Half Band Interpolating Filter Design Example v1.0.0 README File
This readme file contains the following sections:
o Package Contents
o Tool Requirements
o Description of Design Example
o Simulation in Simulink
o Release History
o Design Examples Disclaimer
o Contacting Altera
Package Contents
Half Band Interpolating Filter Design Example v1.0.0
Design files include:
o HBF_DSPBlock.mdl - DSP Builder design file implementing the interpolating half-band filter
with fixed coefficients
o init.m - MATLAB script to initialize the sampling time, and simulation time and coefficients. The script also
generates the stimulus: chirp and impulse.
Tool Requirements
This design example requires the following software package:
o Quartus II 5.0
o DSP Builder v5.0.0
o MATLAB/Simulink R14 SP2
Please contact your local sales representative if you do not have one of these
software tools.
Description of Design Example
This is an interpolating by 2 half-band filter with 79 taps (40 none-zero coefficients).
Taking advantage of the symmetrical filter coefficients and the concept of time-domain multiplexing (TDM),
the design requires only 10 multipliers. The multipliers are implemented using DSP Blocks.
The coefficients are fixed and stored as constants. The coefficients are defined in the init.m MATLAB script.
To get more details on the discrete blocks in DSP Builder, refer to the DSP Builder Reference Manual
located at:
To get more details on the soft multipliers (DA using TriMatrix Memory Blocks), refer to
AN 306: Techniques for Implementing Multipliers in Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone Devices
located at:
Simulation in Simulink
To run the simulation of the design example in Simulink, perform the following steps:
1. Open the HBF_DSPBlock.mdl file. When the deisgn is loaded, it runs the init.m MATLAB script.
The script plots the filter response based on two sets of stimulus: impulse and chirp. You will compare these
filter results with the simulation results later.
2. To review the simulation parameters, select "Configuration Parameters" (Simulation menu). The Stop Time
is set by the variable "simtime", initialized in the init.m file.
3. Choose the stimulus (Chirp or impulse) by clicking on the two-way switch which feeds the input_data[] port.
3. To start simulation, select "Start" (Simulation menu).
At the end of simulation, double-click on the scope to view the simulation results.
To get more details on the design flow using DSP Builder, refer to the DSP Builder User Guide
located at:
Release History
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
Design Examples Disclaimer
These design examples may only be used within Altera Corporation devices and remain
the property of Altera. They are being provided on an �as-is� basis and as an accommodation;
therefore, all warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind (whether express,
implied, or statutory) including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement,
or fitness for a particular purpose, are specifically disclaimed. Altera expressly does not recommend,
suggest, or require that these examples be used in combination with any other product not provided
by Altera.
Contacting Altera
Although we have made every effort to ensure that this design example works
correctly, there might be problems that we have not encountered. If you have
a question or problem that is not answered by the information provided in this
readme file or the example's documentation, please contact your Altera Field
Applications Engineer.
If you have additional questions that are not answered in the documentation
provided with this function, please contact Altera Applications:
World-Wide Web: http://www.altera.com
Technical Support Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD (U.S.)
(408) 544-7000 (Internationally)
Copyright (c) 2005 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.