// ASIHTTPRequest.h
// Created by Ben Copsey on 04/10/2007.
// Copyright 2007-2011 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved.
// A guide to the main features is available at:
// http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest
// Portions are based on the ImageClient example from Apple:
// See: http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/ImageClient/listing37.html
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CFNetwork/CFNetwork.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> // Necessary for background task support
#import <stdio.h>
#import "ASIHTTPRequestConfig.h"
#import "ASIHTTPRequestDelegate.h"
#import "ASIProgressDelegate.h"
#import "ASICacheDelegate.h"
@class ASIDataDecompressor;
extern NSString *ASIHTTPRequestVersion;
// Make targeting different platforms more reliable
// See: http://www.blumtnwerx.com/blog/2009/06/cross-sdk-code-hygiene-in-xcode/
#ifndef __IPHONE_3_2
#define __IPHONE_3_2 30200
#ifndef __IPHONE_4_0
#define __IPHONE_4_0 40000
#ifndef __MAC_10_5
#define __MAC_10_5 1050
#ifndef __MAC_10_6
#define __MAC_10_6 1060
typedef enum _ASIAuthenticationState {
ASINoAuthenticationNeededYet = 0,
ASIHTTPAuthenticationNeeded = 1,
ASIProxyAuthenticationNeeded = 2
} ASIAuthenticationState;
typedef enum _ASINetworkErrorType {
ASIConnectionFailureErrorType = 1,
ASIRequestTimedOutErrorType = 2,
ASIAuthenticationErrorType = 3,
ASIRequestCancelledErrorType = 4,
ASIUnableToCreateRequestErrorType = 5,
ASIInternalErrorWhileBuildingRequestType = 6,
ASIInternalErrorWhileApplyingCredentialsType = 7,
ASIFileManagementError = 8,
ASITooMuchRedirectionErrorType = 9,
ASIUnhandledExceptionError = 10,
ASICompressionError = 11
} ASINetworkErrorType;
// The error domain that all errors generated by ASIHTTPRequest use
extern NSString* const NetworkRequestErrorDomain;
// You can use this number to throttle upload and download bandwidth in iPhone OS apps send or receive a large amount of data
// This may help apps that might otherwise be rejected for inclusion into the app store for using excessive bandwidth
// This number is not official, as far as I know there is no officially documented bandwidth limit
extern unsigned long const ASIWWANBandwidthThrottleAmount;
typedef void (^ASIBasicBlock)(void);
typedef void (^ASIHeadersBlock)(NSDictionary *responseHeaders);
typedef void (^ASISizeBlock)(long long size);
typedef void (^ASIProgressBlock)(unsigned long long size, unsigned long long total);
typedef void (^ASIDataBlock)(NSData *data);
@interface ASIHTTPRequest : NSOperation <NSCopying> {
// The url for this operation, should include GET params in the query string where appropriate
NSURL *url;
// Will always contain the original url used for making the request (the value of url can change when a request is redirected)
NSURL *originalURL;
// Temporarily stores the url we are about to redirect to. Will be nil again when we do redirect
NSURL *redirectURL;
// The delegate - will be notified of various changes in state via the ASIHTTPRequestDelegate protocol
id <ASIHTTPRequestDelegate> delegate;
// Another delegate that is also notified of request status changes and progress updates
// Generally, you won't use this directly, but ASINetworkQueue sets itself as the queue so it can proxy updates to its own delegates
id <ASIHTTPRequestDelegate, ASIProgressDelegate> queue;
// HTTP method to use (eg: GET / POST / PUT / DELETE / HEAD etc). Defaults to GET
NSString *requestMethod;
// Request body - only used when the whole body is stored in memory (shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is false)
NSMutableData *postBody;
// gzipped request body used when shouldCompressRequestBody is YES
NSData *compressedPostBody;
// When true, post body will be streamed from a file on disk, rather than loaded into memory at once (useful for large uploads)
// Automatically set to true in ASIFormDataRequests when using setFile:forKey:
BOOL shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk;
// Path to file used to store post body (when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is true)
// You can set this yourself - useful if you want to PUT a file from local disk
NSString *postBodyFilePath;
// Path to a temporary file used to store a deflated post body (when shouldCompressPostBody is YES)
NSString *compressedPostBodyFilePath;
// Set to true when ASIHTTPRequest automatically created a temporary file containing the request body (when true, the file at postBodyFilePath will be deleted at the end of the request)
BOOL didCreateTemporaryPostDataFile;
// Used when writing to the post body when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is true (via appendPostData: or appendPostDataFromFile:)
NSOutputStream *postBodyWriteStream;
// Used for reading from the post body when sending the request
NSInputStream *postBodyReadStream;
// Dictionary for custom HTTP request headers
NSMutableDictionary *requestHeaders;
// Set to YES when the request header dictionary has been populated, used to prevent this happening more than once
BOOL haveBuiltRequestHeaders;
// Will be populated with HTTP response headers from the server
NSDictionary *responseHeaders;
// Can be used to manually insert cookie headers to a request, but it's more likely that sessionCookies will do this for you
NSMutableArray *requestCookies;
// Will be populated with cookies
NSArray *responseCookies;
// If use useCookiePersistence is true, network requests will present valid cookies from previous requests
BOOL useCookiePersistence;
// If useKeychainPersistence is true, network requests will attempt to read credentials from the keychain, and will save them in the keychain when they are successfully presented
BOOL useKeychainPersistence;
// If useSessionPersistence is true, network requests will save credentials and reuse for the duration of the session (until clearSession is called)
BOOL useSessionPersistence;
// If allowCompressedResponse is true, requests will inform the server they can accept compressed data, and will automatically decompress gzipped responses. Default is true.
BOOL allowCompressedResponse;
// If shouldCompressRequestBody is true, the request body will be gzipped. Default is false.
// You will probably need to enable this feature on your webserver to make this work. Tested with apache only.
BOOL shouldCompressRequestBody;
// When downloadDestinationPath is set, the result of this request will be downloaded to the file at this location
// If downloadDestinationPath is not set, download data will be stored in memory
NSString *downloadDestinationPath;
// The location that files will be downloaded to. Once a download is complete, files will be decompressed (if necessary) and moved to downloadDestinationPath
NSString *temporaryFileDownloadPath;
// If the response is gzipped and shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses is NO, a file will be created at this path containing the inflated response as it comes in
NSString *temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath;
// Used for writing data to a file when downloadDestinationPath is set
NSOutputStream *fileDownloadOutputStream;
NSOutputStream *inflatedFileDownloadOutputStream;
// When the request fails or completes successfully, complete will be true
BOOL complete;
// external "finished" indicator, subject of KVO notifications; updates after 'complete'
BOOL finished;
// True if our 'cancel' selector has been called
BOOL cancelled;
// If an error occurs, error will contain an NSError
// If error code is = ASIConnectionFailureErrorType (1, Connection failure occurred) - inspect [[error userInfo] objec