% tdscdmasys.m: 系统参数和初始化
% contais all the system realated paramters needed.
% also contais all the frequently changed system and control paramters needed
% 毕海
% 2005.1.29
% Version 1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% general %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
frequency = 2000; %MHz
channelSpacing = 1.6e6; %Hz
channelOffset = 1; %Offset for the second carrier (multiple of the channelSpacing)
W = 1.28e6; %Hz - CDMA bandwidth
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BS parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
BS_noise_figure = 5; % dB
Thermal_noise_density = -174;% dBm/Hz
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MS parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
msHeight = 1.5; %m
MS_noise_figure = 7; %dB
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% general %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%following parameters are fixed but could be as well BS or MS
%specific if different classes of BSs or MSs exist
BStype = [1]; % 1 for omni BS, 2 for 3 sector BS
WraparoundCircle = [3]; % 2 stands for 7, 3 stands for 19 BS, 4 stands for 37
BSspace = 2000;
%following values are from 3GPP 25.102 and 25.105
acsFilterUL = [49]; %channel offset 1, (BS selectivity), channel 2 not spec.
acsFilterDL = [33]; %channel offset 1, (MS selectivity), channel 2 not spec.
aclrFilterDL = [40 45]; %channel offset 1, channel offset 2 (BS leakage)
aclrFilterUL = [33 43]; %channel offset 1, channel offset 2 (MS leakage)
couplingLossBS = [70]; % coupling loss for BS
couplingLossUE = [53]; % coupling loss for UE
couplingLossLocalArea = [45]; % coupling loss for both BS and UE when used for Local Area
%following values are from "hat"
acMinPowUL = -55; %dBm <- JNu
acMinPowDL = -55; %dBm
acMinPowUL = -999; %dBm
acMinPowDL = -999; %dBm
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% propagation related %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
pathlossModel = 1; % 1: Okumura Hata
% 2: UMTS pedestrian (micro)
deltaHb = 15; %(needed with 2) % 3: UMTS vehicular (macro)
% 4: UMTS vehicular with hb = 15m, f = 2000 MHz
% 5: OH with hb = 35 m
% 6: single slope model; slope = 40 dB/dec.
% 7: Linkloss data from nps/x
% 8: Linkloss data from nps/x (vector data displayed)
useImportedAntennaInfo = 0; % 0: don't use antenna type/dir./tilt from NPSX, keep old
% (antenna in NPSX should have been isotropic)
% 1: use antenna type/dir./tilt from NPSX
sigmaLogNorm = 3; % standard deviation for the log normal fading [dB]
sectCorr = 0.8; % fading correlation between sectors at same cell
siteCorr = 0.5; % fading correlation between sectors at different cell
mobilestationAntennaGain = 3; % dBi
mobilestationBodyLoss = 3; % dB
area_correction = [0]; % dB - 0 for urban,
% -3 for dense urban,
% 8 for suburban....
antennaHeight = 35; % 米
MinMCL = 70; % dB
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% power and antenna related %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
maxBSOneAntennaPower = 25; % dBm
numAntenna = 8;
AntennaGain = 14;
maxclass1MSpower = 21;
maxclass2MSpower = 24;
maxclass3MSpower = 30;
Pccpchpower = 27; % dBm, for one code channel
Dwpchpower = 27; % dBm,
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