function TEgroup_conditionstatssingle(cfg, data1, data2)
% TECONDITIONSTATS: Performs a permutation test on results of transfer
% entropy analysis for a single subject under two conditions (data1 and
% data2). TEgroup_prepare has to be run on all data sets and TE values have
% to be estimated using InteractionDelayReconstruction_calculate (or
% TEsurrogatestats/_ensemble.m).
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% !!! The function TEgroup_prepare has to be run on all datasets first! !!!
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% You can call this function directly as follows:
% TEgroup_conditionstatssingle(cfg, data1, data2)
% - transfer entropy
% - The concept of TE appears in Schreiber's article,
% "Measuring Information Transfer", Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 461 - 464
% (2000).
% - For the estimation of probability densities needed for the TE
% computation, the function implements the Kraskov-Stoegbauer-
% Grassberger estimator described in Kraskov et al. "Estimating
% mutual information", Phys. Rev. E 69 (6) 066138, (2004).
% - permutation test
% - Maris & Oostenveld (2007). Nonparametric statistical testing of
% EEG- and MEG-data. J. of Neuroscience Methods, 164, 177-190.
% - The following Matlab toolboxes:
% - statistic toolbox
% - The functions
% - TEperm
% - TEconsoleoutput
% data1, data2 = results structures for two single subjects returned by
% InteractionDelayReconstruction_calculate,
% TEsurrogatestats*; structures have to contain:
% .TEmat = no. channels x trials, matrix of TE values for all
% channel conbinations and trials
% .groupprepare = field with results from running TEgroup_prepare on
% all data sets
% .sgncmb = labels of channel combinations
% cfg:
% The configuration MUST contain:
% cfg.fileidout = string for the output path and the first part of the
% output filename. The function will write a result
% file with the suffix 'TEpermtestcondsingle_output.mat'
% to disk (containing the output of the statistical
% test).
% Optional arguments:
% cfg.alpha = significance level for statistical shift test,
% permutation test and correction for multiple
% comparison (default = 0.05)
% cfg.numpermutation = nr of permutations in permutation test
% (default = 190100)
% cfg.permstatstype = 'mean' to use the distribution of the mean
% differences and 'depsamplesT' or
% 'indepsamplesT' for distribution of the
% t-values. (default = 'mean')
% cfg.tail = 1 tail or 2 tailed test of significance (for the
% permutation tests) (default = 2)
% cfg.correctm = correction method used for correction of the multiple
% comparison problem - False discovery rate 'FDR' or
% Bonferroni correction 'BONF' (default = 'FDR')
% TEpermtestcondsingle
% .TEpermvalues = matrix with size:
% (channelpair x value)
% The last dimension "value" includes:
% 1 - p_values of the statistic within the
% distribution given by the permutations
% 2 - 1 (0), if the statistics is significant at
% the prescribed alpha level (or not)
% 3 - 1 (0), if the statistics is significant
% after correction for mulitple comparisons
% (or not)
% 4 - 1 (0), mean difference or tvalue of mean
% difference depending on cfg.permstatstype
% 5 - 1 (0), if instantaneous mixing (volume
% conduction) exists (or not)
% 6 - reconstructed interaction delay of the
% condition with stronger TE for that channel
% combination
% .nr2cmc = number used for correction for multiple
% comparisons (returned by TEcmc)
% .correctm = method used for correction for multiple
% comparisons (returned by TEcmc)
% .dimord = dimensions of TEpermvalues
% .cfg = configuration file used to conduct the
% permutation test
% .sgncmb = labels of channel combinations (source ->
% target)
% .numpermutation = number of permutations
% .nrtrials = [1 x 2] vector with no. trials in data1 and
% data2 respectively
% .TEgroupprepare = results of the function TEprepare from the
% data
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation;
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% Version 3.0 by Patricia Wollstadt, Michael Lindner, Raul Vicente,
% Michael Wibral
% Frankfurt 2015
%% define logging levels
% verbosity is taken from TEprepare
%% check data
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% check data for TEprepare/TEproupprepare structure
if ~isfield(data1, 'groupprepare') || ~isfield(data2, 'groupprepare')
error('TRENTOOL ERROR: Field .groupprepare is missing in one of the datasets!');
% check code
if data1.groupprepare.code ~= data2.groupprepare.code
error('TRENTOOL ERROR: Only datasets, which were prepared together with TEgroup_prepare can be analysed together! Code is not identical')
% get the max no. trials in any of the data sets that enter the test
cfg.maxtrials = max([max(data1.TEprepare.nrtrials(:,2)) max(data2.TEprepare.nrtrials(:,2))]);
%% compare new cfg and cfg from TEprepare if equal entries exist
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
doublefields = 0;
cfgTEprepare = data1.TEprepare.cfg;
cfgfields = fieldnames(cfgTEprepare);
cfgfields2 = fieldnames(cfg);
for ii = 1:size(cfgfields,1)
for jj = 1:size(cfgfields2,1)
if strcmp(cfgfields{ii},cfgfields2{jj})
doublefields = doublefields + 1;
if doublefields > 0
error(['TRENTOOL ERROR: Illegal attempt to overwrite entry generated ' ...
'by or used for TEprepare! Change cfg or rerun TEprepare. (see help)'])
% add structures and values of data.TEprepare.cfg to cfg
nr1 = size(cfgfields,1);
for ii = 1:nr1
eval(strcat('cfg.',cfgfields{ii},' = getfield(cfgTEprepare, {1}, cfgfields{ii});'));
%% check cfg
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ~isfield(cfg, 'alpha'), cfg.alpha = 0.05; end
if ~isfield(cfg, 'correctm'), cfg.correctm = 'FDR'; end
if ~isfield(cfg, 'tail'), cfg.tail = 2; end
cfg.verbosity = data1.TEprepare.cfg.verbosity;
if ~isfield(cfg, 'permstatstype'), cfg.permstatstype = 'mean'; end
if ~strcmp(cfg.permstatstype , 'mea