密集多载波 EBPSK 脉冲雷达
密集多载波 EBPSK 脉冲雷达
摘要:本文首先从理论上推导了密集多载波 EBPSK 脉冲雷达在未知目标散射系数、已知目标散
率,并在此基础上,提出了使目标检测概率最大化的最佳权重累积目标检测算法. 然后在子载
与单载波 EBPSK 脉冲雷达的目标检测性能,给出了多载波 EBPSK 脉冲雷达目标检测性能优于单
The Dense Multi-carrier EBPSK Pulse Radar
Abstract: In this paper, a target detection algorithm and the corresponding theoretical value of
the target detection probability based on the dense multi-carrier EBPSK pulse radar is given on
conditions of unknown target scattering coefficients, known target scattering coefficients and using
the best estimate algorithm to get the target scattering coefficients. And the optimum weight
cumulative target detection algorithm to maximize the probability of target detection is proposed.
This paper compares the multi-carrier EBPSK pulse radar target detection performance with the
single carrier one under conditions of orthogonal frequency interval as well as less than the
orthogonal frequency interval, known as the dense multi-carrier, respectively, and gives the
condition of the multi-carrier EBPSK pulse radar target detection performance better than the
single-carrier one, then analyzes the target detection effect of the dense multi-carrier, and the target
detection limit probability when signal-to-noise ratio tends to infinity.
Key words: Dense multi-carrier; EBPSK; CFAR detector; optimum weight cumulative target
detection algorithm; pulse radar.
1 引言
2000 年 Levanon 首先提出多载波相位编码雷达信号[1,2],该雷达信号与正交频分复用
(OFDM:Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)技术具有相同的信号形式,而且多载波
OFDM 的多载波相位编码雷达信号得到了广泛的研究[4].
在 OFDM 多载波脉冲雷达中,由于目标对不同频率雷达信号的散射系数并不相同,于是本