function [TachGradient,Vel_rms,Vel_max,Acc,U,T,Y,Yd,VEL,index] = DynamicsResponse(t,u,y,yd,tol)
% DynamicsResponse:
% In gear driven high accuracy positioners (antennas, teloscope mounts,
% some robots, etc...) on axis position data is collected from one sensor
% (synchro, resolver, encoder, etc..) mounted on axis and velocity data is
% collected from another sensor (tach, resolver RDC, encoder, etc...)
% mounted on the actuator. The scaling, aka tach gradient, between the
% measured velocity and the on axis velocity is determined by gear ratio,
% sensor characteristics (ie tach Kt), measurement scaling (ie at ADC or
% RDC), and software. Although it is possible to predetermine the tach
% gradient, it is often necessary to measure the tach gradient to confirm
% design expectations during installation and test. During installation
% and testing is also often necessary to measure on axis velocity and
% acceleration to confirm the design goals are met.
% Assuming that the on axis sensor is calibrated seperately, it is possible
% to use this sensor, during large steps, to measure the tach gradient,
% velocity and acceleration. Large steps are defined as steps large
% enough to allow the axis to accelerate to full velocity and to maintain
% full velocity for a short time.
% This function estimates the tach gradient, on axis velocity and
% acceleration when a large step is taken and time, command, on axis
% position, and non-on axis velocity are recorded.
% This function is primarily intended to analyze measured data but can
% also be used on simulation results.
% useage: [TachGradient,Vel_rms,Vel_max,Acc,U,T,Y,Yd,VEL,index] = DynamicsResponse(t,u,y,yd,tol)
% arguments (input):
% - t: the time vector
% - u: the step command vector. Must contain only 1 step command that
% starts at 0 and moves to +/-step in 1 time sample. Must be the same
% length as t.
% - y: the on axis position response vector. Must be the same length as t
% - yd: the measured velocity response vector. Must be the same length as
% t
% - tol: tolerance used to compare floating point numbers.
% arguments (output):
% TachGradient: Scalar Tach Gradient that scales Yd to on axis velocity
% Vel_rms: Scalar RMS on axis velocity between when velocity is 1st at 80%
% and is last at 80%
% Vel_max: Scalar max on axis velocity
% Acc: Scalar on axis acceleration. Determined by the change in velocity
% from 20% to 80% of max velocity over the time necessary to do the same.
% U: truncated command vector, includes only the data after the step command
% is provided
% T: truncated time vector, includes only the data after the step command
% is provided
% Y: truncated on axis position response vector, includes only the data
% after the step command is provided
% Yd: truncated measured velocity response vector, includes only the data
% after the step command is provided
% Vel: on axis velocity vector, includes only the data after the step
% command is provided
% index: vector of the T Y, Yd, and VEL locations where: velocity is at
% max, velocity is 1st at 80% of max, velocity is last at 80% of max and,
% velocity is at 20% of max
% Required functions:
% - spline
% - ppval
% - polyfit
% Example: This example uses tf and lsim to generate the data to be
% analyzed and therefor requires the Control Systems Toolbox.
