function [signif_map, subordinate_list, data] = func_dominant_pass(img_wavedata, threshold, scan);
% img_wavedata: wavelet coefficients, if this step is not using the initial theshold
% the returned 'data' from the previous step should be used (to
% correctly process already processed coefficients)
% threshold: threshold to use for this step, initial threshold should be
% pow2(floor(log2(max(max(abs(img_wavedata))))))
% scan: scan order to use when processing img_wavedata matrix
% (currently only Morton scan order supported)
% signif_map: returned string containing the significance info for the data in
% img_wavedata using 'threshold' as threshold
% 'p' significant positive
% 'n' significant negative
% 'z' isolated zero
% 't' zerotree root
% subordinate_list: list containing the coefficients that are detected significant
% in _this_ step
% first row is the original coefficient
% second row is first reconstruction value of this coefficient
% data: new wavelet coefficients to use in the next step
% Copyright 2002 Paschalis Tsiaflakis, Jan Vangorp
% wavelet coefficients are saved to undo bookkeeping actions
data = img_wavedata;
dim = size(img_wavedata,1);
% significance map
signif_map = [];
signif_index = 1;
% subordinate list
subordinate_list = [];
subordinate_index = 1;
for element = 1:dim*dim;
% get matrix index for element
row = scan(element,1)+1;
column = scan(element,2)+1;
% check whether element should be processed
if(~isnan(data(row, column)) & data(row, column) < realmax),
% determine type of element
if(data(row,column) >= threshold), % element is significant positive
signif_map(signif_index) = 'p';
signif_index = signif_index + 1;
subordinate_list(1, subordinate_index) = data(row, column);
% first reconstructed value
subordinate_list(2, subordinate_index) = threshold + threshold/2;
subordinate_index= subordinate_index + 1;
% mark element as processed
data(row, column) = 0;
elseif(data(row,column) <= -threshold), % element is significant negative
signif_map(signif_index) = 'n';
signif_index = signif_index+ 1;
subordinate_list(1, subordinate_index) = data(row, column);
% first reconstructed value
subordinate_list(2, subordinate_index) = -threshold - threshold/2;
subordinate_index= subordinate_index + 1;
% mark element as processed
data(row, column) = 0;
else % determine wether element is zerotree root
% select EZW tree for element
if(row<dim/2 | column<dim/2),
mask = func_treemask(row,column,dim);
else % shortcut treemask processing (element has no tree under it)
if(abs(data(row, column)) < threshold),
% element is zerotree root
signif_map(signif_index) = 't';
signif_index = signif_index + 1;
% mark elements as processed (only for this pass!)
data(row, column) = realmax;
else % element is isolated zero
signif_map(signif_index) = 'z';
signif_index = signif_index + 1;
masked = data .* mask;
% compare data to threshold
if(isempty(find(abs(masked) >= threshold))),
% element is zerotree root
signif_map(signif_index) = 't';
signif_index = signif_index + 1;
% mark elements as processed (only for this pass!)
data = data + (mask*realmax);
else % element is isolated zero
signif_map(signif_index) = 'z';
signif_index = signif_index + 1;
index = find(data == realmax);
data(index) = img_wavedata(index);