//package ecc.elliptic;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ECPoint
public final static BigInteger TWO = new BigInteger("2");
public final static BigInteger THREE = new BigInteger("3");
private EllipticCurve mother;
private BigInteger x, y;
private boolean iszero;
private ECPoint[] fastcache = null; //fastcache is an array of ECPoints
private ECPoint[] cache = null; //Even cache is an ECPoint array
public void fastCache()
if(fastcache == null)
fastcache = new ECPoint[256]; //fastcache initialised to 256 EC Points.
fastcache[0] = new ECPoint(mother); //First point is null.
for(int i = 1; i < fastcache.length; i++) //From 1 to 256
fastcache[i] = fastcache[i-1].add(this); //add the point repeatedly (Cumulative sum). P,2P,...
catch (NoCommonMotherException e)
System.out.println("ECPoint.fastcache: THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!!!");
/** Constructs a point on an elliptic curve.
*@param mother The elliptic curve on wich the point is surposed to lie
*@param x the x coordinate of the point
*@param y the y coordinate of the point
*@exception Throws a NotOnMotherException if (x,y) is not on the mother curve.*/
public ECPoint(EllipticCurve mother, BigInteger x, BigInteger y) throws NotOnMotherException
this.mother = mother;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
if (!mother.onCurve(this)) throw new NotOnMotherException(this);
iszero = false;
/** Decompresses a compressed point stored in a byte-array into a new ECPoint.
*@param bytes the array of bytes to be decompressed
*@param mother the EllipticCurve the decompressed point is supposed to lie on.*/
public ECPoint(byte[] bytes, EllipticCurve mother)
this.mother = mother;
if (bytes[0] == 2)
iszero = true;
boolean ymt = false;
if(bytes[0] != 0)
ymt = true;
bytes[0] = 0;
x = new BigInteger(bytes);
if(mother.getPPODBF() == null) System.out.println("Fuck dig!!!");
y = x.multiply(x).add(mother.geta()).multiply(x).add(mother.getb()).modPow(mother.getPPODBF(),mother.getp());
if(ymt != y.testBit(0))
y = mother.getp().subtract(y);
iszero = false;
/** IMPORTANT this renders the values of x and y to be null! Use this constructor
*only to create instances of a Zero class!*/
public ECPoint(EllipticCurve e){
x = y = BigInteger.ZERO;
mother = e;
iszero = true;
public byte[] compress()
byte[] cmp = new byte[mother.getPCS()];
if (iszero)
cmp[0] = 2;
byte[] xb = x.toByteArray();
System.arraycopy(xb, 0, cmp, mother.getPCS()-xb.length, xb.length);
if(y.testBit(0)) cmp[0] = 1;
return cmp;
/** Adds another elliptic curve point to this point.
*@param q The point to be added
*@return the sum of this point on the argument
*@exception Throws a NoCommonMotherException if the two points don't lie on the same elliptic curve.*/
public ECPoint add(ECPoint q) throws NoCommonMotherException
if (!hasCommonMother(q)) throw new NoCommonMotherException();
if (this.iszero) return q;
else if (q.isZero()) return this;
BigInteger y1 = y;
BigInteger y2 = q.gety();
BigInteger x1 = x;
BigInteger x2 = q.getx();
BigInteger alpha;
if (x2.compareTo(x1) == 0)
if (!(y2.compareTo(y1) == 0)) return new ECPoint(mother);
alpha = ((x1.modPow(TWO,mother.getp())).multiply(THREE)).add(mother.geta());
alpha = (alpha.multiply((TWO.multiply(y1)).modInverse(mother.getp()))).mod(mother.getp());
alpha = ((y2.subtract(y1)).multiply((x2.subtract(x1)).modInverse(mother.getp()))).mod(mother.getp());
BigInteger x3,y3;
x3 = (((alpha.modPow(TWO,mother.getp())).subtract(x2)).subtract(x1)).mod(mother.getp());
y3 = ((alpha.multiply(x1.subtract(x3))).subtract(y1)).mod(mother.getp());
return new ECPoint(mother,x3,y3);
catch (NotOnMotherException e)
System.out.println("Error in add!!! Result not on mother!");
return null;
public ECPoint multiply(BigInteger coef)
ECPoint result = new ECPoint(mother); //result is initialised to null
byte[] coefb = coef.toByteArray(); //coefb is the number to be multiplied. i.e. q in p*q. called as p.mul(q)
if(fastcache != null) //fastcache of this, i.e. p
for(int i = 0; i < coefb.length; i++)
result = result.times256().add(fastcache[coefb[i]&255]); // result=result*256+fastcache(coefb[i]&255)
return result;
if(cache == null) //If cache is empty, populate it upto 16
cache = new ECPoint[16];
cache[0] = new ECPoint(mother);
for(int i = 1; i < cache.length; i++)
cache[i] = cache[i-1].add(this);
for(int i = 0; i < coefb.length; i++)
result = result.times16().add(cache[(coefb[i]>>4)&15]).times16().add(cache[coefb[i]&15]);
return result;
catch (NoCommonMotherException e)
System.out.println("Error in pow!!!");
return null;
//BigInteger R0=this.getx();
//BigInteger R1=R0.add(R0);
//Convert multiplier into binary.
String BitNum=coef.toString(2);
// System.out.println(coef+"in bin form is"+BitNum);
// System.out.println("length of bitnum string is"+BitNum.length());
int nk=coef.bitCount(); //nk in paper.
// System.out.println(coef+" .bitcount is "+ nk);
ECPoint result=this;
for(int i=nk-1;i>0;i--)
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error in multiplying");
//ECPoint result=new ECPoint(this.mother);
//BigInteger y0=R0.multiply(R0).add(this.mother.geta()).multiply(R0).add(this.mother.getb()).modPow(this.mother.getPPODBF(),this.mother.getp());
return result;
private ECPoint times16()
ECPoint result = this;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
result = result.add(result);
return result;
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("ECPoint.times16: THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!!!");
return null;
private ECPoint times256()
ECPoint result = this;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
result = result.add(result);
return result;
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("ECPoint.times256: THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!!!");
return null;
public BigInteger getx()
return x;
public BigInteger gety()
return y;
public EllipticCurve getMother()
return mother;
public String toString()
return "(" + x.toString() + ", " + y.toString() + ")";
public boolean hasCommonMother(ECPoint p)
if (this.mother.equals(p.getMother())) return true;
else return false;
public boolean isZero()
return iszero;