function func_ant_colony_image_edge_detection
% This is a demo program of image edge detection using ant colony, based on
% the paper, "An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm For Image Edge
% Detection," IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pp. 751-756, Hongkong,
% Jun. 2008.
% Input:
% gray image with a square size
% Output:
% four edge map images, which are obtained by the method using four functions,
% respectively.
% image loading
filename = 'camera128';
img = double(imread([filename '.bmp']))./255;
[nrow, ncol] = size(img);
%visiblity function initialization, see equation (4)
for nMethod = 1:4;
%Four kernel functions used in the paper, see equations (7)-(10)
%E: exponential; F: flat; G: gaussian; S:Sine; T:Turkey; W:Wave
fprintf('Welcome to demo program of image edge detection using ant colony.\nPlease wait......\n');
v = zeros(size(img));
v_norm = 0;
for rr =1:nrow
for cc=1:ncol
%defination of clique
temp1 = [rr-2 cc-1; rr-2 cc+1; rr-1 cc-2; rr-1 cc-1; rr-1 cc; rr-1 cc+1; rr-1 cc+2; rr cc-1];
temp2 = [rr+2 cc+1; rr+2 cc-1; rr+1 cc+2; rr+1 cc+1; rr+1 cc; rr+1 cc-1; rr+1 cc-2; rr cc+1];
temp0 = find(temp1(:,1)>=1 & temp1(:,1)<=nrow & temp1(:,2)>=1 & temp1(:,2)<=ncol & temp2(:,1)>=1 & temp2(:,1)<=nrow & temp2(:,2)>=1 & temp2(:,2)<=ncol);
temp11 = temp1(temp0, :);
temp22 = temp2(temp0, :);
temp00 = zeros(size(temp11,1));
for kk = 1:size(temp11,1)
temp00(kk) = abs(img(temp11(kk,1), temp11(kk,2))-img(temp22(kk,1), temp22(kk,2)));
if size(temp11,1) == 0
v(rr, cc) = 0;
v_norm = v_norm + v(rr, cc);
lambda = 10;
switch nMethod
case 1%'F'
temp00 = lambda .* temp00;
case 2%'Q'
temp00 = lambda .* temp00.^2;
case 3%'S'
temp00 = sin(pi .* temp00./2./lambda);
case 4%'W'
temp00 = sin(pi.*temp00./lambda).*pi.*temp00./lambda;
v(rr, cc) = sum(sum(temp00.^2));
v_norm = v_norm + v(rr, cc);
v = v./v_norm; %do normalization
v = v.*100;
% pheromone function initialization
p = 0.0001 .* ones(size(img));
%paramete setting, see Section IV in CEC paper
alpha = 1; %equation (4)
beta = 0.1; %equation (4)
rho = 0.1; %equation (11)
phi = 0.05; %equation (12), i.e., (9) in IEEE-CIM-06
ant_total_num = round(sqrt(nrow*ncol));
ant_pos_idx = zeros(ant_total_num, 2); % record the location of ant
% initialize the positions of ants
rand('state', sum(clock));
temp = rand(ant_total_num, 2);
ant_pos_idx(:,1) = round(1 + (nrow-1) * temp(:,1)); %row index
ant_pos_idx(:,2) = round(1 + (ncol-1) * temp(:,2)); %column index
search_clique_mode = '8'; %Figure 1
% define the memory length, the positions in ant's memory are
% non-admissible positions for the next movement
if nrow*ncol == 128*128
A = 40;
memory_length = round(rand(1).*(1.15*A-0.85*A)+0.85*A); % memory length
elseif nrow*ncol == 256*256
A = 30;
memory_length = round(rand(1).*(1.15*A-0.85*A)+0.85*A); % memory length
elseif nrow*ncol == 512*512
A = 20;
memory_length = round(rand(1).*(1.15*A-0.85*A)+0.85*A); % memory length
% record the positions in ant's memory, convert 2D position-index (row, col) into
% 1D position-index
ant_memory = zeros(ant_total_num, memory_length);
% System setup
if nrow*ncol == 128*128
total_step_num = 300; % the numbe of iterations?
elseif nrow*ncol == 256*256
total_step_num = 900;
elseif nrow*ncol == 512*512
total_step_num = 1500;
total_iteration_num = 3;
for iteration_idx = 1: total_iteration_num
%record the positions where ant have reached in the last 'memory_length' iterations
delta_p = zeros(nrow, ncol);
for step_idx = 1: total_step_num
delta_p_current = zeros(nrow, ncol);
for ant_idx = 1:ant_total_num
ant_current_row_idx = ant_pos_idx(ant_idx,1);
ant_current_col_idx = ant_pos_idx(ant_idx,2);
% find the neighborhood of current position
if search_clique_mode == '4'
rr = ant_current_row_idx;
cc = ant_current_col_idx;
ant_search_range_temp = [rr-1 cc; rr cc+1; rr+1 cc; rr cc-1];
elseif search_clique_mode == '8'
rr = ant_current_row_idx;
cc = ant_current_col_idx;
ant_search_range_temp = [rr-1 cc-1; rr-1 cc; rr-1 cc+1; rr cc-1; rr cc+1; rr+1 cc-1; rr+1 cc; rr+1 cc+1];
%remove the positions our of the image's range
temp = find(ant_search_range_temp(:,1)>=1 & ant_search_range_temp(:,1)<=nrow & ant_search_range_temp(:,2)>=1 & ant_search_range_temp(:,2)<=ncol);
ant_search_range = ant_search_range_temp(temp, :);
%calculate the transit prob. to the neighborhood of current
ant_transit_prob_v = zeros(size(ant_search_range,1),1);
ant_transit_prob_p = zeros(size(ant_search_range,1),1);
for kk = 1:size(ant_search_range,1)
temp = (ant_search_range(kk,1)-1)*ncol + ant_search_range(kk,2);
if length(find(ant_memory(ant_idx,:)==temp))==0 %not in ant's memory
ant_transit_prob_v(kk) = v(ant_search_range(kk,1), ant_search_range(kk,2));
ant_transit_prob_p(kk) = p(ant_search_range(kk,1), ant_search_range(kk,2));
else %in ant's memory
ant_transit_prob_v(kk) = 0;
ant_transit_prob_p(kk) = 0;
% if all neighborhood are in memory, then the permissible search range is RE-calculated.
if (sum(sum(ant_transit_prob_v))==0) | (sum(sum(ant_transit_prob_p))==0)
for kk = 1:size(ant_search_range,1)
temp = (ant_search_range(kk,1)-1)*ncol + ant_search_range(kk,2);
ant_transit_prob_v(kk) = v(ant_search_range(kk,1), ant_search_range(kk,2));
ant_transit_prob_p(kk) = p(ant_search_range(kk,1), ant_search_range(kk,2));
ant_transit_prob = (ant_transit_prob_v.^alpha) .* (ant_transit_prob_p.^beta) ./ (sum(sum((ant_transit_prob_v.^alpha) .* (ant_transit_prob_p.^beta))));
% generate a random number to determine the next position.
rand('state', sum(100*clock));
temp = find(cumsum(ant_transit_prob)>=rand(1), 1);
ant_next_row_idx = ant_search_range(temp,1);
ant_next_col_idx = ant_search_range(temp,2);
if length(ant_next_row_idx) == 0
ant_next_row_idx = ant_current_row_idx;
ant_next_col_idx = ant_current_col_idx;
ant_pos_idx(ant_idx,1) = ant_next_row_idx;
ant_pos_idx(ant_idx,2) = ant_next_col_idx;
%record the delta_p_current