%%modified by Tang 2007-05-14 at Tongji University
function [X,Xd,Xdd,t] = newmarkb(M,C,K,f,dt,gamma,beta,Xi,Xdi)
%function [X,t] = newmark(M,C,K,f,dt,gamma,beta,Xi,Xdi)
% (c) Jerome Peter Lynch, (all rights reserved)
% Stanford University
% February 14, 2001
% This function is intended to perform the numerical
% integration of a structural system subjected to an
% external dynamic excitation such as a wind or earthquake.
% The structural model is assumed to be a lumped mass shear
% model. The integration scheme utilized for this analysis
% is the newmark alpha-beta method.okok.org The newmark alpha-beta
% method is an implicit time steping scheme so stability of
% the system need not be considered.
% Input Variables:
% [M] = Mass Matrix (nxn)
% [C] = Damping Matrix (nxn)
% [K] = Stiffness Matrix (nxn)
% {f} = Excitation Vector (mx1)
% dt = Time Stepping Increment
% beta= Newmark Const (1/6 or 1/4 usually)
% gam = Newmark Const (1/2)
% Xi = Initial Displacement Vector (nx1)
% Xdi = Initial Velocity Vector (nx1)
% Output Variables:
% {t} = Time Vector (mx1)
% [X] = Response Matrix (mxn)
n = size(M,1);
fdimc = size(f,2);
fdimr = size(f,1);
% Check Input Excitation
% ======================
if (fdimc == n)
m = size(f,2);
% Coefficients
% ============
c0 = 1/(beta*dt*dt) ;
c1 = gamma/(beta*dt) ;
c2 = 1/(beta*dt) ;
c3 = 1/(beta*2) - 1 ;
c4 = gamma/beta - 1 ;
c5 = 0.5*dt*(gamma/beta - 2 ) ;
c6 = dt*(1 - gamma ) ;
c7 = dt* gamma;
% Initialize Stiffness Matricies
Keff = c0*M + c1*C + K ;
Kinv = inv(Keff) ;
%Initial Acceleration
R0 = f(:,1);
Xddi= inv(M)*(R0 - K*Xi - C*Xdi);
%Perform First Step
f(:,1) = f(:,1) + M*(c0*Xi+c2*Xdi+c3*Xddi) ...
+C*(c1*Xi+c4*Xdi+c5*Xddi) ;
X(:,1) = Kinv*f(:,1) ;
Xdd(:,1)= c0*(X(:,1)-Xi) - c2*Xdi - c3*Xddi ;
Xd(:,1) = Xdi + c6*Xddi + c7*Xdd(:,1) ;
%Perform Subsequent Steps
% ========================
for i=1:size(f,2)-1;
f(:,i+1) = f(:,i+1) + M * ...
(c0*X(:,i)+c2*Xd(:,i)+c3*Xdd(:,i)) ...
+ C*(c1*X(:,i)+c4*Xd(:,i)+c5*Xdd(:,i)) ;
X(:,i+1) = Kinv*f(:,i+1) ;
Xdd(:,i+1)= c0*(X(:,i+1)-X(:,i))-c2*Xd(:,i)-c3*Xdd(:,i) ;
Xd(:,i+1) = Xd(:,i)+c6*Xdd(:,i)+c7*Xdd(:,i+1) ;
% Strip Off Padded Response Zeros
% ===============================
% X = X';
% Generate the Time Vector
% ========================
for i=0:1:size(X,2)-1
t(i+1,1) = i*dt;