function varargout = Xfer_Function1(action)
% Xfer Fucntion Mask dynamic dialog function for Xfer_Function analysis block
% Copyright 1995-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Date: 2003/03/06 00:39:12 $ $Revision: $
% RAB tweaked from dspblkshorttimefft2.
blk = gcb;
if nargin==0, action = 'dynamic'; end
switch action
case 'dynamic'
% Execute dynamic dialogs
% Determine "Inherit FFT length" checkbox setting
inhFftStr = get_param(blk,'inheritFFT');
% Determine window popup setting
win = lower(get_param(blk,'wintype'));
% Cache original dialog mask enables
ena_orig = get_param(blk,'maskenables');
ena = ena_orig;
% Determine if FFT length edit box is visible
iFFTedit = 6; fftEditBoxEnabled = strcmp(inhFftStr, 'off');
% Determine whether Stopband, Beta, and Window Sampling are visible:
iRipple = 2; isCheby = strcmp(win,'chebyshev');
iBeta = 3; isKaiser = strcmp(win,'kaiser');
iWSamp = 4; isGenCos = any(strcmp(win,{'hamming','hann','hanning','blackman'}));
% Map true/false to off/on strings, and place into visibilities array:
enaopt = {'off','on'};
ena([iFFTedit iRipple iBeta iWSamp]) = enaopt([fftEditBoxEnabled isCheby isKaiser isGenCos]+1);
if ~isequal(ena,ena_orig),
% Only update if a change was really made:
case 'init'
% Make model changes here, in response to mask changes
% Determine "Inherit FFT length" checkbox setting
inhFftStr = get_param(blk,'inheritFFT');
% Compare 'inherit' checkbox of this block
% to the setting of the underlying mag-fft block
% If not the same, push the change through:
magfftblk = [blk '/aspec_cspec']; % RAB
magfftCheckbox = get_param(magfftblk,'fftLenInherit');
changePending = ~strcmp(inhFftStr, magfftCheckbox);
if changePending,
% Update the Mag FFT block underneath the top level
set_param(magfftblk, 'fftLenInherit', inhFftStr);
case 'icon'
d = 0.1; xe=4; x=-xe:d:xe;
y = ones(size(x)); i=find(x); y(i)=sin(pi*x(i))./(pi*x(i));
y = abs(y).^(0.75);
varargout = {x,y,xe};
% Update underlying blocks:
wintype = get_param(blk,'wintype');
winsamp = get_param(blk,'winsamp');
set_param([blk '/Window'],'winsamp',winsamp,'wintype',wintype);
% [EOF]