%% ************** Preparation part ********************
clear all; clc;
% system parameters
fs = 20e6;
ml = 2; % Modulation level: 2--4QAM; 4--16QAM; 6--64QAM
NormFactor = sqrt(2/3*(ml.^2-1));
gi = 1/4; % Guard interval: in the Brazil_E model,the maxmum delay is 2e-6s, equals to 16 points.
fftlen = 64;
gilen = gi*fftlen; % Length of guard interval (points)
blocklen = fftlen + gilen; % total length of the block with CP
% index define
DataSubcPatt = [1:5 7:19 21:26 27:32 34:46 48:52]';
PilotSubcPatt = [6 20 33 47];
UsedSubcIdx = [7:32 34:59];
% channel coding parameters
%trellis = poly2trellis([4 3],[4 5 17;7 4 2]); % 2/3
trellis = poly2trellis(7,[133 171]); % 1/2
% tb is a positive integer scalar that specifies the traceback depth.
% If the code rate is 1/2, a typical value for tblen is about five times
% the constraint length of the code (here, K = 7).
tb = 7*5;
ConvCodeRate = 1/2; % 1/2, 2/3
InterleaveBits = 1;
% training define
% short training for CFO estimation (NumSymbols = 52)
ShortTrain = sqrt(13/6)*[0 0 1+j 0 0 0 -1-j 0 0 0 1+j 0 0 0 -1-j 0 0 0 -1-j 0 ...
0 0 1+j 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1-j 0 0 0 -1-j 0 0 0 1+j 0 0 0 1+j 0 0 0 1+j 0 0 0 1+j 0 0].';
NumShortTrainBlks = 10;
NumShortComBlks = 16*NumShortTrainBlks/blocklen;
% long training for channel estimation and SFO estimation (NumSymbols = 52)
LongTrain = [1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 ...
1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1].';
NumLongTrainBlks = 2;
NumTrainBlks = NumShortComBlks + NumLongTrainBlks;
% Preamble generation
short_train = tx_freqd_to_timed(ShortTrain);
short_train_blk = short_train(1:16);
short_train_blks = repmat(short_train_blk,NumShortTrainBlks,1);
long_train = tx_freqd_to_timed(LongTrain);
long_train_syms = [long_train(fftlen-2*gilen+1:fftlen,:); long_train; long_train];
preamble = [short_train_blks; long_train_syms];
% packet information
NumBitsPerBlk = 48*ml*ConvCodeRate;
NumBlksPerPkt = 50;
NumBitsPerPkt = NumBitsPerBlk*NumBlksPerPkt;
NumPkts = 500;
% channel
CFO = 0.1*fs/fftlen
h = zeros(gilen,1);
h(1) = 1;
h(2) = 0.4; h(3)=0.3; h(4)=0.1;
h = h/norm(h);
channel = fft(h, 64);
channel([33:64 1:32]) = channel;
channel = channel([7:32 34:59]);
% timing parameters
ExtraNoiseSamples = 500;
%% ************** Loop start***************************
snr = 4:2:10;
ber = zeros(1,length(snr));
per = zeros(1,length(snr));
mse = zeros(1,length(snr));
for snr_index = 1:length(snr)
num_err = 0;
err = zeros(1,NumPkts);
err_est = zeros(1,NumPkts);
for pkt_index = 1:NumPkts
[snr_index pkt_index]
%% *********************** Transmitter ******************************
% Generate the information bits
inf_bits = randn(1,NumBitsPerPkt)>0;
CodedSeq = convenc(inf_bits,trellis);
if InterleaveBits
rdy_to_mod_bits = tx_interleaver(CodedSeq,48, ml);
rdy_to_mod_bits = CodedSeq;
paradata = reshape(rdy_to_mod_bits,length(rdy_to_mod_bits)/ml,ml);
ModedSeq = qammod(bi2de(paradata),2^ml)/NormFactor;
mod_ofdm_syms = zeros(52, NumBlksPerPkt);
mod_ofdm_syms(DataSubcPatt,:) = reshape(ModedSeq, 48, NumBlksPerPkt);
mod_ofdm_syms(PilotSubcPatt,:) = 1;
tx_blks = tx_freqd_to_timed(mod_ofdm_syms);
% Guard interval insertion
