function [finalOutput,metaStruct] = TDMS_readTDMSFile(tdmsFileName,varargin)
%TDMS_readTDMSFile Reads TDMS file and does minimal processing to obtain output
% [finalOutput,metaStruct] = TDMS_readTDMSFile(tdmsFileName)
% [...] = TDMS_readTDMSFile(tdmsFileName,'Property1',PropertyValue1,...)
% allows for specification of additional properties.
% [...] = TDMS_readTDMSFile(tdmsIndexFileName,...) Allows you to pass
% in the tdms_index file for debugging
% This is the main file for reading TDMS files. It reads the file and
% does minimal processing on the output.
% For wrappers of this function (RECOMMENDED):
% See Also:
% TDMS_getStruct
% TDMS_dataToGroupChanStruct_v1,
% TDMS_dataToGroupChanStruct_v2,
% TDMS_dataToGroupChanStruct_v3,
% TDMS_dataToGroupChanStruct_v4
% TDMS_readChannelOrGroup
% =======================================================================
% This code has the ability to retrieve a subset of the data from the
% tdms file. For documentation on this see: TDMS_retrievingSubsets
% NOTE: Wrappers exist to change this to a preferred format. See above.
% =======================================================================
% finalOutput : (struct)
% ---------------------------------
% .rootIndex - index of the root
% .groupIndices - (numeric array) indices of all group objects
% .chanIndices - (cell array of numeric arrays)
% ex. {[1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8]}
% Each index in the cell array corresponds to the
% same index in groupNames and groupIndices
% At that index is an array of indices for the
% channel objects that belong to that group
% .chanNames - (cell array of cell array of strings)
% ex. {{'1' '2'} {'3' '4' '5'}}
% similar setup to chanIndices
% .groupNames - (cell array of strings) names of each group object
% For the following properties, the indices referred to above ,
% groupIndices and chanIndices, index into these arrays:
% .data - (cell array, # elements = # objects)
% .propNames - (cell array of cell arrays)
% .propValues - (cell arrays of cell arrays)
% .dataType - (num. array) Labview dataType enumeration
% .dataTypeName - (cell array of strings)
% .objectPathsOrig - (cell array of strings) This is thrown in for
% reference and is the full name of the object as
% tracked in the TDMS file
% .numberDataPointsRaw - The # of data points for each object that
% are available in the TDMS file. This is not
% filtered, thus it may not match the # of
% data points returned in .data
% metaStruct : (struct)
% ---------------------------------
% This output is essentially a dumping ground for a lot of the
% temporary variables in the code and may change between versions.
% .version - indicates which version of the code was used
% to create this structure
% .fileName - relative name (no path) of the tdms file on which
% this structure is based
% .numberDataPoints - # of data points availabe for each channel
% .chanNames - channel name for each object, empty for channels &
% root
% .groupNames - group name for each object
% OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: pass in as property/value pairs, case insensitive
% =======================================================================
% UTC_DIFF : (default -5) Conversion of UTC Timestamp to local
% time, if desired this can be set to 0 and no
% conversion will occur
% Eastern Time: -5, Central Time: -6
% USE_INDEX : (default true) If true, reads the tdms_index file
% if it is available. This may offer some speedup in
% reading the file.
% MAX_NUM_OBJECTS : (default 100) This is currently used in preallocation
% of the # of objects. On overflow the same # is used
% to grow by, i.e. on object 101, grow to 200
% MAX_NUM_PROPS = (default 20), used for initializing property cell
% arrays for each object
% N_SEGS_GUESS = (default 25000), estimated # of segments for
% preallocation purposes
% N_SEGS_INC = (default 25000), how much to expand upon segment
% overflow, i.e. if more than N_SEGS_GUESS segments
% DATE_STR_FORMAT = (default 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS:FFF'), how to process
% the timestamp properties, timestamp arrays (i.e.
% data) are left in the same format as Matlab's now
% command, i.e. a numeric value that you can call the
% function datestr() on to return a value
% INIT_CHUNK_SIZE = (default 1000), the expected # of chunks of data,
% this probably shouldn't be changed ...
% Additional properties are defined in TDMS_retrievingSubsets
% TDMS_handleGetDataOption
% TDMS_preprocessFile
% TDMS_getGroupChanNames
% TDMS_processLeadIn
% TDMS_readFileHelper_v2
% TDMS_readFileHelper_v1
if nargin == 0
error('Input to %s requires a filename',mfilename)
if ~exist(tdmsFileName,'file')
error('The file specified for tdms reading doesn''t exist, FILENAME: %s',tdmsFileName)
%Added to allow for tdms_index reading
[~,~,fileExt] = fileparts(tdmsFileName);
temp = [who; {'temp'}];
SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400; %60s * 60 min * 24 hours
CONV_FACTOR = 695422; %datenum('01-Jan-1904')
ROOT_PATH = '/';
TDMS_INDEX_EXT = '.tdms_index';
MACHINE_FORMAT = 'ieee-le'; %NOTE: Eventually this could be passed into
%fread for support of different endianess
constantParams = setdiff(who,temp); %NOTE: Below I place these into the
%constants variable structure but I don't allow assignment from inputs
temp = [who; {'temp'}];
%The following get passed down into TDMS_preprocessFile
UTC_DIFF = -5; %#ok<*NASGU> %This will report times in Eastern Standard Time
USE_INDEX = true; %Parse meta data from index if present
MAX_NUM_OBJECTS = 100; %Best guess as to max # of objects ever encountered
MAX_NUM_PROPS = 20; %" " properties " "
N_SEGS_GUESS = 25000;%same, but for segments
N_SEGS_INC = 25000;%if off, how large to grow estimate by when resizing
DATE_STR_FORMAT = 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS:FFF'; %default conversion of property value
%NOTE: data values are not converted, but run datestr()
%on them if you wish to see their value as a string
INIT_CHUNK_SIZE = 1000; %a chunk is a subset of a segment, the # of chunks
%varies on an object by object basis, only applies
%to objects with raw data
DEBUG = false; %Internal use
%NOTE: INDEX_DEBUG indicates that we'll only attempt to read the index
%file, no raw data will be read
if strcmp