* (C) All rights reserved by ROBERT BOSCH GMBH
/* Date: 2014/02/14
* Revision: 1.2
* Copyright (C) 2014 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* BMI160.c
* Usage: BMI160 Sensor API Driver
/* Disclaimer
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/*! file <BMI160 >
brief <Sensor driver for BMI160> */
#include "BMI160.h"
/* user defined code to be added here ... */
static struct bmi160_t *p_bmi160;
* Description: *//**brief
* This function initialises the structure pointer and assigns the
* I2C address.
* \param bmi160_t *bmi160 structure pointer.
* \return communication results.
/* Scheduling:
* Usage guide:
* Remarks:
BMI160_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmi160_init(struct bmi160_t *bmi160)
unsigned char v_data_u8r = C_BMI160_Zero_U8X;
/* assign bmi160 ptr */
p_bmi160 = bmi160;
/* preset bmi160 I2C_addr */
p_bmi160->dev_addr = BMI160_I2C_ADDR;
comres +=
&v_data_u8r, 1); /* read Chip Id */
p_bmi160->chip_id = v_data_u8r;
return comres;
* Description: *//**brief This API gives data to the given register and
* the data is written in the corresponding register
* address
* \param unsigned char addr, unsigned char data, unsigned char len
* addr -> Address of the register
* data -> Data to be written to the register
* len -> Length of the Data
* \return communication results.
/* Scheduling:
* Usage guide:
* Remarks:
BMI160_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmi160_write_reg(unsigned char addr,
unsigned char *data, unsigned char len)
if (p_bmi160 == BMI160_NULL) {
return E_BMI160_NULL_PTR;
} else{
comres +=
addr, data, len);
return comres;
* Description: *//**brief This API reads the data from the given register
* address
* \param unsigned char addr, unsigned char *data, unsigned char len
* addr -> Address of the register
* data -> address of the variable, read value will be kept
* len -> Length of the data
* \return results of communication routine
/* Scheduling:
* Usage guide:
* Remarks:
BMI160_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bmi160_read_reg(unsigned char addr,
unsigned char *data, unsigned char len)
if (p_bmi160 == BMI160_NULL) {
return E_BMI160_NULL_PTR;
} else {
comres +=
addr, data, len);
return comres;
* Description: *//**brief This API Reads FOC completed status
* \param unsigned char * minor_revision_id :
* Pointer to the minor_revision_id
* \return
/* Scheduling:
* Usage guide:
* Re