The UK Strategic Investment Fund
Interim Report
Foreword 3
1. Supporting UK innovation and growth 4
2. A globalised British economy 6
3. The approach to investment 8
4. Investing across the UK 10
5. Next steps 11
6. Where investments are being made 12
6.1. Advanced Manufacturing 12
6.2. Low Carbon Energy 16
6.3. Ultra-Low Carbon Vehicles 18
6.4. Life Sciences 19
6.5. Digital Britain 20
6.6. UK Innovation Investment Fund 21
6.7. UKTI 22
Annex A – List of publications with SIF announcements 24
T H E U K S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T F U N D – I N T E R I M R E P O R T
The £750 million Strategic Investment Fund was created
at Budget 2009 to invest in the UK’s basic capabilities for
industrial innovation, job creation and growth in a highly
competitive global economy.
In the six months since its creation, the Strategic Investment
Fund has committed to investments in a range of emerging
industrial strengths in Britain, including low carbon vehicles,
wind and wave power and renewable chemicals. It is providing seed capital
for a growth fund for high-tech companies and investing in the swift rollout of
high speed broadband in the UK.
The Strategic Investment Fund is not about national ownership of companies
or direction of industries. Instead it has identified areas where targeted
intervention by government can unlock viable technological development
or help get good ideas off the drawing board. It is an important part of our
commitment to actively preparing Britain’s economy for a balanced and
sustainable recovery.
This report sets out the principles behind the Strategic Investment Fund and
details of the investments that it has committed to in 2009.
Peter Mandelson