# Wait! You need the New PubNub WebRTC SDK
> [WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile](https://github.com/stephenlb/webrtc-sdk)
PubNub WebRTC SDK v0.7.0 ~ Old
Don't forget this is the old SDK reposiotry. Make sure you go to [WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile](https://github.com/stephenlb/webrtc-sdk) instead.
PubNub now offers a new API for enhancing your WebRTC applications with the power of PubNub. Our WebRTC API will perform signaling between your users to allow them to connect with a RTCPeerConnection. From there you can use the PubNub API to enhance your peer application with features such as presence and history. PubNub Presence will allow you to find what users are connected to your application and give you a phonebook of people to connect to. You can also use history to see what connections you have made and reconnect to people from the past.
Read more about the [PubNub API](http://pubnub.com)
# Installation
As a prequisite you will need a setup your PubNub account by following these steps:
* Use an existing or sign up for a free account at [pubnub.com](http://pubnub.com)
* Use the administration tool to enable *history, presence, and elastic message sizes* (these are used by the API to connect users to each other)
* Copy your publish and subscribe key to use in your application
Currently the API is only available through GitHub. This is because the API is changing daily and we would like everyone to be on the latest version. Just clone this repo and copy the `webrtc-beta-pubnub.*.*.*.js` from the dist/ folder into your app to get started. Add this after adding the standard PubNub library like so:
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://cdn.pubnub.com/pubnub-*.*.*.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/webrtc-beta-pubnub-*.*.*.min.js'></script>
# Getting Started
Here is the three minute getting started example. This will initialize the PubNub API, setup a RTCPeerConnection with a user, and publish a message to that user.
var pubnub = PUBNUB.init({
publish_key: 'demo',
subscribe_key: 'demo'
// Here is where you can use PubNub Presence to get the UUID of the other user
// var uuid = 'ABC123'
user: uuid, // This tells PubNub to use WebRTC Data Channel
callback: function (message) {
console.log("I got the message: ", message);
user: uuid, // This tells PubNub to use WebRTC Data Channel
message: "Hello World!"
## How it Works
We utilize the standard PubNub framework to perform signaling between your peer users. This manages the sending of ICE candidates as well as SDP offers. It also gives you an easy unique identifier for every user so it is easy to list and request connections from other users.
## Using UUIDs
Every user on the PubNub network gets assigned a unique user ID. We can use this user ID to send data between our users to establish a RTCPeerConnection. We can use PubNub presence to get these user ID's when it fires join and leave events from the APi. You can read more about presence [here](http://www.pubnub.com/solutions/features).
# API Reference
## pubnub.publish(options)
This publishes a message to a given user if the `user` key is used instead of `channel`.
* user: The unique user ID to send the message to
* [message]: The string to send using WebRTC Data Channel
* [stream]: The video or audio stream to add to the peer connection
### Stream Publishing
Since WebRTC requires all streams to be published before a connection is made, all publish calls with a `stream` made after a subscribe or onNewConnection will fail. All streams are immediately added to the peer connection when this is called.
user: 'ABC123',
message: 'Hello there!'
## pubnub.onNewConnection(callback)
This is a work around for publishing a video / audio stream to a user who has already initiated a connection. This will be called before the connection is finalized, giving your client a chance to publish their own media stream back to the other user as required by the specification. This solves a chicken - egg problem with the publish / subscribe methods.
* callback: A function that takes a UUID as an argument to know who is connecting
pubnub.onNewConnection(function (uuid) {
// Here we can decide if we need to publish our own media stream back
user: uuid,
stream: myStream
## pubnub.subscribe(options)
This subscribes to messages from the given user if the `user` key is used instead of `channel`.
* user: The unique user ID to listen to
* [callback]: The function to call when a data message is received
* [stream]: The function to call when a video or audio stream is added to the connection
* [connect]: Called when a connection is established
* [disconnect]: Called when a connection is closed
user: 'ABC123',
callback: function (message) {
console.log('I got the message ', message);
connect: function (uuid, peerConnection) {
// Called when the peerConnection is fully established
disconnect: function (uuid, peerConnection) {
// Called when the peerConnection is closed
## pubnub.unsubscribe(options)
This unsubscribes from a user and closes the data channel and peer connection to the other user.
* user: The unique user ID to unsubscribe from
user: 'ABC123'
## pubnub.peerConnection(uuid, callback)
This will return the RTCPeerConnection object for the user ID given. If there is no RTCPeerConnection with the given user it will call the callback with `null`.
* uuid: The unique user ID to get the RTCPeerConnection for
* callback: The function that accepts one argument which is the RTCPeerConnection object
pubnub.peerConnection('ABC123', function (pc) {
## pubnub.dataChannel(uuid, callback)
This will return the RTCDataChannel object for the user ID given. If there is no RTCDataChannel with the given user it will call the callback with `null`.
* uuid: The unique user ID to get the RTCDataChannel for
* callback: The function that accepts one argument which is the RTCDataChannel object
pubnub.peerConnection('ABC123', function (dc) {
## pubnub.configurePeerConnection(rtcConfig, pcConfig)
This will change the configuration options when internally creating a RTCPeerConnection. The two arguments are the first and second argument in the creation code specifically.
* rtcConfig: The first argument when creating a new RTCPeerConnection
* pcConfig: The second argument when creating a new RTCPeerConnection
iceServers: [{ 'url': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' }]
}, {
optional: [{ RtpDataChannels: true }]
# Using the PubNub API
As a note you can still use the regular PubNub API like normal. It will pass through any `publish` and `subscribe` calls to the original API if they are not using the `user` key. This way you can use channel presence to find the right user to connect to.
# User Channel Names
In an effort to reduce pollution this API will make a subscribe call to a channel called `pn_<uuid>`. This is how the API sends the handshake and ICE server data to other users. Keep this in mind when subscribe to channels as these will be in use by the API.