function [c, newH] = makeParityChk(dSource, H, strategy)
% Generate parity check vector bases on LDPC matrix H using sparse LU decomposition
% dSource : Binary source (0/1)
% H : LDPC matrix
% strategy: Strategy for finding the next non-zero diagonal elements
% {0} First : First non-zero found by column search
% {1} Mincol : Minimum number of non-zeros in later columns
% {2} Minprod: Minimum product of:
% - Number of non-zeros its column minus 1
% - Number of non-zeros its row minus 1
% c : Check bits
% Copyright Bagawan S. Nugroho, 2007
% Get the matric dimension
[M, N] = size(H);
% Set a new matrix F for LU decomposition
F = H;
% LU matrices
L = zeros(M, N - M);
U = zeros(M, N - M);
% Re-order the M x (N - M) submatrix
for i = 1:M
% strategy {0 = First; 1 = Mincol; 2 = Minprod}
switch strategy
% Create diagonally structured matrix using 'First' strategy
case {0}
% Find non-zero elements (1s) for the diagonal
[r, c] = find(F(:, i:end));
% Find non-zero diagonal element candidates
rowIndex = find(r == i);
% Find the first non-zero column
chosenCol = c(rowIndex(1)) + (i - 1);
% Create diagonally structured matrix using 'Mincol' strategy
case {1}
% Find non-zero elements (1s) for the diagonal
[r, c] = find(F(:, i:end));
colWeight = sum(F(:, i:end), 1);
% Find non-zero diagonal element candidates
rowIndex = find(r == i);
% Find the minimum column weight
[x, ix] = min(colWeight(c(rowIndex)));
% Add offset to the chosen row index to match the dimension of the...
% original matrix F
chosenCol = c(rowIndex(ix)) + (i - 1);
% Create diagonally structured matrix using 'Minprod' strategy
case {2}
% Find non-zero elements (1s) for the diagonal
[r, c] = find(F(:, i:end));
colWeight = sum(F(:, i:end), 1) - 1;
rowWeight = sum(F(i, :), 2) - 1;
% Find non-zero diagonal element candidates
rowIndex = find(r == i);
% Find the minimum product
[x, ix] = min(colWeight(c(rowIndex))*rowWeight);
% Add offset to the chosen row index to match the dimension of the...
% original matrix F
chosenCol = c(rowIndex(ix)) + (i - 1);
fprintf('Please select columns re-ordering strategy!\n');
end % switch
% Re-ordering columns of both H and F
tmp1 = F(:, i);
tmp2 = H(:, i);
F(:, i) = F(:, chosenCol);
H(:, i) = H(:, chosenCol);
F(:, chosenCol) = tmp1;
H(:, chosenCol) = tmp2;
% Fill the LU matrices column by column
L(i:end, i) = F(i:end, i);
U(1:i, i) = F(1:i, i);
% There will be no rows operation at the last row
if i < M
% Find the later rows with non-zero elements in column i
[r2, c2] = find(F((i + 1):end, i));
% Add current row to the later rows which have a 1 in column i
F((i + r2), :) = mod(F((i + r2), :) + repmat(F(i, :), length(r2), 1), 2);
end % if
end % for i
% Find B.dsource
z = mod(H(:, (N - M) + 1:end)*dSource, 2);
% Parity check vector found by solving sparse LU
c = mod(U\(L\z), 2);
% Return the rearrange H
newH = H;
fprintf('Message encoded.\n');