#ifndef __GENWQE_CARD_H__
#define __GENWQE_CARD_H__
* IBM Accelerator Family 'GenWQE'
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2013
* Author: Frank Haverkamp <haver@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
* Author: Joerg-Stephan Vogt <jsvogt@de.ibm.com>
* Author: Michael Jung <mijung@de.ibm.com>
* Author: Michael Ruettger <michael@ibmra.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 only)
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* User-space API for the GenWQE card. For debugging and test purposes
* the register addresses are included here too.
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
/* Basename of sysfs, debugfs and /dev interfaces */
#define GENWQE_DEVNAME "genwqe"
#define GENWQE_TYPE_ALTERA_230 0x00 /* GenWQE4 Stratix-IV-230 */
#define GENWQE_TYPE_ALTERA_530 0x01 /* GenWQE4 Stratix-IV-530 */
#define GENWQE_TYPE_ALTERA_A4 0x02 /* GenWQE5 A4 Stratix-V-A4 */
#define GENWQE_TYPE_ALTERA_A7 0x03 /* GenWQE5 A7 Stratix-V-A7 */
/* MMIO Unit offsets: Each UnitID occupies a defined address range */
#define GENWQE_UID_OFFS(uid) ((uid) << 24)
/* Common offsets per UnitID */
#define IO_EXTENDED_ERROR_POINTER 0x00000048
#define IO_ERROR_INJECT_SELECTOR 0x00000060
#define IO_EXTENDED_DIAG_SELECTOR 0x00000070
#define IO_EXTENDED_DIAG_READ_MBX 0x00000078
#define IO_EXTENDED_DIAG_MAP(ring) (0x00000500 | ((ring) << 3))
#define GENWQE_EXTENDED_DIAG_SELECTOR(ring, trace) (((ring) << 8) | (trace))
/* UnitID 0: Service Layer Unit (SLU) */
/* SLU: Unit Configuration Register */
#define IO_SLU_UNITCFG 0x00000000
#define IO_SLU_UNITCFG_TYPE_MASK 0x000000000ff00000 /* 27:20 */
/* SLU: Fault Isolation Register (FIR) (ac_slu_fir) */
#define IO_SLU_FIR 0x00000008 /* read only, wr direct */
#define IO_SLU_FIR_CLR 0x00000010 /* read and clear */
/* SLU: First Error Capture Register (FEC/WOF) */
#define IO_SLU_FEC 0x00000018
#define IO_SLU_ERR_ACT_MASK 0x00000020
#define IO_SLU_ERR_ATTN_MASK 0x00000028
#define IO_SLU_FIRX1_ACT_MASK 0x00000030
#define IO_SLU_FIRX0_ACT_MASK 0x00000038
#define IO_SLU_SEC_LEM_DEBUG_OVR 0x00000040
#define IO_SLU_EXTENDED_ERR_PTR 0x00000048
#define IO_SLU_COMMON_CONFIG 0x00000060
#define IO_SLU_FLASH_FIR 0x00000108
#define IO_SLU_SLC_FIR 0x00000110
#define IO_SLU_RIU_TRAP 0x00000280
#define IO_SLU_FLASH_FEC 0x00000308
#define IO_SLU_SLC_FEC 0x00000310
* The Virtual Function's Access is from offset 0x00010000
* The Physical Function's Access is from offset 0x00050000
* Single Shared Registers exists only at offset 0x00060000
* SLC: Queue Virtual Window Window for accessing into a specific VF
* queue. When accessing the 0x10000 space using the 0x50000 address
* segment, the value indicated here is used to specify which VF
* register is decoded. This register, and the 0x50000 register space
* can only be accessed by the PF. Example, if this register is set to
* 0x2, then a read from 0x50000 is the same as a read from 0x10000
* from VF=2.
