using namespace std;
const int Row = 9;
const int Col = 6;
const int Fullmask = 1073741823;
const int Bitmask = 7;
const int Bits = 3;
const int MaxStats = 43758;
const int MaxHash = 55533;
const int Shape[5][5] = { { 1, 0 }, { 2, 1+4, 2+8 }, {4, 1+2, 2+4, 4+8, 8+1}, {4, 1+2+4, 2+4+8, 4+8+1, 8+1+2 }, {1, 1+2+4+8} };
const char TTT[6][5] = { "Non", "Sgl", "SgF", "In", "Fir", "Out" };
enum { Non = 0, Sgl, SgF, In, Fir, Out };
void outputSt ( int st )
for( int i = 0; i <= Row; ++ i ) {
int p = st&Bitmask;
printf("%s,", TTT[p]);
st >>= Bits;
int mask[ Row+1 ];
int hash[ MaxHash ] ;
int data[ MaxStats ], next[ MaxStats ], len ;
int nearby[ MaxStats ][ Row+1 ], match[ MaxStats ][ Row+1 ], ansNum[ MaxStats ];
#define P2(x) (1<<(x))
int GET( int x, int y) {
return (((x)>>((y)*Bits))&Bitmask);
void SET( int& x, int y, int z ) {
x = ( x & mask[y] ) | ( z << ( Bits * y ) );
inline int hcode( int x )
return x % MaxHash ;
void initall ()
for( int i = 0; i <= Row; ++ i ) mask[i] = Fullmask^(Bitmask<<(i*3));
memset ( ansNum, 0, sizeof( ansNum ) );
memset ( nearby, 0xff, sizeof( nearby ) );
memset ( match, 0xff, sizeof( match ) );
memset ( hash, 0xff, sizeof( hash ) ) ;
len = 0;
void addhash ( int x )
int cd = hcode(x);
data[ len ] = x, next[ len ] = hash[ cd ], hash[ cd ] = len ;
int i, j, k, a, b, l, rec, tot;
for( i = 0; i <= Row; ++ i ) {
a = GET(x,i);
if( a == SgF ) ansNum[len] = 1;
if( a == In || a == Fir ) { // generate array nearby[], match[]
tot = 2;
for( rec = -1, l = 1, j = i+1; j <= Row && l; ++ j ) {
if( l == 1 && GET(x,j) == Sgl ) {
tot ++ ;
rec = j;
if( nearby[len][i] == -1 ) nearby[len][i] = j;
} else
if( GET(x,j) == In ) ++ l; else
if( GET(x,j) == Out ) -- l;
} -- j;
nearby[len][j] = rec;
match[len][i] = j, match[len][j] = i;
if( a == Fir ) ansNum[len] = tot;
len ++ ;
int findhash ( int x )
int cd = hcode(x);
for( int i = hash[cd]; i != -1; i = next[i] ) if( data[i] == x ) return i;
return -1;
void genStats ( int dep = 0, bool fire = 0, int bk = 0, int st = 0 )
if( dep > Row ) {
if( fire == 1 && bk == 0 )
addhash ( st );
return ;
genStats ( dep + 1, fire, bk, ( st << Bits ) + Non );
genStats ( dep + 1, fire, bk + 1, ( st << Bits ) + Out );
if( bk ) {
genStats ( dep + 1, fire, bk, ( st << Bits ) + Sgl );
genStats ( dep + 1, fire, bk - 1, ( st << Bits ) + In );
if( bk == 1 && !fire )
genStats ( dep + 1, 1, bk - 1, ( st << Bits ) + Fir );
if( bk == 0 && !fire ) genStats ( dep + 1, 1, bk, ( st << Bits ) + SgF );
int P;
char mp[Row][Col+5];
void readr ()
int i, j;
P = 10-P;
for( i = Row-1; i >= 0; -- i ) scanf("%s", mp[i]);
for( i = 0; i < Row; ++ i ) for( j = 0; j < Col; ++ j )
switch( mp[i][j] ) {
case '.' : mp[i][j] = 0; break;
case '-' : mp[i][j] = 1; break;
case 'L' : mp[i][j] = 2; break;
case 'T' : mp[i][j] = 3; break;
case '+' : mp[i][j] = 4; break;
int Pnt[2][MaxStats], Q[2][MaxStats], sgn, tail;
bool mk[MaxStats];
void Block( int& st, int inv, int ps, int ost = -1 )
if( inv == -1 ) {
printf("error, inv = -1, statement is %d\n", st);
if( ost == -1 ) printf("No ost input\n"); else outputSt( ost );
outputSt( st );
int d = GET(st,ps);
if( d == Non ) return ;
switch ( d ) {
case In :
case Fir :
case Out :
if( nearby[inv][ps] == -1 ) SET(st,match[inv][ps],(d==Fir||GET(st,match[inv][ps])==Fir)?SgF:Non); else SET(st,nearby[inv][ps],d);
default :
int Connect( int& st, int inv, int ps ) // Connect ps & ps+1 using open tunnel
int a = GET(st,ps), b = GET(st,ps+1);
if( a == Non || b == Non ) {
return a == Non ? b : a;