% % classic second order system
% w = 1;
% z = 0.7;
% Hs1 = tf(w^2,[1,2*z*w,w^2]);
% Hs2 = tf([w^2,0],[1,2*z*w,w^2]);
% % create input arguments
% t = [0:0.001:10];
% u = 100*ones(size(t)); u(1:200) = zeros(200,1);
% y = lsim(Hs1,u,t)+0.03*(rand(size(t'))-0.5);
% vel = lsim(Hs2,u,t);
% yd = 0.2*vel+0.5*(rand(size(t'))-0.5);
% tol = 10^-6;
% % call DynamicsResponse
% [TachGradient,Vel_rms,Vel_max,Acc,U,T,Y,Yd,VEL,index] = DynamicsResponse(t,u,y,yd,tol);
% % display results
% disp(strcat('Tach Gradient :',num2str(TachGradient)))
% disp(strcat('RMS Velocity :',num2str(Vel_rms)))
% disp(strcat('Max Velocity :',num2str(Vel_max)))
% disp(strcat('Acceleration from 20% to 80% of max velocity :',num2str(Acc)))
% % plot results
% subplot(3,2,1)
% plot(t,u,t,y)
% grid
% ylabel('Command and Response')
% title('Starting Data')
% subplot(3,2,3)
% plot(t,vel)
% grid
% ylabel('On Axis Velocity')
% subplot(3,2,5)
% plot(t,yd)
% grid
% ylabel('Measured Velocity')
% xlabel('Time')
% subplot(3,2,2)
% plot(T,U,T,Y)
% grid
% ylabel('Command and Response')
% title('Truncated Data')
% subplot(3,2,4)
% plot(T,VEL,T(index),VEL(index),'*')
% grid
% ylabel('On Axis Velocity')
% subplot(3,2,6)
% plot(T,Yd)
% grid
% ylabel('Measured Velocity')
% xlabel('Time')
% error check input
% check number of input arguments
if (nargin < 5) || (nargin > 5)
error('StepResponse must have 5 arguments only')
% verify input argments are vectors
if (min(size(t)) > 1) || (min(size(u)) > 1) || (min(size(y)) > 1) || (min(size(yd)) > 1)
error('StepResponse arguments t, u, y, and yd must be vectors, not matrices')
if (max(size(t)) < 2) || (max(size(u)) < 2) || (max(size(y)) < 2) || (max(size(yd)) < 2)
error('StepResponse arguments t, u, y, and yd must be vectors, not scalars')
% verify input argument tol is a scalar
if (length(tol) > 1)
error('StepResponse arguments tol must be a scalars')
% verify input arguments are the same length
if (length(t) > length(u)+tol) || (length(t) < length(u)-tol) || (length(t) > length(y)+tol) || (length(t) < length(y)-tol) || (length(t) > length(y)+tol) || (length(t) < length(y)-tol)
error('StepResponse arguments t, u, y, and yd must be vectors of the same length')
% transpose input vectors as needed
[M,N] = size(t);
if N > M,
t = t';
[M,N] = size(u);
if N > M,
u = u';
[M,N] = size(y);
if N > M,
y = y';
[M,N] = size(yd);
if N > M,
yd = yd';
% find time when step command was given
t0 = 0; % initialize t0, the vector index when the step command is given
for J = 1:length(t),
% search for change in u. the 1st change above the tol is assumed
% to be the step command
if (t0 == 0) && (abs(u(J)) >= tol),
t0 = J;
% continue to search for changes in u. if additional changes
% greater than tol are found, generate an error
if (t0 > 0) && ((abs(u(J)) > abs(u(t0)) + tol) || (abs(u(J)) < abs(u(t0)) - tol))
error('StepResponse must have only 1 step command. The step command must start at 0units and move to +/- step size in 1 time sample.')
% truncate data series to t0 and above. zero the t vector. initialize
% index vector
T = t(t0:length(t))-t(t0);
U = u(t0:length(t));
Y = y(t0:length(t));
Yd = yd(t0:length(t));
index = zeros(4,1);
% determine tach gradient
% fit a spline to the position data
PP_pos = spline(T,Y);
% take the derivative of the spline
PP_vel = PP_pos;
PP_vel.coefs(:,4) = PP_vel.coefs(:,3);
PP_vel.coefs(:,3) = 2*PP_vel.coefs(:,2);
PP_vel.coefs(:,2) = 3*PP_vel.coefs(:,1);
PP_vel.coefs(:,1) = zeros(size(PP_vel.coefs(:,1)));
% evaluate the derivative of position spline along T - dirty on axis
% velocity
vel = ppval(PP_vel,T);
% fit a 1st order polynomial to corrolate vel and Yd;
TG = polyfit(Yd,vel,1);
TachGradient = TG(1);
% determine rms and max velocity
% scale Yd to find cleanner on axis velocity
VEL = Yd*TachGradient;
% calculate max velocity
[Vel_max,Imax] = max(abs(VEL));
% search response vector
vel_ucount = 0; % initialize vel counters
vel_lcount =