import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
public class MobileCamera
// initial x-axis rotation and position
private static final float X_ANGLE = -10.0f; // degrees
private static final float X_POS = 0.0f;
private static final float Y_POS = 0.0f;
private static final float Z_POS = 200.0f;
// move back and up, rotate down
// translation and rotation increments
private static final float ANGLE_INCR = 10.0f; // degrees
private static final float MOVE_INCR = 0.1f;
// key mode constants
private static final int MOVE = 0; // move left, right, fwd, back
private static final int ROTATE = 1; // turn left, right, up, down
private static final int FLOAT = 2; // move up, down
private static final int NUM_MODES = 3;
// booleans for remembering key presses
private boolean upPressed = false;
private boolean downPressed = false;
private boolean leftPressed = false;
private boolean rightPressed = false;
private int keyMode = MOVE; // current key mode
// for examining the camera's (x,y,z) position
private Transform trans = new Transform();
private float transMat[] = new float[16];
private float xCoord, yCoord, zCoord;
// for storing the camera's current x- and y- rotations
private float xAngle, yAngle;
// scene graph elements for the camera
private Group transGroup;
private Camera cam;
public MobileCamera(int width, int height)
// transGroup --> camera
cam = new Camera();
float aspectRatio = ((float) width) / ((float) height);
cam.setPerspective(70.0f, aspectRatio, 0.1f, 50.0f);
cam.postRotate(X_ANGLE, 1.0f, 0, 0); // apply x-axis rotations to camera
// translation an y-axis rotation group for the model
transGroup = new Group(); // no initial rotation
trans.postTranslate(X_POS, Y_POS, Z_POS);
// store initial rotations
xAngle = X_ANGLE; yAngle = 0.0f;
} // end of MobileCamera()
public Group getCameraGroup()
{ return transGroup; }
public Camera getCamera()
{ return cam; }
// ----- handle key presses / releases, and return details ------
public void pressedKey(int gameAction)
switch(gameAction) {
case Canvas.UP: upPressed = true; break;
case Canvas.DOWN: downPressed = true; break;
case Canvas.LEFT: leftPressed = true; break;
case Canvas.RIGHT: rightPressed = true; break;
case Canvas.FIRE: keyMode = (keyMode + 1) % NUM_MODES; break;
default: break;
} // end of pressedKey()
public void releasedKey(int gameAction)
switch(gameAction) {
case Canvas.UP: upPressed = false; break;
case Canvas.DOWN: downPressed = false; break;
case Canvas.LEFT: leftPressed = false; break;
case Canvas.RIGHT: rightPressed = false; break;
default: break;
} // end of releasedKey()
public String getKeyMode()
switch(keyMode) {
case MOVE: return "Select Mode: move";
case ROTATE: return "Select Mode: rotate";
case FLOAT: return "Select Mode: float";
default: return "Select Mode: ??";
} // end of getKeyMode()
public String getPosition()
// round coords to 2 dp
float x = ((int)((xCoord+0.005)*100.0f))/100.0f;
float y = ((int)((yCoord+0.005)*100.0f))/100.0f;
float z = ((int)((zCoord+0.005)*100.0f))/100.0f;
return "Pos: (" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ")";
} // end of getPosition()
private void storePosition()
// extract the current (x,y,z) position from transGroup
xCoord = transMat[3];
yCoord = transMat[7];
zCoord = transMat[11];
} // end of storePosition()
public String getRotation()
{ return "Rot: (" + xAngle + ", " + yAngle + ", 0.0)"; }
// ------------- update camera position and rotation ---------------
public void update()
switch(keyMode) {
case MOVE: updateMove(); break;
case ROTATE: updateRotation(); break;
case FLOAT: updateFloating(); break;
default: break;
} // end of update()
private void updateMove()
if (upPressed) // move forward
trans.postTranslate(0, 0, -MOVE_INCR);
else if (downPressed) // move backwards
trans.postTranslate(0, 0, MOVE_INCR);
else if (leftPressed) // move to the left
trans.postTranslate(-MOVE_INCR, 0, 0);
else if (rightPressed) // move to the right
trans.postTranslate(MOVE_INCR, 0, 0);
} // end of updateMove()
private void updateRotation()
if (upPressed) { // rotate up around x-axis
cam.postRotate(ANGLE_INCR, 1.0f, 0, 0);
xAngle += ANGLE_INCR;
else if (downPressed) { // rotate down around x-axis
cam.postRotate(-ANGLE_INCR, 1.0f, 0, 0);
xAngle -= ANGLE_INCR;
else if (leftPressed) // rotate left around the y-axis
yAngle += ANGLE_INCR;
else if (rightPressed) // rotate right around the y-axis
yAngle -= ANGLE_INCR;
// angle values are modulo 360 degrees
if (xAngle >= 360.0f)
xAngle -= 360.0f;
else if (xAngle <= -360.0f)
xAngle += 360.0f;
if (yAngle >= 360.0f)
yAngle -= 360.0f;
else if (yAngle <= -360.0f)
yAngle += 360.0f;
// apply the y-axis rotation to transGroup
if (leftPressed || rightPressed) {
trans.postTranslate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
trans.postRotate(yAngle, 0, 1.0f, 0);
} // end of updateRotation()
private void updateFloating()
if (upPressed) // move up
trans.postTranslate(0, MOVE_INCR, 0);
else if (downPressed) // move down
trans.postTranslate(0, -MOVE_INCR, 0);
else if (leftPressed) // move to the left (same as updateMove())
trans.postTranslate(-MOVE_INCR, 0, 0);
else if (rightPressed) // move to the right (same as updateMove())
trans.postTranslate(MOVE_INCR, 0, 0);
} // end of updateFloating()
} // end of MobileCamera class