% bpfig34: BP Figure 34 -- Phase plane evolution at
% BP-Interior iterations.
% BP-Interior iteratively sparsifies the MOF solution.
% Signal: FM-Cosine
% Signal Length: 1024
% Dictionary: Cosine Packets with D = log2(n)-4
% Observations:
% (a) Initial phase plane, i.e. the MOF phase plane.
% (b) Phase plane at the 1st BP-Interior iteration.
% (c) Phase plane at the 2st BP-Interior iteration.
% (d) Phase plane at the 3st BP-Interior iteration.
% (e) Phase plane at the 4st BP-Interior iteration.
% (f) Phase plane at the BP-Interior iteration teramination.
help bpfig34
n = 1024; D = log2(n); qmf = MakeONFilter('Symmlet', 8);bell = 'Sine';
x = InputSignal('FM', n);
cBPMovie= zeros(n * (D-4+1), 6);
NameOfDict = 'CP'; par1 = log2(n) - 4; par2 = 0; par3 = 0;
MaxBPIter = 30;
CGAccuracy = 1e-1;
FeaTol = 1e-1;
OptTol = 1e-1;
%*** Size of the problem
b = x(:); n = length(b);
[m L] = SizeOfDict(n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
%*** Setting the controlling parameters
delta = OptTol;
gamma = OptTol;
sigma = .995;
MaxCGIter = m * log2(m);
%*** Initializing (x, y, z), make sure x and z are INTERIOR
%*** Initializing by MOF representation
disp('Initializing BP-Interior by MOF ...')
x = MOF(b, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3,1e-5);
x = [ x .* (x > 0) ; (-x) .* (x < 0) ];
sg = sign(x);
y = FastSS(sg, n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
ap = FastAA(y,NameOfDict,par1,par2, par3);ap = ap(1:m);
mp = 1.1 * max(max(abs(ap)));
ap = ap ./ mp;
y = y ./ mp;
z1 = 1- ap(:);
z2 = 1+ ap(:);
z = [z1 ; z2];
x = x + .1;
x0 = x; y0 = y; z0 = z;
%*** Initialization for BP-Interior Iterations
mu0 = .01;
f = [z .* x; b - FastSS(x, n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3) - delta * y; ...
- FastAA(y, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3) - z + gamma * x + 1];
mu = mu0 * norm(f) / sqrt(2 * m);
k = -1;
gamma = gamma ^ 2;
delta = delta ^ 2;
zerosn = zeros(n,1);
%*** Iteration
disp(' ')
disp('BP-Interior Iterations ...')
head = ' mItn PrimalFea DualFea DualGap Obj CGStep';
for i = 1:MaxBPIter,
if i >= 1 & i <= 5,
cBPMovie(:,i) = x(1:m)-x((m+1):(2*m));
% Calculate the Residules
v1 = mu - z .* x;
v2 = b - FastSS(x, n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
v3 = - FastAA(y, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3) - z + 1;
% Test Termination
PrimalFeas = norm(v2) / (1 + norm(x));
DualFeas = norm(v3) / (1 + norm(y));
PDGap = z' * x / (1 + abs(sum(x)));
Obj = sum(abs(x));
fprintf('BPStep %4g: %8.2e %8.2e %8.2e %14.7e %3g\n', i-1, PrimalFeas, DualFeas, PDGap, Obj, k)
Feasible = PrimalFeas < FeaTol & DualFeas < FeaTol;
Converged = PDGap < OptTol;
if Feasible & Converged,
% Solve Newton's Direction by CG: (SHA + delta I) * dy = h
H = 1 ./ (z ./ x + gamma);
h = v2 - FastSS(H .* (v1 ./ x - v3), n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
thresh = CGAccuracy/i * norm(h); thresh = thresh ^ 2;
dy = zerosn;
r = h;
rho_1 = norm(r) ^ 2;
for k = 1:MaxCGIter,
%fprintf(' CG Step: %3g: %g\n', k, rho_1);
if k == 1,
p = r;
beta = rho_1 / rho_0;
p = r + beta * p;
w = FastSS(H .* FastAA(p, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3), n, ...
NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3) + delta * p;
alpha = rho_1 / (p' * w);
r = r - alpha * w;
rho_0 = rho_1;
rho_1 = norm(r) ^2;
dy = dy + alpha * p;
if rho_1 < thresh,
if k == MaxCGIter,
if imp < 0,
x = xold;
fprintf('Too many CG iterations!\n')
dx=H .* (v1 ./ x - v3) + H .* FastAA(dy, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
dz = v1 ./ x - dx .* z ./ x;
negdx = dx < -1e-14;
negdz = dz < -1e-14;
Rp = min(x(negdx) ./ abs(dx(negdx)));
Rd = min(z(negdz) ./ abs(dz(negdz)));
% Update (x y z mu)
xold = x;
x = x + sigma * Rp * dx;
y = y + sigma * Rd * dy;
z = z + sigma * Rd * dz;
mu = (1 - min([Rp Rd sigma])) * mu;
%% Feasibility:
%% Let dx = x - x0
%% Project dx onto the null space of \Phi by Conjugate Gradients:
%% dx = (I - \Phi^T * (\Phi * \Phi^T)^-1 * \Phi) dx
%% x = x0 + dx
dx = x - x0;
r = FastSS(dx, n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
thresh = 1e-16 * norm(r); thresh = thresh ^ 2;
dd = zerosn;
rho_1 = norm(r) ^ 2;
for k = 1:MaxCGIter,
%fprintf(' CG Step: %3g: %g\n', k, rho_1);
if k == 1,
p = r;
beta = rho_1 / rho_0;
p = r + beta * p;
w = FastSS(FastAA(p, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3), n, ...
NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
alpha = rho_1 / (p' * w);
r = r - alpha * w;
rho_0 = rho_1;
rho_1 = norm(r) ^2;
dd = dd + alpha * p;
if rho_1 < thresh,
dx = dx - FastAA(dd, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3);
%dx = dx - FastAA(FastSS(dx, n, NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3), ...
% NameOfDict, par1, par2, par3) / (2 * L);
x = x0 + dx;
c = x(1:m) - x((m+1):(2*m));
cBPMovie(:,6) = c;
fprintf('Obj = %14.7e\n', sum(abs(c)));
TFScale = 20;
for i = 1:6,
PhasePlane(cBPMovie(:, i), 'CP', n, 0, 256, TFScale);
subplot(3,2,1);title('Phase Plane: BP Iteration = 0');
subplot(3,2,2);title('Phase Plane: BP Iteration = 1');
subplot(3,2,3);title('Phase Plane: BP Iteration = 2');
subplot(3,2,4);title('Phase Plane: BP Iteration = 3');
subplot(3,2,5);title('Phase Plane: BP Iteration = 4');
subplot(3,2,6);title('Phase Plane: BP Termination');