Resin 3.0 Installation
Table of Contents
1) Resin Installation Quick Start 4
1.1) Quick Start for the Impatient 4
1.2)Preconditions 4
1.3)Configurationoverview 4
1.4)StandaloneWebServer 5
1.4.1)OnWindows: 5
1.4.2) On Unix (including Linux and MacOS-X): 5
1.5)ResinwithApache 5
1.6)ResinwithIIS 6
2) Resin Web Server on Unix or Windows 8
2.1) Unix (including Linux and MacOS-X) 8
2.1.1)GettingStarted 8
2.1.2)DeployingonUnix 8
2.1.3)bin/ 9
2.1.4)StartingScript 9
2.2)Windows 9
2.2.1)GettingStarted 10
2.2.2) Deploying as a Windows Service 10
2.3)Command-linearguments 11
2.3.1)MemoryConfiguration 12
2.4)StartingJavadirectly 12
3) Resin with Apache on Unix 13
3.1)Installation 13
3.1.1)CompilingApache 13
3.1.2) 14
3.1.3)ConfiguretheEnvironment 14
3.1.4)Configuringresin.conf 15
3.1.5) Starting the Servlet Engine 15
3.1.6) Testing the servlet engine 16
3.2) Configuring Apache by hand 16
3.2.1)VirtualHosts 17
3.2.2)Dispatching 18
3.3)LoadBalancing 18
3.4)Troubleshooting 19
4)ResinwithIIS 20
4.1) Prerequisites and Environment Variables 20
4.2)ConfiguringIIS/PWS 20
4.2.1)ISAPIFilter 20
4.2.2)Configuringresin.conf 20
4.2.3) Testing the servlet engine 21
4.3)Commandlinearguments 21
4.3.1)MemoryConfiguration 22
4.4) Deploying as an NT Service 22
4.5)LoadBalancing 23
4.6)ManualConfiguration 23
4.7) Virtual Sites (Virtual Hosts) 24
4.8) Virtual Sites with different JVM's 24
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Resin Installation Quick Start
Quick Start for the Impatient
The Resin standalone web server starts listening to HTTP requests on port 8080 and listens on
port 6802 for any Apache or IIS plugin. Resin can then be used for development or evaluation.
The steps are:
1. Install JDK 1.4 or later. On Unix, set the JAVA_HOME variable or link /usr/java to the
java home. On Windows, check to make sure the JDK installation set JAVA_HOME
2. unzip/untar the Resin download
3. On Unix, execute use ./configure; make; make install
4. Start resin-3.0.0/bin/ on Unix or resin-3.0.0/bin/httpd.exe on Win32
5. Browse http://localhost:8080
6. Add JSP files like resin-3.0.0/doc/hello.jsp. The URL in your browser will be
7. Add servlets like resin-3.0.0/doc/WEB-INF/classes/test/
8. Add .war files like resin-3.0.0/webapps/hello.war, url in your browser is
9. Create web-apps directly like resin-3.0.0/webapps/hello/index.jsp url in your browser
is http://localhost:8080/hello. Create a file
resin-3.0.0/webapps/hello/WEB-INF/web.xml to configure the 'hello' web application.
10. If needed, modify the Resin configuration in resin-3.0.0/conf/resin.conf
11. .war files will be deployed in resin-3.0.x/webapps.
Until you're ready to deploy the server, those are all the steps needed to get started with Resin.
Resin needs Java before it can run. It needs JDK 1.4 or a later JDK.
Sun's JDK for Windows, Solaris, and Linux can be found at Sun also has
links to some other ports of the JDK.
Linux users can also check out the IBM JDK.
Configuration overview
Resin has a number of major configuration options, each with a separate page:
• Standalone web server (recommended)
• Unix Apache
• Windows Apache
• Windows IIS
The httpd executable starts Resin for all configurations.
If you have any trouble starting Resin, check the FAQ at
Resin 3.0 Installation - p. 4
Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Caucho Technology. All rights reserved
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Standalone Web Server
The easiest and fastest Resin configuration uses the Resin httpd. This configuration provides a
Java HTTP server. We recommend you start with this before trying any other configuration.
The server listens at port 8080 in the default configuration and can be changed to the HTTP port
80 during deployment.
On Windows:
1. Install JDK 1.4 or later.
2. Check that the environemnt variable JAVA_HOME is set to the JDK location, i.e
3. Unzip
4. Define the environment variable RESIN_HOME to the location of Resin, for example
5. Execute resin-3.0.0/bin/httpd
6. Browse http://localhost:8080
On Unix (including Linux and MacOS-X):
1. Install JDK 1.4 or later and link /usr/java to the Java home or define the environment
variable JAVA_HOME.
2. tar -vzxf resin-3.0.0.tar.gz
3. cd resin-3.0.0
4. ./configure
5. make
6. make install
7. Execute resin-3.0.0/bin/
8. Browse http://localhost:8080
For more details, see the Resin standalone configuration page.
Resin with Apache
If you are already using Apache for your web server, you can use Resin with Apache on Unix or
Win32. This configuration uses Apache to serve html, images, PHP, or Perl, and Resin to serve
JSPs and Servlets.
Resin 3.0 Installation - p. 5
Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Caucho Technology. All rights reserved
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