} else
if( a == SgF ) // b must be In
if( b != In ) while(1);
return Fir;
} else
if( b == SgF ) // a must be Out
if( a != Out ) while(1);
return Out;
} else
if( a == Sgl && b == Out ) return Out; else
if( ( a == Fir || a == In ) && b == Sgl ) return a; else
if( a == Out && b == Sgl || a == Sgl && b == In )
return Sgl;
} else
if( a == Sgl || b == Sgl ) {
return Sgl;
} else
if( b == Fir ) // a must be Out
if( a != Out ) while(1);
SET( st, match[inv][ps], Fir ) ;
return Sgl;
} else
if( a == In && b == In || a == Out && b == Out )
SET( st, match[inv][a==In?ps+1:ps], Sgl ) ;
return a;
} else
{ // ab == FirOut || ab == () || ab == )(
return a == Fir ? SgF : ( a == Out ? Sgl : Non );
void CloseCon( int& st, int inv, int ps ) // Connect ps & ps+1 using closed tunnel
int a = GET(st,ps), b = GET(st,ps+1);
if( a == Non || b == Non ) {
Block( st, inv, ps ); Block( st, inv, ps+1 );
} else
if( a == SgF ) // b must be In
if( b != In ) while(1);
SET( st, ps+1, Fir ); SET( st, ps, Non ); Block( st, findhash(st), ps+1 );
} else
if( b == SgF ) // a must be Out
if( a != Out ) while(1);
SET( st, match[inv][ps], Fir ); SET( st, ps+1, Non ); Block( st, findhash(st), ps );
} else
if( a == Sgl && b == Sgl ) {
SET( st, ps, Non ) ; SET( st, ps+1, Non );
} else
if( (a == Sgl && b == In) || (a==Out && b==Sgl) )
SET( st, match[inv][a==Sgl?ps+1:ps], Sgl );
SET( st, ps, Non );
SET( st, ps+1, Non );
} else
if( a == Sgl ) // b must be Out
if( b != Out ) while(1);
SET( st, ps, Non ); Block( st, findhash(st), ps+1 );
} else
if( b == Sgl ) // a must be In | Fir
if( a != In && a != Fir ) while(1);
SET( st, ps+1, Non ); Block( st, findhash(st), ps );
} else
if( b == Fir ) // a must be Out
if( a != Out ) while(1);
SET( st, match[inv][ps], Fir ) ; SET( st, ps, Non ); SET( st, ps+1, Non );
} else
if( a == In && b == In || a == Out && b == Out )
SET( st, match[inv][a==In?ps+1:ps], Sgl ) ;
if( a == In ) SET( st, ps, In ), SET( st, ps+1, Non ), Block( st, findhash( st ), ps ) ; else
SET( st, ps, Non ), SET( st, ps+1, Out ), Block( st, findhash(st), ps+1 );
} else
SET( st, ps, Non ); SET( st, ps+1, Non );
void update( const int& st, const int& ost )
int p = findhash( st ) ;
if( p == -1 ) return ;
if( mk[p] ) return ; mk[p] = 1;
Pnt[sgn][tail] = ost;
Q[sgn][tail++] = p;
void solvr ()
int i, j, k, cur, inv, L, sp, st, ret, qt; sgn = 0;
Q[sgn][0] = findhash(SgF << ( 3 * P )); tail = 1;
int sx = 10, sy = 8, stop = 0;
for( i = 0; i < Col && !stop; ++ i )
for( j = 0; j < Row && !stop; ++ j )
if( i == sx && j == sy ) stop = 1;
// printf("(%d,%d)=%d\n", i,j,tail);
sp = mp[j][i]; memset( mk, 0, sizeof( mk ) ); sgn = 1-sgn;
for( L = tail, tail = cur = 0; cur < L; ++ cur )
for( k = 1; k <= Shape[sp][0]; ++ k ) {
inv = Q[1-sgn][cur];
st = data[ inv ];
if( (Shape[sp][k] & 1) == 0 ) {
Block( st, inv, j+1 );
if( st != data[inv] ) inv = findhash(st);
if( inv == -1 ) continue;
if( (Shape[sp][k] & 2) == 0 ) {
Block( st, inv, j ) ;
if( st != data[inv] ) inv = findhash(st);
if( inv == -1 ) continue;
qt = Shape[sp][k] & 12;
if( qt ) {
ret = Connect( st, inv, j );
if( qt == 4 ) SET( st, j, ret ), SET(st,j+1,Non); else
if( qt == 8 ) SET( st, j+1, ret ), SET(st,j,Non); else
if( ret == Sgl || ret == In || ret == Fir ) { SET( st, j, ret ); SET( st, j+1, Sgl ); } else
if( ret == Out ) { SET( st, j, Sgl ); SET( st, j+1, Out ) ; } else
if( ret == SgF ) { SET( st, j, Fir ); SET( st, j+1, Out ) ; } else
if( ret == Non ) { SET( st, j, In );
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