function pattern = elementaryCellularAutomata1(~, n, width, randfrac )
%elementaryCellularAutomata Elementary 1D cellular automaton patterns
% PATTERN = elementaryCellularAutomata(RULE, NITER), where NITER is a
% scalar, returns an NITER x 2*NITER+1 matrix whose entries are all 0 or
% 1. The I'th row of the matrix contains the state of the elementary 1D
% cellular automaton at iteration I-1, counting the initial state as
% iteration 0. The integer RULE specifies the rule to use as set out at
% The initial state is all zeros except for a 1 at element NITER+1 (the
% central element) of the CA.
% PATTERN = elementaryCellularAutomata(RULE, NITER, WID), where WID is a
% scalar, returns an NITER x WID matrix. The array of cells is taken to
% be circular, so that PATTERN(I+1,I) depends on PATTERN{(I,WID), (I,1)
% and (I,2)}. Similarly, PATTERN(I+1,WID) depends on PATTERN{(I,WID-1),
% (I,WID) and (I,1)}. This only matters if WID < 2*NITER+1 and RULE is
% such that the pattern propagates outwards, so reaching the boundaries
% of the array.
% This wraparound allows long, thin patterns to be generated if an
% appropriate rule is chosen. All patterns with a fixed width will be
% periodic, unless some random noise is added.
% The state on the first iteration is all zeros except for a 1 at element
% floor((WID+1)/2) of the CA.
% PATTERN = elementaryCellularAutomata(RULE, NITER, START) where START is
% a 1 x WID row vector containing only the values 0 and 1, is as above
% except that the initial state is given by the entries in START. Thus on
% exit, PATTERN(1,:) is equal to START.
% PATTERN = elementaryCellularAutomata(RULE, NITER, WIDSTART, FNOISE) is
% as above except that noise is added to the process. WIDSTART can be
% either a scalar giving the width or a vector giving the start state; an
% empty matrix is equivalent to 2*NITER+1. FNOISE is a number from 0 to 1
% giving the probability that any given cell will be set to the wrong
% state (the complement of the state given by the rule) on any one
% iteration.
% Example
% -------
% % show 50 rows of each pattern
% for rule = 0:255
% pattern = elementaryCellularAutomata(rule, 50);
% imshow(pattern); pause;
% end
% Copyright 2010 David Young
% check arguments and supply defaults
narginchk(2, 4);
validateattributes(rule, {'numeric'}, {'scalar' 'integer' 'nonnegative' '<=' 255}, ...
'elementaryCellularAutomata', 'RULE');
validateattributes(n, {'numeric'}, {'scalar' 'integer' 'positive'}, ...
'elementaryCellularAutomata', 'N');
if nargin < 3 || isempty(width)
width = 2*n-1;
elseif isscalar(width)
validateattributes(width, {'numeric'}, {'integer' 'positive'}, ...
'elementaryCellularAutomata', 'WIDTH');
validateattributes(width, {'numeric' 'logical'}, {'binary' 'row'}, ...
'elementaryCellularAutomata', 'START');
if nargin < 4 || isempty(randfrac)
dorand = false;
validateattributes(randfrac, {'double' 'single'}, {'scalar' 'nonnegative' '<=' 1}, ...
'elementaryCellularAutomata', 'FNOISE');
dorand = true;
% set up machine
if isscalar(width)
patt = ones(1, width);
patt(floor((width+1)/2)) = 2;
patt = width + 1; % change 0,1 to 1,2 so can use sub2ind
width = length(patt);
% unpack rule
rulearr = (bitget(rule, 1:8) + 1);
% initialise output array
pattern = zeros(n, width);
% iterate to generate rest of pattern
for i = 1:n
pattern(i, :) = patt; % record current state in output array
% core step: apply CA rules to propagate to next 1D pattern
ind = sub2ind([2 2 2], ...
[patt(2:end) patt(1)], patt, [patt(end) patt(1:end-1)]);
patt = rulearr(ind);
%optional randomisation
if dorand
flip = rand(1, width) < randfrac;
patt(flip) = 3 - patt(flip);
% change symbols from 1 and 2 to 0 and 1
pattern = pattern-1;