/****************************************Copyright (c)**************************************************
** Guangzou ZLG-MCU Development Co.,LTD.
** graduate school
** http://www.zlgmcu.com
**--------------File Info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** File name: target.c
** Last modified Date: 2004-09-17
** Last Version: 1.0
** Descriptions: header file of the specific codes for LPC2200 target boards
** Every project should include a copy of this file, user may modify it as needed
** Created by: Chenmingji
** Created date: 2004-02-02
** Version: 1.0
** Descriptions: The original version
** Modified by: Chenmingji
** Modified date: 2004-09-17
** Version: 1.01
** Descriptions: Renewed the template, added more compiler supports
** Modified by:
** Modified date:
** Version:
** Descriptions:
#define IN_TARGET
#include "config.h"
** Function name: IRQ_Exception
** Descriptions: interrupt exceptional handler , change it as needed
** input parameters: None
** Returned value: None
** Used global variables: None
** Calling modules: None
** Created by: Chenmingji
** Created Date: 2004/02/02
** Modified by:
** Modified date:
void __irq IRQ_Exception(void)
while(1); // change it to your code 这一句替换为自己的代码
** Function name: FIQ_Exception
** Descriptions: Fast interrupt exceptional handler , change it as needed
** input parameters: None
** Returned value: None
** Used global variables: None
** Calling modules: None
** Created by: Chenmingji
** Created Date: 2004/02/02
** Modified by:
** Modified date:
void FIQ_Exception(void)
while(1); // change it to your code 这一句替换为自己的代码
** Function name: TargetInit
** Descriptions: Initialize the target board; it is called in a necessary place, change it as
** needed
** input parameters: None
** Returned value: None
** Used global variables: None
** Calling modules: None
** Created by: Chenmingji
** Created Date: 2004/02/02
** Modified by:
** Modified date:
void TargetInit(void)
/* 添加自己的代码 */
/* Add your codes here */
** Function name: TargetResetInit
** Descriptions: Initialize the target board before running the main() function; User may
** change it as needed, but may not deleted it.
** input parameters: None
** Returned value: None
** Used global variables: None
** Calling modules: None
** Created by: Chenmingji
** Created Date: 2004/02/02
** Modified by:
** Modified date:
void TargetResetInit(void)
#ifdef __DEBUG
MEMMAP = 0x3; //remap
#ifdef __OUT_CHIP
MEMMAP = 0x3; //remap
#ifdef __IN_CHIP
MEMMAP = 0x1; //remap
/* 设置系统各部分时钟 */
/* Set system timers for each component */
#if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 1
#if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 2
#if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 4
#if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 2
PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (0 << 5);
#if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 4
PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (1 << 5);
#if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 8
PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (2 << 5);
#if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 16
PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (3 << 5);
PLLFEED = 0xaa;
PLLFEED = 0x55;
while((PLLSTAT & (1 << 10)) == 0);
PLLFEED = 0xaa;
PLLFEED = 0x55;
/* 设置存储器加速模块 */
/* Set memory accelerater module*/
MAMCR = 0;
#if Fcclk < 20000000
#if Fcclk < 40000000
MAMCR = 2;
/* 初始化VIC */
/* initialize VIC*/
VICIntEnClr = 0xffffffff;
VICVectAddr = 0;
VICIntSelect = 0;
/* 添加自己的代码 */
/* Add your codes here */
** 以下为一些与系统相关的库函数的实现
** 具体作用请ads的参考编译器与库函数手册
** 用户可以根据自己的要求修改
** The implementations for some library functions
** For more details, please refer to the ADS compiler handbook and The library
** function manual
** User could change it as needed
#include "rt_sys.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi)
#pragma import(__use_two_region_memory)
int __rt_div0(int a)
a = a;
return 0;
int fputc(int ch,FILE *f)
ch = ch;
f = f;
return 0;
int fgetc(FILE *f)
f = f;
return 0;
int _sys_close(FILEHANDLE fh)
fh = fh;
return 0;
int _sys_write(FILEHANDLE fh, const unsigned char * buf,
unsigned len, int mode)
fh = fh;
buf = buf;
len =len;
mode = mode;
return 0;
int _sys_read(FILEHANDLE fh, unsigned char * buf,