tx_frames = [tx_blks(fftlen-gilen+1:fftlen,:); tx_blks];
% P/S
tx_seq = reshape(tx_frames,NumBlksPerPkt*blocklen,1);
tx = [preamble;tx_seq];
%% ****************************** Channel****************************
FadedSignal = filter(h,1,tx);
len = length(FadedSignal);
noise_var = 1/(10^(snr(snr_index)/10))/2;
noise = sqrt(noise_var) * (randn(len,1) + j*randn(len,1));
% add noise
rx_signal = FadedSignal + noise;
%rx_signal = FadedSignal;
% extra noise samples are inserted before the packet to test the packet search algorithm
extra_noise = sqrt(noise_var) * (randn(ExtraNoiseSamples,1) + j*randn(ExtraNoiseSamples,1));
% end noise is added to prevent simulation from crashing from incorrect timing in receiver
end_noise = sqrt(noise_var) * (randn(170,1) + j*randn(170,1));
rx = [extra_noise; rx_signal; end_noise];
% introduce CFO
total_length = length(rx);
t = [0:total_length-1]/fs;
phase_shift = exp(j*2*pi*CFO*t).';
rx = rx.*phase_shift;
%% ************************* Receiver ****************************
%packet search
rx_signal = rx_find_packet_edge(rx);
% CFO coarse estimation and correction
rx_signal = rx_frequency_sync(rx_signal,fs);
% Fine time synchronization
fine_time_est = rx_fine_time_sync(rx_signal, long_train);
% Time synchronized signal
sync_time_signal = rx_signal(fine_time_est:length(rx_signal));
expected_length = 64*2+80*NumBlksPerPkt;
[freq_tr_syms, freq_data_syms, freq_pilot_syms] = rx_timed_to_freqd(sync_time_signal(1:expected_length));
% channel estimation and equalization
channel_est = mean(freq_tr_syms,2).*conj(LongTrain);
err_est(pkt_index) = mean(abs(channel_est-channel).^2)/mean(abs(channel).^2);
% Data symbols channel correction
chan_corr_mat = repmat(channel_est(DataSubcPatt), 1, size(freq_data_syms,2));
freq_data_syms = freq_data_syms.*conj(chan_corr_mat);
chan_corr_mat = repmat(channel_est(PilotSubcPatt), 1, size(freq_pilot_syms,2));
freq_pilot_syms = freq_pilot_syms.*conj(chan_corr_mat);
% Amplitude normalization
chan_sq_amplitude = sum(abs(channel_est(DataSubcPatt,:)).^2, 2);
chan_sq_amplitude_mtx = repmat(chan_sq_amplitude,1, size(freq_data_syms,2));
data_syms_out = freq_data_syms./chan_sq_amplitude_mtx;
chan_sq_amplitude = sum(abs(channel_est(PilotSubcPatt,:)).^2, 2);
chan_sq_amplitude_mtx = repmat(chan_sq_amplitude,1, size(freq_pilot_syms,2));
pilot_syms_out = freq_pilot_syms./chan_sq_amplitude_mtx;
phase_est = angle(sum(pilot_syms_out));
phase_comp = exp(-j*phase_est);
data_syms_out = data_syms_out.*repmat(phase_comp,48,1);
Data_seq = reshape(data_syms_out,48*NumBlksPerPkt,1);
% To see the effect of CFO-correction
%scatterplot(Data_seq);title('After correction');
% demodulate
DemodSeq = de2bi(qamdemod(Data_seq*NormFactor,2^ml),ml);
SerialBits = reshape(DemodSeq,size(DemodSeq,1)*ml,1).';
if InterleaveBits
deint_bits = rx_deinterleave(SerialBits, 48, ml);
deint_bits = SerialBits;
% Viterbi decoding
DecodedBits = vitdec(deint_bits(1:length(CodedSeq)),trellis,tb,'trunc','hard');
% Error calculation
err(pkt_index) = sum(abs(DecodedBits-inf_bits));
num_err = num_err + err(pkt_index);
ber(snr_index) = num_err/(NumPkts*NumBitsPerPkt);
per(snr_index) = length(find(err~=0))/NumPkts;
mse(snr_index) = mean(err_est);
%% display SNR-BER
semilogy(snr,ber,'-b.');hold on;