for synchronize
// then pick up No.P-1, No.2(P-1), ..., No.(P-1)(P-1) as pivot elements, P-1 in total
// Step 4:
// Process P0 broadcast these P-1 pivot elements to all the other processes
MPI_Bcast(temp1, sizeof(int)*(1+Spt), MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// barrier for synchronize
} else {
// every other process send selected representatives to process P0
MPI_Send(temp1,sizeof(int)*Spt,MPI_CHAR,0,ALLTOONE_TYPE+MyID, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// because there are two barrier in Process_0, so this place we need two barrier as well.
// every other process receive pivot elements from process P0
MPI_Bcast(temp1, sizeof(int)*(1+Spt), MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Step 5:
// every process split their own data, n/P in total, into P segments, according to the P-1 pivot elements.
// we record them as the No.j+1 segment of Process_Pi, (i=0,...,P-1; j=0,...,P-1)
// firstly, initialize the argument
n = mylength;
index[0] = 0;
i = 1;
// remove the useless pivot element, which is smaller than any elements of the array to be sorted
while ((arr[0]>=temp1[i])&&(i<SumID)) {
index[2*i-1] = 0;
index[2*i] = 0;
index[2*i-1] = n;
// now i points to the first useful pivot element
c1 = 0;
// we use this loop to calculate index[i]
while (i<SumID) {
// c1 and c3 are the upper bound and lower bound of binary search
// and the c2 is the middle element
// c4 is the element to be searched
c4 = temp1[i];
c3 = n;
c2 = (int)((c1+c3)/2);
// trying to find element in arr which >= temp1[i], using binary search
while ((arr[c2]!=c4)&&(c1<c3)) {
if (arr[c2]>c4) {
// if the element selected is larger than destination
c3 = c2-1;
c2 = (int)((c1+c3)/2);
} else {
// if the element selected is smaller than destination
c1 = c2+1;
c2 = (int)((c1+c3)/2);
while ((arr[c2]<=c4)&&(c2<n)) c2++;
// now c2 points to the first element in arr which >= temp1[i]
if (c2==n) {
// if c2==n, that means we reached the upper bound