This folder has the batch files to synthesize using the XST or Synplify Pro
and PAR the design through command mode.
Before Running the design :
* Before implementing the user design, it is the user's responsibility to
integrate the design with user's synthesizable testbench in a toplevel
wrapper file. Running/implementing the design without any testbench may
give PAR errors as it may not find enough sites to place all the user
interface pins and more over the user cannot test the design in the
hardware since it requires additional hardware/testbench to drive user
interface pins of the user design.
* After integrating the design with user's testbench, the user needs to add
these files (testbench files, toplevel wrapper file) in DDR2ConTroller.prj under
synth folder.
Steps to run the design using the ise_flow (batch mode):
1. Executing the ise_flow.bat file, synthesizes the design using
XST or Synplify Pro and does the PAR.
On running "ise_flow.bat" file, removes the XST/Synplify Pro report
files first (if exist any on previous runs) and then does
implementation of the design.
2. On running the ise_flow.bat file, creates the all report files.
Steps to run the design using the create_ise (GUI mode - for XST cases only):
1. This file will appear for XST cases only.
2. On executing the "create_ise.bat" file creates "test.xise" project file
and set all the properties of the design selected.
3. The design can be implemented in ISE Projnav GUI by invoking
the "test.xise" project file.
4. In Linux operating systems, test.xise project can be invoked by executing
the command 'ise test.xise' from the terminal.
About other files in PAR folder :
* DDR2ConTroller.ucf file is the constraint file for the design. This is used
by ISE tool during PAR phase. It has all the clock constraints,
Location constraints, false paths if any, IO standards and
Area group constraints if any.
* ise_run.txt file has synthesis options for the XST tool.
This file is used for batch mode.
* mem_interface_top.ut file has the options for the Configuration file
generation i.e. the .bit file.
* "rem_files.bat" file has all the file names of the report files that are
generated by ISE/Synplify Pro.
* "set_ise_prop.tcl" file has all the properties that needs to be set
in GUI mode. This file will appear only for XST cases.
* "icon_coregen.xco", "ila_coregen.xco" and "vio_coregen.xco" files are
used to generate ChipScope ila and icon EDIF/NGC files. When you want to
view the design signals on ChipScope, you should port the design signals to
ChipScope modules i.e., ila and icon in the DDR2ConTroller rtl file.
In order to generate the EDIF/NGC files, you must execute the following
commands before starting synthesis and PAR.
coregen -b icon_coregen.xco
coregen -b ila_coregen.xco
coregen -b vio_coregen.xco
* At the start of a Chip Scope Analyzer project, all of the signals in
every core have generic names. "DDR2ConTroller.cdc" is a file that contains
all the signal names of all cores. Upon importing this file, signal names are
renamed to the specified names in "DDR2ConTroller.cdc" file. This file will work
for the generated designs from MIG. If any of the design parameter values
are changed after generating the design, this file will not work.
Note : When you generate the design using "Debug Signals for Memory Controller"
option Enable, the above mentioned ChipScope coregen commands are printed
into ise_flow.bat and create_ise.bat files. The DDR2ConTroller rtl file
will have the design debug signals portmapped to vio and icon
ChipScope modules.
Synth folder:
* Synth folder has the constraint file for synplify Pro designs i.e.
the .sdc file, Project file which has the design files to be added to
the project i.e. the .prj file and the synthesis tool options file for
synplify Pro i.e. .tcl file.
compatible_ucf folder:
* MIG outputs this folder only when Pin Compatible FPGAs are checked in GUI
(Pin Compatible FPGAs page in GUI). It generates the UCF files for all
the Compatible FPGAs selected in GUI. If you want to switch to any of the
Compatible FPGAs follow the steps mentioned below.
* For example, the design is generated with component name as DDR2ConTroller with
Target FPGA 4000FG1156 and Compatible FPGA 5000FG1156.
- Change the FPGA name to 5000FG1156 from 4000FG1156 in ise_flow.bat,
create_ise.bat and ise_run.txt, set_ise_prop.tcl in par folder and
.tcl file in synth folder.
- Paste the 5000FG1156.ucf file in par folder.
- Change the UCF file name in batch file to the one in compatible_ucf
folder i.e., change the UCF name (DDR2ConTroller.ucf) in ise_flow.bat and
create_ise.bat file to XC3S4000_FG1156.ucf.