function [m,n,E,dSP]=grShortPath(E)
%--刘艳注 根据网络连接情况 E 求取最短距离矩阵dSP
% E的格式为:首端节点号 末端节点号 支路权重
% Function dSP=grShortPath(E) solve the task about
% the shortest path between any vertexes of digraph.
% Input parameter:
% E(m,2) or (m,3) - the arrows of digraph and their weight;
% 1st and 2nd elements of each row is numbers of vertexes;
% 3rd elements of each row is weight of arrow;
% m - number of arrows.
% If we set the array E(m,2), then all weights is 1.
% Output parameter:
% dSP(n,n) - the matrix of shortest path.
% Each element dSP(i,j) is the shortest path
% from vertex i to vertex j (may be inf,
% if vertex j is not accessible from vertex i).
% Uses the algorithm of R.W.Floyd, S.A.Warshall.
% [dSP,sp]=grShortPath(E,s,t) - find also
% the shortest paths from vertex s (source) to vertex t (tail).
% In this case output parameter sp is vector with numbers
% of vertexes, included to shortest path from s to t.
% for testing of this algorithm.
% ============= Input data validation ==================
if nargin<1,
error('There are no input data!')
[m,n,E] = grValidation(E); % E data validation
% ================ Initial values ===============
dSP=ones(n)*inf; % initial distances
% ========= The main cycle of Floyd-Warshall algorithm =========
for j=1:n,
% --sp=[];
% if (nargin<3)|(isempty(s))|(isempty(t)),
% return
% end
% s=s(1);
% t=t(1);
% if (~(s==round(s)))|(~(t==round(t)))|(s<1)|(s>n)|(t<1)|(t>n),
% error(['s and t must be integer from 1 to ' num2str(n)])
% end
% if isinf(dSP(s,t)), % t is not accessible from s
% return
% end
% dSP1=dSP;
% dSP1(1:n+1:n^2)=0; % modified dSP
% l=ones(m,1); % label for each arrow
% sp=t; % final vertex
% while ~(sp(1)==s),
% nv=find((E(:,2)==sp(1))&l); % all labeled arrows to sp(1)
% vnv=abs((dSP1(s,sp(1))-dSP1(s,E(nv,1)))'-E(nv,3))<eps*1e3; % valided arrows
% l(nv(~vnv))=0; % labels of not valided arrows
% if all(~vnv), % invalided arrows
% l(find((E(:,1)==sp(1))&(E(:,2)==sp(2))))=0;
% sp=sp(2:end); % one step back
% else
% nv=nv(vnv); % rested vaded arrows
% sp=[E(nv(1),1) sp]; % add one vertex to shortest path
% end
%-- end