% VIEW_NII: Create or update a 3-View (Front, Top, Side) of the
% brain data that is specified by nii structure
% Usage: status = view_nii([h], nii, [option]) or
% status = view_nii(h, [option])
% Where, h is the figure on which the 3-View will be plotted;
% nii is the brain data in NIFTI format;
% option is a struct that configures the view plotted, can be:
% option.command = 'init'
% option.command = 'update'
% option.command = 'clearnii'
% option.command = 'updatenii'
% option.command = 'updateimg' (nii is nii.img here)
% option.usecolorbar = 0 | [1]
% option.usepanel = 0 | [1]
% option.usecrosshair = 0 | [1]
% option.usestretch = 0 | [1]
% option.useimagesc = 0 | [1]
% option.useinterp = [0] | 1
% option.setarea = [x y w h] | [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.9]
% option.setunit = ['vox'] | 'mm'
% option.setviewpoint = [x y z] | [origin]
% option.setscanid = [t] | [1]
% option.setcrosshaircolor = [r g b] | [1 0 0]
% option.setcolorindex = From 1 to 9 (default is 2 or 3)
% option.setcolormap = (Mx3 matrix, 0 <= val <= 1)
% option.setcolorlevel = No more than 256 (default 256)
% option.sethighcolor = []
% option.setcbarminmax = []
% option.setvalue = []
% option.glblocminmax = []
% option.setbuttondown = ''
% option.setcomplex = [0] | 1 | 2
% Options description in detail:
% ==============================
% 1. command: A char string that can control program.
% init: If option.command='init', the program will display
% a 3-View plot on the figure specified by figure h
% or on a new figure. If there is already a 3-View
% plot on the figure, please use option.command =
% 'updatenii' (see detail below); otherwise, the
% new 3-View plot will superimpose on the old one.
% If there is no option provided, the program will
% assume that this is an initial plot. If the figure
% handle is omitted, the program knows that it is
% an initial plot.
% update: If there is no command specified, and a figure
% handle of the existing 3-View plot is provided,
% the program will choose option.command='update'
% to update the 3-View plot with some new option
% items.
% clearnii: Clear 3-View plot on specific figure
% updatenii: If a new nii is going to be loaded on a fig
% that has already 3-View plot on it, use this
% command to clear existing 3-View plot, and then
% display with new nii. So, the new nii will not
% superimpose on the existing one. All options
% for 'init' can be used for 'updatenii'.
% updateimg: If a new 3D matrix with the same dimension
% is going to be loaded, option.command='updateimg'
% can be used as a light-weighted 'updatenii, since
% it only updates the 3 slices with new values.
% inputing argument nii should be a 3D matrix
% (nii.img) instead of nii struct. No other option
% should be used together with 'updateimg' to keep
% this command as simple as possible.
% 2. usecolorbar: If specified and usecolorbar=0, the program
% will not include the colorbar in plot area; otherwise,
% a colorbar will be included in plot area.
% 3. usepanel: If specified and usepanel=0, the control panel
% at lower right cornor will be invisible; otherwise,
% it will be visible.
% 4. usecrosshair: If specified and usecrosshair=0, the crosshair
% will be invisible; otherwise, it will be visible.
% 5. usestretch: If specified and usestretch=0, the 3 slices will
% not be stretched, and will be displayed according to
% the actual voxel size; otherwise, the 3 slices will be
% stretched to the edge.
% 6. useimagesc: If specified and useimagesc=0, images data will
% be used directly to match the colormap (like 'image'
% command); otherwise, image data will be scaled to full
% colormap with 'imagesc' command in Matlab.
% 7. useinterp: If specified and useinterp=1, the image will be
% displayed using interpolation. Otherwise, it will be
% displayed like mosaic, and each tile stands for a
% pixel. This option does not apply to 'setvalue' option
% is set.
% 8. setarea: 3-View plot will be displayed on this specific
% region. If it is not specified, program will set the
% plot area to [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.9].
% 9. setunit: It can be specified to setunit='voxel' or 'mm'
% and the view will change the axes unit of [X Y Z]
% accordingly.
% 10. setviewpoint: If specified, [X Y Z] values will be used
% to set the viewpoint of 3-View plot.
% 11. setscanid: If specified, [t] value will be used to display
% the specified image scan in NIFTI data.
% 12. setcrosshaircolor: If specified, [r g b] value will be used
% for Crosshair Color. Otherwise, red will be the default.
% 13. setcolorindex: If specified, the 3-View will choose the
% following colormap: 2 - Bipolar; 3 - Gray; 4 - Jet;
% 5 - Cool; 6 - Bone; 7 - Hot; 8 - Copper; 9 - Pink;
% If not specified, it will choose 3 - Gray if all data
% values are not less than 0; otherwise, it will choose
% 2 - Bipolar if there is value less than 0. (Contrast
% control can only apply to 3 - Gray colormap.
% 14. setcolormap: 3-View plot will use it as a customized colormap.
% It is a 3-column matrix with value between 0 and 1. If
% using MS-Windows version of Matlab, the number of rows
% can not be more than 256, because of Matlab limitation.
% When colormap is used, setcolorlevel option will be
% disabled automatically.
% 15. setcolorlevel: If specified (must be no more than 256, and
% cannot be used for customized colormap), row number of
% colormap will be squeezed down to this level; otherwise,
% it will assume that setcolorlevel=256.
% 16. sethighcolor: If specified, program will squeeze down the
% colormap, and allocate sethighcolor (an Mx3 matrix)
% to high-end portion of the colormap. The sum of M and
% setcolorlevel should be less than 256. If setcolormap
% option is used, sethighcolor will be inserted on top
% of the setcolormap, and the setcolorlevel option will
% be disabled automatically.
% 17. setcbarminmax: if specified, the [min max] will be used to
% set the min and max of the colorbar, which does not
% include any data for highcolor.
% 18. setvalue: If specified, setvalue.val (with the same size as
% the source data on solution points) in the source area
% setvalue.idx will be superimposed on the current nii
% image. So, the size of setvalue.val should be equal to
% the size of setvalue.idx. To use this feature, it needs
% single or double nii structure for background image.
% 19. glblocminmax: If specified, pgm will use glblocminmax to
% calculate the colormap, instead of minmax of image.
% 20. setbuttondown: If specified, pgm will evaluate the command
% after a click or slide action is invoked to the new
% view point.
% 21. setcomplex: This option will decide how complex data to be
% displayed: 0 - Real part of complex data; 1 - Imaginary
% part of complex data; 2 - Modulus (magnitude) of complex
% data; If not specified, it will be set to 0 (Real part
% of complex data as default option. This option only apply
% when option.command is set to 'init or 'updatenii'.
% Additional Options for 'update' command:
% =======================================
% option.enablecursormove = [1] | 0
% option.enableviewpoint = 0 | [1]
% option.enableorigin = 0 | [1]
% option.enableunit = 0 | [1]
% option.enablecrosshair = 0 | [1]
% option.enablehistogram = 0 | [1]
% option.enablecolormap = 0 | [1]
% option.enablecontrast = 0 | [1]
% option.enablebrightness = 0 | [1]
% option.enableslider = 0 | [1]
% option.enabledirlabel = 0 | [1]
% e.g.:
% nii = load_nii('T1'); % T1.img/hdr
% view_nii(nii);
% or
% h = figure('unit','normal','pos', [0.18 0.08 0.64 0.85]);
% opt.setarea = [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.9];
% view_nii(h, nii, opt);