Purpose: Implementation for an MFC class to wrap memory mapped files
Created: PJN / MEMMAP/1 / 19-03-1997
History: PJN / 31-3-1998 1) Class now avoids trying to lock the mutex if only read access is required
2) User now has the option of specifying whether a file should be mapped with
A Null terminator at the end. Can prove helpful when you want to use some
of the "C" runtime functions on the pointer returned.
PJN / 20-4-1998 1) Now uses GetFileSize SDK call instead of GetFileInformationByHandle as a
more "reliable" way to determine file length.
2) Included TRACE statements to call GetLastError in all places where
SDK functions fail
PJN / 29-5-1998 1) Mapping a file now has the option of making it named or not.
PJN / 22-10-1998 1) Fixed a bug in a number of calls to CreateMappingName when the classes were
being used to share memory.
2) Tidy up of the demo app including:
a) Made the amount of text being shared a constant of MAX_EDIT_TEXT instead
of hardcoding it to 20 everywhere in the sample.
b) Changed where the timer is being created to OnInitDialog
c) Tidied up the initialisation sequence in OnInitDialog
d) Now using _tcscpy instead of _tcsncpy to ensure array is null terminated
e) Fixed resource.h which was causing the resources to fail to compile
f) Removed unnecessary symbols from resource.h
g) Optimized the way the OnTimer code works to only update the text when it
has changed in the MMF. This means that you can type continuously into the
edit control.
3) New documentation in the form of a HTML file.
4) Sample now ships as standard with VC 5 workspace files
PJN / 30-3-1999 1) Code is now unicode compliant
2) Code now supports growable MMF's
3) Addition of accessor functions for file handle and file mapping handle
PJN / 21-4-1999 1) Works around a Window bug where you try to memory map a zero length file on
Windows 95 or 98.
Copyright (c) 1997 - 1998 by PJ Naughter.
All rights reserved.
///////////////////////////////// Includes / Defines ////////////////////////
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "memmap.h"
#include <winioctl.h>
//Define taken from the Windows 2000 Beta platform SDK, means that CMemMapFile
//will compile correctly even on systems which do have have the platform SDK
///////////////////////////////// Implementation //////////////////////////////
//Initialise variables to sane values
m_hMapping = NULL;
m_bReadOnly = TRUE;
m_bAppendNull = FALSE;
m_lpData = NULL;
m_bOpen = FALSE;
m_hMutex = NULL;
m_dwLength = 0;
BOOL CMemMapFile::MapFile(const CString& sFilename, BOOL bReadOnly, DWORD dwShareMode, BOOL bAppendNull, BOOL bNamed, BOOL bGrowable)
//Work out the file access flags
m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly;
DWORD dwDesiredFileAccess = GENERIC_READ;
if (!m_bReadOnly)
dwDesiredFileAccess |= GENERIC_WRITE;
//store away the append Null flag
m_bAppendNull = bAppendNull;
//Open the real file on the file system
m_hFile = CreateFile(sFilename, dwDesiredFileAccess, dwShareMode, NULL,
TRACE(_T("Failed in call to CreateFile, GetLastError returned %d\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE;
// Make the file sparse, if requested to make the memory mapped file growable
if (bGrowable)
if (!::DeviceIoControl(m_hFile, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dw, NULL))
TRACE(_T("Failed in call to make file sparse, You need Windows 2000 and an NTFS 5 volume for this !!, GetLastError returned %d\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE;
// Get the size of the file we are mapping
DWORD dwFileSizeHigh=0;
m_dwLength = GetFileSize(m_hFile, &dwFileSizeHigh);
if (m_dwLength == 0xFFFFFFFF)
//There was an error calling GetFileSize
TRACE(_T("Failed in call to GetFileSize, GetLastError returned %d\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE;
//Fail if file is greater than 4GB in size
if (dwFileSizeHigh)
//There was an error calling GetFileSize
TRACE(_T("File size is greater than 4GB, Memory mapping this file size will not work until CMemMapFile supports Win64 !!\n"));
return FALSE;
//Fail if file is 0 length in size, calling CreateFileMapping on a
//zero length file on 95/98 can cause problems
if (dwFileSizeHigh == 0 && m_dwLength == 0)
TRACE("File size is 0, not attempting to memory map the file\n");
return FALSE;
//Do the actual mapping
m_sMappingName = CreateMappingName(sFilename, bNamed);
return MapHandle(m_hFile);
BOOL CMemMapFile::MapMemory(const CString& sName, DWORD dwBytes, BOOL bReadOnly)
m_dwLength = dwBytes;
m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly;
m_bAppendNull = FALSE;
m_sMappingName = CreateMappingName(sName, TRUE);
return MapHandle((HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF);
BOOL CMemMapFile::MapExistingMemory(const CString& sName, DWORD dwBytes, BOOL bReadOnly)
m_dwLength = dwBytes;
m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly;
DWORD dwDesiredAccess = (!bReadOnly) ? FILE_MAP_WRITE : FILE_MAP_READ;
m_sMappingName = CreateMappingName(sName, TRUE);
m_hMapping = OpenFileMapping(dwDesiredAccess, 0, m_sMappingName);
if (m_hMapping == NULL)
TRACE(_T("Failed in call to OpenFileMapping, GetLastError returned %d\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE;
//Map the view
m_lpData = MapViewOfFile(m_hMapping, dwDesiredAccess, 0, 0, m_dwLength);
//Create the mutex to sync access
m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, CreateMutexName());
return (m_lpData != NULL);
BOOL CMemMapFile::MapHandle(HANDLE hHandle)
//Create the file mapping object
DWORD flProtect = (!m_bReadOnly) ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY;
//work out the length of the file mapping to create
DWORD dwLength = m_dwLength;
if (m_bAppendNull)
dwLength += 2;
m_hMapping = ::CreateFileMapping(hHandle, NULL, flProtect, 0, dwLength, m_sMappingName);
if (m_hMapping == NULL)
TRACE(_T("Failed in call to CreateFileMapping, GetLastError returned %d\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE;
//Map the view
DWORD dwDesiredAccess = (!m_bReadOnly) ? FILE_MAP_WRITE : FILE_MAP_READ;
m_lpData = MapViewOfFile(m_hMapping, dwDesiredAccess, 0, 0, 0);
//null terminare if asked to do so
if (m_bAppendNull && m_lpData)
//use two Nulls just incase the data as viewed as an array of wide characters
BYTE* lpData = (BYTE*) m_lpData;
lpData[m_dwLength] = 0;
lpData[m_dwLength+1] = 0;
//Create the mutex to sync access
m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, CreateMutexName());
return (m_lpData != NULL);
LPVOID CMemMapFile::Open(DWORD dwTimeout)
if (m_lpData == NULL)