/* SLC: Queue Segment */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_SEGMENT 0x00010000
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_SEGMENT 0x00050000
/* SLC: Queue Offset */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_OFFSET 0x00010008
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_OFFSET 0x00050008
/* SLC: Queue Configuration */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_CONFIG 0x00010010
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_CONFIG 0x00050010
/* SLC: Job Timout/Only accessible for the PF */
#define IO_SLC_APPJOB_TIMEOUT 0x00010018
#define IO_SLC_VF_APPJOB_TIMEOUT 0x00050018
#define TIMEOUT_250MS 0x0000000f
#define HEARTBEAT_DISABLE 0x0000ff00
/* SLC: Queue InitSequence Register */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_INITSQN 0x00010020
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_INITSQN 0x00050020
/* SLC: Queue Wrap */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_WRAP 0x00010028
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_WRAP 0x00050028
/* SLC: Queue Status */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_STATUS 0x00010100
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_STATUS 0x00050100
/* SLC: Queue Working Time */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_WTIME 0x00010030
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_WTIME 0x00050030
/* SLC: Queue Error Counts */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_ERRCNTS 0x00010038
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_ERRCNTS 0x00050038
/* SLC: Queue Loast Response Word */
#define IO_SLC_QUEUE_LRW 0x00010040
#define IO_SLC_VF_QUEUE_LRW 0x00050040
/* SLC: Freerunning Timer */
#define IO_SLC_FREE_RUNNING_TIMER 0x00010108
#define IO_SLC_VF_FREE_RUNNING_TIMER 0x00050108
/* SLC: Queue Virtual Access Region */
#define IO_PF_SLC_VIRTUAL_REGION 0x00050000
/* SLC: Queue Virtual Window */
#define IO_PF_SLC_VIRTUAL_WINDOW 0x00060000
/* SLC: DDCB Application Job Pending [n] (n=0:63) */
#define IO_PF_SLC_JOBPEND(n) (0x00061000 + 8*(n))
/* SLC: Parser Trap RAM [n] (n=0:31) */
#define IO_SLU_SLC_PARSE_TRAP(n) (0x00011000 + 8*(n))
/* SLC: Dispatcher Trap RAM [n] (n=0:31) */
#define IO_SLU_SLC_DISP_TRAP(n) (0x00011200 + 8*(n))
/* Global Fault Isolation Register (GFIR) */
#define IO_SLC_CFGREG_GFIR 0x00020000
#define GFIR_ERR_TRIGGER 0x0000ffff
/* SLU: Soft Reset Register */
#define IO_SLC_CFGREG_SOFTRESET 0x00020018
/* SLU: Misc Debug Register */
#define IO_SLC_MISC_DEBUG 0x00020060
#define IO_SLC_MISC_DEBUG_CLR 0x00020068
#define IO_SLC_MISC_DEBUG_SET 0x00020070
/* Temperature Sensor Reading */
#define IO_SLU_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR 0x00030000
#define IO_SLU_TEMPERATURE_CONFIG 0x00030008
/* Voltage Margining Control */
#define IO_SLU_VOLTAGE_CONTROL 0x00030080
#define IO_SLU_VOLTAGE_NOMINAL 0x00000000
#define IO_SLU_VOLTAGE_DOWN5 0x00000006
#define IO_SLU_VOLTAGE_UP5 0x00000007
/* Direct LED Control Register */
#define IO_SLU_LEDCONTROL 0x00030100
/* SLU: Flashbus Direct Access -A5 */
#define IO_SLU_FLASH_DIRECTACCESS 0x00040010
/* SLU: Flashbus Direct Access2 -A5 */
#define IO_SLU_FLASH_DIRECTACCESS2 0x00040020
/* SLU: Flashbus Command Interface -A5 */
#define IO_SLU_FLASH_CMDINTF 0x00040030
/* SLU: BitStream Loaded */
#define IO_SLU_BITSTREAM 0x00040040
/* This Register has a switch which will change the CAs to UR */
#define IO_HSU_ERR_BEHAVIOR 0x01001010
#define IO_SLC2_SQB_TRAP 0x00062000
#define IO_SLC2_QUEUE_MANAGER_TRAP 0x00062008
#define IO_SLC2_FLS_MASTER_TRAP 0x00062010
/* UnitID 1: HSU Registers */
#define IO_HSU_UNITCFG 0x01000000
#define IO_HSU_FIR 0x01000008
#define IO_HSU_FIR_CLR 0x01000010
#define IO_HSU_FEC 0x01000018
#define IO_HSU_ERR_ACT_MASK 0x01000020
#define IO_HSU_ERR_ATTN_MASK 0x01000028
#define IO_HSU_FIRX1_ACT_MASK 0x01000030
#define IO_HSU_FIRX0_ACT_MASK 0x01000038
#define IO_HSU_SEC_LEM_DEBUG_OVR 0x01000040
#define IO_HSU_EXTENDED_ERR_PTR 0x01000048
#define IO_HSU_COMMON_CONFIG 0x01000060
/* UnitID 2: Application Unit (APP) */
#define IO_APP_UNITCFG 0x02000000
#define IO_APP_FIR 0x02000008
#define IO_APP_FIR_CLR 0x02000010
#define IO_APP_FEC 0x02000018
#define IO_APP_ERR_ACT_MASK 0x02000020
#define IO_APP_ERR_ATTN_MASK 0x02000028
#define IO_APP_FIRX1_ACT_MASK 0x02000030
#define IO_APP_FIRX0_ACT_MASK 0x02000038
#define IO_APP_SEC_LEM_DEBUG_OVR 0x02000040
#define IO_APP_EXTENDED_ERR_PTR 0x02000048
#define IO_APP_COMMON_CONFIG 0x02000060
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_01 0x02010000
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_02 0x02010008
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_03 0x02010010
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_04 0x02010018
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_05 0x02010020
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_06 0x02010028
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_07 0x02010030
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_08 0x02010038
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_09 0x02010040
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_10 0x02010048
#define IO_APP_DEBUG_REG_11 0x02010050
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